Chapter 14; Back To Some Current Stuff

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Opal and Callie were in the middle of a conversation. I could tell that Opal was definitely scared. Opal has brought a little light into my life, a little glimmer of hope for positivity.
I laid down my head and stared at Faith, Pearl, and Elliot. I wish I could just have a normal conversation like them. Steven and I had grown farther apart then what we used to be. When I changed from being a bouncy spirited girl to being the tough loner that I am, our friendship changed. I could tell that he still cared about me though.
I fell asleep with my hood up, and dreamt of Inkopolis if I was normal.
We were all squished and at this point, it was night. I looked out at the night sky.
My peace was interrupted by a scream.
I looked ahead to see a fallen metal object in front of us on the road. There was no other cars on the road. The object was about the size of a a bus.
I unbuckled my seatbelt and looked over Faith's shoulder.
"What is that?" I said under my breath.
I opened the door and hopped over Faith's shoulder and got out of the car.
"Tres? What are you doing?"
I walked towards the object.
It pulsed a light blue color.
I looked on the surface of the object, and saw words printed on the top of the object.
I'm coming for you.
What is this?
This is his loyal Inkling servant.
Be ready.
Signed Human.
The entire object disappeared into thin air.
"Tres! Hop back in!" Elliot screamed.
I ran and got back into the car.
I sat down in the seat. No one asked what it was. And for that I was confused.
I looked out the window for the rest of the ride, and listened to the music.

SanitizedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora