Chapter 39; First Time For Everything

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Elliot and I sat down on the couch in silence, next to Marina, who was working crazily on the computer.
"Sooo. What do you do when there's no one to talk to?" I asked her.
"Not much I guess. We kind of just hang out." Marina responded, "I can tell that you guys are getting kind of fidgety. Don't worry, you don't have to only stay in the room. I'll call you guys over if anything interesting happens."
"Thanks, Marina." I said with a sigh.
Elliot and I stood up from the couch, and walked into the other room.
I began to search for my phone to listen to some music, but Elliot stopped me by saying, "Princess, wait. We kind of have to talk. You know? About..."
"Yeah I know. I was just trying to put it off.."
"Yeah, it's kind of a weird... subject..."
"Yeah..." I said, awkwardly.
We were both blushing, unsure what to say.
"Come on, let's go behind closed doors so we have a little more privacy." Elliot said, grabbing my hand.
I smiled at him, and followed him out onto the balcony.
We both sat down in chairs opposite each other and sat there in silence.
Elliot began, "So, you obviously know my feelings..."
"When did you begin feeling that way?" I asked him, curiously.
"Well, I don't really know exactly. I hated you when everything was, our version, of normal, but then I guess I kind of liked you when we went to Flounderida..." he said, attempting to look away from me.
"Why? Why would you like me of all people?" I said insecurely.
"Tres." Elliot said.
"Sorry, but it's a serious question." I said.
"Well, I kind of thought you were kind of-you know- judgemental, rude, mean, harsh, and only thought about work..." Elliot said.
"It's true though. All of those are true. Why would you love someone who's judgemental, rude, mean, harsh, and not fun?"
"Because I realized that you're not those things. You just try to be. I saw you smile, and laugh, and care about me..." Elliot said.
"But I am those things then."
"No. You're like that on the outside, but I got to know you better. You're sweet and caring, you're funny, you smile, and you've gone through some rough times. But through all that, you still work and do your job well, and care and protect everyone else." Elliot said, looking directly into my eyes.
"Why would you give me a second chance? You didn't have to give me one."
"Princess, everyone deserves a second chance. Especially someone like you..." he said, kissing my cheek lightly.
"Why are you so nice to me?" I said, through tears, "I don't deserve you..."
"Because you helped me too, don't you forget. You may have 5 as your lucky number, but I think 3 suits you just fine." he said, smiling brightly. I stared into his sincere amber eyes and gave in, I wrapped my arms around him and said, "Thank you..."
"Of course, Princess..." he said, kissing my cheek again, and then pulling me closer.
"Why do you even call me Princess?" I asked him curiously.
"I'm a prince, remember? I've actually noticed that you let me call you that more often." Elliot said with a smirk.
I crossed my arms and said defiantly, "Well, I guess I've grown fond of it, and I kind of like it..."
"Ooooooooooooooooooo! Tres finally gives into her nickname!" Elliot said smiling.
I laughed at him in delight.
We backed away from the hug, and I said, "Well, you actually call me Princess more than you do my real name."
"That's true. When did you really like me?" Elliot asked.
"Well, I didn't really know that I did until we fell in the crevice that I loved you. But I knew I should've picked up on the fact that I did, because I began to like you... And then I realized that I kept staring at you, and we kept hugging. But I was kind of distracted because I couldn't stop thinking about-"
"Isaac." he finished for me.
"But like I said, I came to the conclusion that I didn't like him, right before we..."
"Yeah..." he said awkwardly.
"So, are we-" I began.
"Uh, I guess so..." Elliot said awkwardly.
"When should we tell them?" I asked.
"I don't know, maybe when this is all over." he said.
"Yeah, that makes sense." I said.
"Well, good talk?" Elliot said, confused at his own words.
I nodded and laughed awkwardly.
I hugged him, and he looked down at me surprised, then wrapped his arms around me tightly, we began to lean in for a kiss, but the door opened.
"Hey, guys-" Marina said, emerging from the sliding doors.
Elliot and I quickly backed away from each other, and slid our chairs farther apart from each other. I blushed madly, and awkwardly said, "What did you need, Marina?"
"I'm not interrupting anything, am I?" Marina asked us.
Elliot and I were blushing heavily, and he said, "Uh, no."
"Yeah." I agreed with him, "It's fine, we weren't in the middle of anything."
Elliot laughed awkwardly and said, "So, what did you need?"
"Oh, we were just getting an incoming transmission from Opal and Steven, and I thought you guys should be in the room to help." Marina said with a smile.
"Oh, okay." I said, standing up from the chair.
Marina turned around and began walking to the room, and I stood there, waiting for Elliot.
Elliot stood up and kissed my cheek lightly, and said, "Come on."
I smiled at him, and we walked into the room.
Elliot and I sat down on the couch next to Marina and her computer.
"Here," Marina said, handing us headphones, "It's so you can hear them."
Elliot and I nodded, and took the small earbuds from her hands.
I heard Opal say over the radio say, "Guys, we have a slight problem." 

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