Chapter 27; Bang

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I sat in the front seat of the car, next to Elliot. He and I sat in silence.
It was these moments of silence when I remembered Isaac.
I seemed to think of only Isaac , among other things. Isaac had kissed me, and I knew I liked him, but I didn't know if I loved him. I knew that it might have only been the circumstances, that he only cared to make me happy. But I would never know, because as far as I know, he'd never come back. I looked silently downward, and looked at my shellphone to start playing music through my headphones.
Elliot spoke up, "Marina said that they didn't have ink guns at that base."
"Good, they're unarmed." I said, looking on the bright side.
"No, they have ancient human guns. The ones that don't just splat, they kill." Elliot said somberly.
"I just want everything to be back to the way it was before." I said, looking upward.
"I do too..." Elliot said.
"If it ever was different, do you think everyone that we know would be different?" I asked.
"Yeah, I think there would be more time to hang with each other." Elliot said, still looking forward.
"We only got a day to hang out with Serenity and Faith, and no days to hang out with the even newer agents." I said, looking over at him.
"I feel bad..." Elliot said, still looking at the road.
"I do too..."
"I wish that things were done, and kind of wish that this never happened. Things would be different between the agents, things would be different with everyone, even us." Elliot said, finally looking into my bright amber eyes. We looked into each other's eyes for a moment.
I then said, "Yeah, that makes sense. I wonder what it would be like."
"Yeah..." Elliot said, quickly looking away.
It was then that I realized that something was up with Elliot . I intended to find out.
"Are you scared?" I asked him teasingly.
"A little, Princess, we could die." Elliot said.
"Yeah. But we've got to have hope." I said, playing with my headphones.
"We're here." Elliot said, pointing at the mountain ahead.
The sanitizing ink falls from the sky, but dissipates 10 feet above the ground.
There was snow on the ground, and the air was chilly.
I opened the door to the car, and looked at Elliot.
"Ready to climb a mountain?" I said sarcastically.
"Yay." Elliot said sarcastically.
We both laughed slightly, and looked forward.

Elliot and I had climbed for 120 minutes, and we were  finally at the door of the base.
I looked at the door ominously, and ran the keypad.
I grabbed a screwdriver from my pocket and hardwired the door. It opened.
Elliot and I carefully walked in, holding our ink guns, and our breath. We walked into a corridor, and hid behind corners. We walked past guards, carefully watching their guns.
Elliot and I walked to a guarded room with heavy metal pipes surrounding it. There were two male octolings, holding large guns. I looked scared.
"What does the sign say?" I whispered to Elliot. Octarian was a confusing language that was related to no inkling language ever spoken. It is said to be close to ancient Japanese.
"It says ink connector." Elliot responded quietly.
"I think that's the room we need to be in." I whispered.
"We can check it out, but it seems almost too easy..." Elliot whispered, looking away.
"Let's move in." I said, motioning to walk forward.
"How are we going to get past them?" Elliot asked, pointing to the guards.
"If we throw a bomb that way," I said pointing to the other side of the hall, "the guards will run over, giving us a chance to go through the door."
"You sure these guards are as dumb as the ones in Canyon?" Elliot asked.
"We have to try." I said.
I threw my white trailer bomb over to the corner.
The guards luckily followed.
Elliot and I ran to the gate, and ran inside.
We closed the door behind us, then looked at the labyrinth of halls ahead of us.
"Soooo. They obviously don't want us to find this thing." Elliot said.
"No kidding." I said back.
"Welp, the map was out there." he said.
"We're going to have to try our hardest." I said, motioning to the pathways.
"It looks like a maze..." Elliot said.
"Probably is." I responded.
"Whew. Well, let's go." he said.
We walked forward into the first path.

It's been four hours now. Me and Elliot have been stuck in this maze for four hours. I was so hungry, tired, and sick. I hadn't eaten in hours, hadn't slept in forever, and had been exercising for 6 hours. And I had also been hanging out with Elliot for over a day. I was tired out out of my mind
I looked at Elliot defeated.
Then he fell to the ground and curled up in a ball.
"Should we stay here for the night?" Elliot asked.
"I don't know, but I certainly want to." I responded, monotonous.
Elliot nodded.
"Here, sit down." He said, grabbing my arm.
We both sat down and leaned against each other.
I had my hero suit on for hours, and had been weighed down by an ink pack, and hadn't stopped walking until now. The enemy didn't have any guards, because they didn't need them. Even if someone broke in, they wouldn't make it through this maze. There were 16 paths to start out with, so even more routes. Elliot and I were hopelessly lost, and curled up against a small hallway.
"This is annoying." Elliot said, in a positive voice.
"Mhmm." I nodded.
"You don't want to talk?"
I nodded and said, "What do you think?"
"Too tired?"
I nodded, and rolled my eyes.
I leaned my back against the wall and turned away from him in annoyance.


"Tres, Tres, Princess. Time to get moving again." Elliot said, carefully shaking my shoulder.
"Okay." I said, "How long did I sleep for?"
"9 hours."
I looked at him like he was crazy.
"Did you get any sleep?" I asked him.
"No." Elliot said.
"Thank you, but you haven't slept in days..." I looked at him concerned.
"I'm fine." Elliot responded, "Let's get moving."
We stood up, and began to trek forward.
We looked around corners for a while, and then, gloriously, found the exit.
"Marina to Agents. Marina to Agents." Marina said over my headphones.
"This is Tres to Base. This is Tres to Base. We're here, just had a minor setback."
"Roger that." Marina said over the radio.
Elliot and I carefully walked through to another door.
We saw guards in front of it, and hid behind the corner.
"I think this is the room we're looking for." Elliot whispered.
I nodded in agreement. Then slowly began to creep towards the door.
"Tres! What are you doing?!" Elliot whispered to me.
But I didn't listen. The guards saw me, and began to shoot at me.
I shot my ink gun at them and splatted half of them, dodging the rest. Elliot followed, and we crept through another hallway.
We walked to another door. And opened it.
The room was lit with black light, and an ink can of light teal ink swirled inside, set up on a pedestal.
"This seems too cliche..." Elliot said.
"Yeah." I responded.
I slowly walked towards the can.
I checked for security systems, but saw none.
We walked up to the can, Elliot read the label below, "ink connector..."
I touched it. No alarms went off, but a guard appeared in front.
He held a gun, and looked at me mischievously. I was like a deer in headlights, too scared to move.
He shot at me. And succeeded.
The bullet had flown through the air slowly, but it hadn't. I slammed my forearm, and the bullet jabbed my skin.
I was shot. The man kept shooting, but I ran out of the way. My arm had a bullet in it, but I didn't feel anything.
I felt my hero suit sleeve, then looked. It was covered in blood. I was in shock. It wasn't until 10 seconds later, an immense amount of pain overcame. I screamed. It pulsed red with blood. I cried, grabbing the wound. It hurt with the pain of stabbing knives, and kept getting worse.
I backed up against the wall, and saw Elliot battling the guard. Elliot dodged all of the bullets, and splatted him. I was still crying, and Elliot looked over at me. I held the ink connector in the arm opposite the wound.
"Tres. Oh my cod." Elliot said, running over to me urgently.
I cried my eyes out.
"It hurts..." I cried.
"I know, I know." he said.
I cried as he picked me up off the ground, and carried me.
I looked at him surprised.
I was still crying.
17 and hit with a bullet? There's no way I wasn't going to feel the immense pain.
Elliot ran as fast as he could to an exit, and climbed through to the roof.
I felt light headed and sick.
"Tres? Oh my-" Elliot said, he looked at my arm again.
"Elliot? What's happening?" I said sleepily.
"Tres! You're losing too much blood!" he screamed. I almost thought that Elliot would begin crying too.
"Stay awake, Tres. Stay awake." he said.
"What's going to happen?" I asked.
"I don't want you to die..." Elliot said quietly.
Elliot then took a deep breath. He stood on top of the roof, carrying me a baby. He started backing up.
"Elliot? What are you-" I asked him, almost annoyed that he was doing this.
"Don't worry."
Elliot looked down at me with his sincere look again. His large amber eyes, his soft skin tone, his kind cute expression. I looked at him carefully.
"Elliot!" I said, knowing he was going to do it.
He began running, running faster. The world flew by, and up, as he ran off the roof of a building in the mountains.
I looked around, and the whole world started to spin.
Elliot carefully tucked and rolled on a rock, and ran. Dear cod, he ran. He jumped off rocks and slid down the mountain as fast as he could.
"Don't worry, Princess." Elliot said, almost out of breath.
I knew he was tired, he hadn't slept in days, and I hadn't seen him eat in days. He needed rest and food, terribly bad. I could tell.
He almost slowed for a moment, and then ran faster.
I looked around, we were almost at the bottom.
Elliot sprinted into the car, and bucked me in.
He drove extremely fast, and looked at the road seriously.
We stopped at a building.
He carried me out of the car and ran inside.
He ran up to a desk.
"Please." He pleaded with someone.
"Of course. Let me help." The woman said urgently.
I felt myself laying down on a bed.
I felt the light fading from my world.
"Tres!" Elliot screamed.
I opened my eyes slightly.
"What?" I asked annoyed.
Elliot smiled shyly.
They were moving the bed to another room.
I heard voices, but they were too blurred. And the world was too blurred too.

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