Chapter 1

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Picture above or to the side is of Astra.

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"Astra wait up!" My mother shouted whilst I was halfway down the street.

''Yes mum.'' I said irritatedly. I had just left the house to go to school and my mum was already calling me back.

''Come straight home after school. I have news to tell you.'' She said once she caught up with me.

''What news?''

"Well you will find out when you get home later. Have a good day.'' She said quickly and pecked me on the cheek.

''Bye mum.''

''Bye honey.''

I started walking again, finally glad to get away from my crazy household. School was a place where I could hang out with normal human teenagers. Mum had never really wanted me to go to a werewolf school because she wanted me to have a normal teenage life, well as normal as a werewolf life could possible get. However, I knew that was not the only reason.

I questioned her many times, but she just kept saying that I was being paranoid. I always found it suspicious, but I learnt that asking her would get me nowhere.

I arrived at school just on time. I was walking up the steps to the main doors when my best friend, Damon, pulled me into a hug.

''Hey Astra.''

''Hey Damon.'' I said whilst hugging him back.

''So my parents said that you and your mum are coming over tonight. How come you never told me?'' He pulled away and looked at me questioningly.

''I had no clue, mum didn't tell me that. All she said was that she had some news to tell me.''

''That's what my parents said too. It might have something to do with werewolf stuff.'' Damon said.

He was also a werewolf like me. Our mums had been best friends for years and had decided that it would be for the best if we went to a human school together. I was honestly glad that I wasn't the only werewolf here. It was nice to have someone like me by my side throughout the day as pretending to be like everyone else wasn't that simple.

''Yea probably. We better get to Reg otherwise we will be late.'' I said, whilst pulling him along with me to where our form room was.

We were both rushing down the corridor to get to Reg, but for some reason my feet turned against me and I went crashing to the floor. Damon burst out laughing causing me to blush from embarrassment.

"It's not funny!" I groaned once I got up, making sure to hit him across the arm.

''Oh very mature.'' He managed to say sarcastically, in between his laughter.

''Oh shut up. We are going to be late and I don't fancy being in detention.'' Not waiting for his response, I began walking away. 

"It's one detention, live a little, it's not going to kill you!" He shouted down the now empty corridor.

We finally got to our form room just after the second bell rang.

As I walked through the door, my form teacher whom I had nicknamed 'the wicked witch of the west' glared at both Damon and I.

"Why are you both so late? You know that I do not tolerate this from pupils in this form and you also know the consequences.''

''Sorry Miss.'' We both replied.

''I'll be seeing you two at detention. Be here at the beginning of break.''

We nodded and sat down in our usual seats.

Great! I now had detention because of my clumsiness. My day had already reached its nadir.


It was finally lunch and so far today hadn't been going so well. First, I got a stupid detention and then, my gym teacher made me run laps because apparently 'I wasn't focused on the circuits we were doing'. Maybe I was just tired after the millions of sit ups she made us do within the first ten minutes, but that obviously did not occur to her because there I was, being forced to run stupid laps that would get me nowhere in life.

To say I was currently in a bad mood was an understatement. 

I sat at my usual table when Damon sat next to me. He could tell I was in a foul mood because he tried to cheer me up, but nothing worked.

The rest of the lessons went really fast and the next thing I knew, I was hugging Damon goodbye. ''Damon you do realise that I will see you later.''

''I know, but we always hug at the end of school so I thought why not.''

I laughed at his silliness. ''Alright then. I better get home.''

''Bye Astra.''


It didn't take me long to get onto my street. I immediately saw mum leaving the house.

''Hiya sweetie. We are going over Damon's house.'' She  informed me whilst smiling.

''He told me before.'' I kissed her on the cheek as I usually did when I got home from school.

The walk to his house wasn't very long since he only lived ten minutes away.

Mum knocked on their front door and Damon's dad, George answered it.

''Hello Amanda, it's great to see you again.'' He said whilst kissing my mum's cheek.

''It's good to see you too George.''

''How have you been kiddo?'' He moved aside to let us in.

''Fine thank you.'' I replied, smiling at him.

I had always loved Damon's house. The exterior was simply stunning and very elegant.

I ran up the stairs as soon as I entered the house. His parents were like a second family to me and I basically lived here. Damon and I had always stayed over each others' houses since we were young children.

I came to a stop at his bedroom door and knocked.

"Come in." Damon said, his voice muffled by the door. He was pulling on a shirt and then turned to look at me. ''Oh it's you. You know you don't have to knock.''

"You seem really glad to see me.'' I replied sarcastically. ''And I know that I don't have to, but what if you were getting changed and were only in your underwear?''

''I bet you would love the sight of that.'' He said back whilst smirking.

''Haha, very funny.''

''Damon, Astra! Please come down stairs. We would like to talk to you both!'' George shouted up the stairs.

''Coming dad!'' Damon replied.

We both walked down the stairs and into the living room. My mum and Damon's parents were sitting on one sofa, so we both sat down on the one across from them.

''Okay, so we have something to tell you both.'' Lisa, Damon's mum said.

''We know that. Can you guys get straight to the point?'' Damon was clearly beginning to get annoyed. To be honest this was getting on my nerves too. I was dying to know what they wanted to tell us.

''Manners Damon.'' His dad warned him.

''He's right, we need to get to the point.'' My mum said sighing. ''You both will be going to an all werewolf school.''

What? That was something I was not expecting and by the looks of things, neither was Damon.

Hey! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter.

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NiNi xxx

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