Chapter 15; Here

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When I woke up, everyone except Isaac was asleep. Isaac and Steven had switched places so he could sleep.
"Morning." Isaac said.
"How are you?"
"Good, how long has everyone else been asleep?"
"About 5 hours."
"Have you gotten any sleep?"
"None. But I'm fine with it, I'm not that tired."
"Okay, if you say so."
I saw that no one was sitting in the passenger seat, and that Steven was sitting in the trunk now.
"You want to come up here?" Isaac asked.
I carefully climbed over people, and into the front seat.
"This is getting a little crazy." Isaac said.
"Yeah, I don't think I've ever been in Inkopolis and there being more than 3 days without something out of the ordinary happening."
He laughed a little at this.
"How much longer until you think we're there?" I asked.
"About 20 minutes, so we are pretty close."
I looked out the window and saw palm trees and soggy land, with a gorgeous sky. It was beautiful outside, unlike when we left Inkopolis
"So? What's up, sunshine?"
I scoffed at his nicknames, "not much, I mean aren't we all pretty much tuned in on everything?"
"That is probably true."
"What were you expecting when you came to Inkopolis?"
"Everyone hating me. Not having a place to room. Being clueless about everything. Being either a lot better or a lot worse than everyone else."
"Ah. So the usual new-comer fanfiction."
"Pretty much."
We both laughed.
"Wait. Are you even allowed to drive?"
"I got my permit."
"Wow. I was going to say, you better at least have a permit. But you seem like the kind of person who would drive without one."
"That is an astute observation."
I giggled.
"Well, Callie and Marie are adults, so they count."
"I'm not sure if that is good for my persona, I need people to know I'm a bad boy."
"And I need for us to not get in trouble."
We both laughed and I stared into him. He was funny.
I then realized what I was doing and blushed.
I started to open my mouth to talk but Isaac said, "Hey, everything with the Octarians will be fine."
I nodded with embarrassment.
I looked forward for the rest of the ride until we made it to a large apartment that was right in front of the beach.
"Hey everyone up?" I asked.
"Hey! We're here!" Faith said.
"Yay!" Opal said quietly.
"Steven, where should we go?" Isaac asked.
"Take a left and go to the parking lot." Steven said.
"Okay." Isaac said.
We drove to the parking lot, and then grabbed all of our suitcases out of the car, and then started walking forward.
We went through a doorway, and then to a lobby.
"Welcome. How may I help you?" an inkling behind a desk asked us.
"I own room 1479." Steven said, and then pulled out a card and showed it to the woman.
"Okay then. I'll send you right up!" she said.
She motioned for us to go to an elevator and handed Steven a fob. The room we were in was large and had an assortment of food options and rooms.
We walked into the elevator and Steven pressed a button.
We rose up in the elevator, with curious silence surrounding us.
We walked out of the elevator's open doors and out to a tan floor, with a large balcony view of the street facing the opposite of the ocean. There was a long line of doors, and we started walking towards ours.
Steven opened the door and we all rolled our suitcases in.
"There are 4 beds, two bunked beds, and a couch. Put your stuff where you want it." Steven said.
Elliot and Isaac chose to share the twin bed in the front of the apartment. Pearl and Faith chose to share the twinned bed in the room beside Isaac and Elliot's. Marie and Callie put their stuff by the queen bed near the kitchen. Phoenix and I chose the bunk beds by the balcony. Steven moved his stuff into a special room, and Opal put her stuff on the couch.
"Okay. I believe that means we're all settled." Isaac said.
"What should we do now?" Faith asked.
"I think we are supposed to stay here." Opal said.
"Okay." Pearl said.
"Phoenix?" I said.
"Yeah?" Phoenix said.
"I call top bunk!" I said.
Everyone laughed and I did too.
"Do you guys want to go down to the beach?" Steven asked.
"Yeah!" Elliot said.
"But I don't have any swimsuits." Faith and Phoenix said in unison.
"We can go buy some." I said
Everyone walked out of the apartment, as if almost forgetting what was happening.

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