Chapter 3; Pulled

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I walked out of the room and over to the couch in the living room. I lied down, completely awake. I heard swirling water. I thought it was someone using the bathroom. So I walked toward the noise, but it didn't lead to the bathroom. It leads to a large drain.
Of course, me being a klutz, pretty much unchanged, I changed into squid form by accident, and the drain pulled me through a tube.
There was rushing ink all around me, and I blacked out.
The world swirled around me as I launched my head into the walls of the pipe I was sliding through. 
When I woke up, I was somewhere else. I was on top of another drain.(Which I now dreadfully hated)
There was a little cabin. It had a blanket over thin frame boards that were stabilized by a roof. It said Cuttlefish Cabin. I knocked. Expectantly, waiting for someone to walk out and emerge from behind. It was the middle of the night. I don't know what I was thinking.
An elderly inkling opened the door.
"What the heck are you doing out here at this hour kid?!" he said. He had a bamboo cane, large eyes, and was wearing a green army shirt, with slip ons.
"Sorry. I just got lost. I fell down that drain at my friend's house, and I ended up here. I just want to know where I am." I said bluntly, almost like a princess from a fairytale. Except I was nothing like a princess, covered in bruises and scrapes, clumsy as heck.
"Oh, ok then. What's your name, young lady?" he said, almost like this happens all the time.
"I'm Faith." I said, a little confused.
"Well, you may have just stumbled upon a job." he said, somewhat happily.
"Oh sir, you really shouldn't need to do that." I said, thinking that he was doing this as punishment for stumbling upon this weird area which consisted of many manholes.
"Nonsense. This job is fun." he said, obviously knowing what I was thinking.
"Uh, ok..." I said, heavily wondering what he was talking about.
"You are now a new member of the Squidbeak Splatoon."
"The who, what now?"
"You are now known as Agent 5."
"Excuse me?"
"We could really use an agent to fight against bad octolings."
"Um what"
"There are, let me see here, 7 other agents you will work alongside. You'll meet them tomorrow."
"Cool." I said, hoping that my mind would pick up with my mouth.
"Let me ask. Are you tired?"
"No" I lied.
"Well great, we are going to send you through the training course." he said, crushing my hopes of going back to bed anytime soon.
"Wait, what's your name?" hoping to be as polite as I could.
"Captain Cuttlefish" he said.
"What am I supposed to do again?" I asked, trying to understand literally everything.
"Here, put this on. Then come back here." he said, almost thinking that I now knew everything about what he was talking about.
I reluctantly put on a neon yellow skin tight hoodie, with black boots, large triangle headphones, and small black shorts.
"What is it I'm wearing?" I asked, looking down at the sweatshirt and tugging at it.
"A hero suit." he said, assuming, again, that I knew whatever the heck that was.
"Cool." I said, again, hoping that I would understand before I said anything more.
"Go ahead and walk to that other drain over there."
"This one?" I asked, walking over to a manhole that was behind thin wired fences.
"Yeah. Turn into squid form, and go!"
I turned into my mini squid form, slid through the fence, then stood over the manhole for a moment, then turned into squid form and slid through the pipes.
Luckily, I didn't hit my head as much.
I then appeared out of thin air into what seemed like a parallel universe, and fell down from the sky, dreadfully hoping that I would land on the tiny bit of roof below me. Thankfully I did, but immediately fell over. Where I had landed was a platform covered in ink.
"Where am I?" I asked, standing up and brushing my sweatshirt.
"Octoling headquarters" says Captain over a walkie talkie in my headphones.
"What do I do?" I asked, extremely confused.
"Moving forward is a start." Captain said.
I walk forward and a large being with a pink tentacle comes out of the ink, and starts shooting ink at me. I jump back in fear.
"You have a gun too, you know." Captain said.
I look down to see two dualies in my hands. I start shooting at the being. He then splats out of existence, because of my enemy ink. I looked at the place where he was carefully, and saw that he wasn't there at all.
"That was an octarian, 5" Captain says, interrupting the silence.
"Are you seriously going to call me 5?"
"Yes. You're Agent 5, so I come up with nicknames. Don't be boring."
"Ok, Cap." I said in spite of this annoying experience.
"Now you're getting into the spirit of it!"
I rolled my eyes at this.
The next Octarian shot at me, and succeeded at it.
I felt my body tingle, as I I felt my body float into thin air, and black out, before I woke up back on the platform where I was before.
"If you get shot by enemy ink, you get splatted. And if you get splatted enough times, you die, so I'd up your game." Captain said on my headphones nonchalantly.
"What?!" I mouthed to myself.
After 10 minutes of almost dying, I finally ended up in front of a large yellow force field, with a little yellow stuffed thingy, with eyes, puffy orange lips, and a staticy red tail, inside.
"What now?" I asked Captain, confused.
"You shoot the force field." he said, as if it were obvious.
I shot at it, and the force field went away. The stuffed thing remains.
"Run at the zapfish." he said.
"That's what that is?" I whispered to myself.
I ran towards it and the second I did, money poured into my bank inkcount, and I suddenly appeared right back on top of the drain.
"Good job, fiver." Captain said, walking over to me.
"Thank you Cappy Cuddles." I said, attempting a nickname.
We both laughed.
"Time for you to head back to your home and get some sleep." he said, sweetly.
"See you tomorrow. At 1:00, come through that pipe again, and come into Cuttlefish Cabin. That's where you'll meet your fellow agents. Oh, and don't tell anyone about the Squidbeak Splatoon."
"Okee. See ya Cappy"
I walked to the drain and went back to Tres's apartment. I then walked to my air mattress to see Tres and Opal still asleep. I lied down and fell asleep almost immediately after the work and effort that job just took.
And how quickly that went.

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