Chapter 5; Agents Hang Out

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When I woke up the next morning, no one was awake, so I decided to play on my shellphone. My shellphone lit up, 1 message from 335-444-4444, I texted back
Hello. Who is this?
Want to meet at the training course early?

I set down my shellphone, got dressed in my hero suit, and slid down the drain. I see Isaac when I pop back up on the top of the drain.
"Hi Five" Isaac says, waving to me.
"That sounds like High Five"
"We wouldn't want a High Five, she's only 17."
"I'm only 17, don't joke about that."
"Haha, and I'm 17, I should also be able to joke about that."
We laugh and walk towards the Cuttlefish Cabin. Cap walks out and says, "Today you will be partnering up, and your mentors will too. Since you guys are the only ones here yet, you will be partners."
"We're going to wait for the others, right?" said 4.
"Yes" said Captain Cutts The Cheese.
We sat down and waited for what seemed like forever. Then Opal and Steven came in from different pipes. Cuttlefish explained it to them, so they decided to be partners. 30 minutes later, Tres came in, and was angry, when she realized she had to be partners with Elliot. Elliot came in 17 minutes after that, and rubbed it in Tres' face.
"Oooh. You and I are partners, little one." Elliot said.
"Don't call me that. And don't mess this up." Tres said.
"It's not a competition."
"It literally is."
"It's not a real battle though."
"You should fight like it's a real battle, and end it like it's a game"
"You sound like you're reciting The Rules Of The Battlefield, that book Captain and Marie always talk about."
"You're impossible."
Our task was to Rainmaker Battle the other agents. Surprisingly, Tres and Elliot won, they're an incohesive team, but they are both strong, and smart enough to win. I start walking back to the drain when Callie runs up to me. She says, "Hey 5, do you want to do one on one levels? I think we just need to work up yo stamina, then you're golden!"
"Really?" I ask in a positive way.
"Okay, where are we going to do this?"
"You can go through the same training and lots that Agent 4 went through."
"When do we start?
"I like your attitude. Right now if you want."
"Okay, let me just check with Tres and Opal first."
I was amazed at how much Callie was like a normal person. She was extremely famous. She even inspired octolings to break from the bad, well, her and Marie. Marie and Callie are the one and only Squid Sisters (look it up), I was overjoyed that one of them was my trainer and partner. I hadn't really talked to Marina and Pearl yet, they seemed closer with Opal and Elliot, because they helped each other on the escape from underground. I intend to get around to trying to hang out with them.
"Hey guys", I say to Opal and Tres as I walk over to them, "Are we doing anything today?"
"Well, remember? You said you wanted to try Turf Wars." , said Opal.
"If you wanted to?", said Tres.
"Callie was asking me if I had time for any one on one training."
"One on one training is important, I remember when I did it with Pearl.", said Opal.
"I think you should do that, it is more important.", said Tres.
"Well I don't have to do it right now, if that changes anything."
"We should all probably start one on one training right now. So I guess we'll meet you back here later?", said Tres, while she was fidgeting, and staring off.
"Yeah, I think that works well. We can train a lot today, so we can have tons of fun tomorrow!", said Opal.
"Thanks guys, see ya"
Opal walked over to Pearl, and Tres walked over to Captain. I walked over to Callie and gave her a thumbs up.
"We're good!" I said.
"Okay! We'll start you with Level 1."
"Great, how many levels are there?"
"We will be completing all of them today, so be ready to sweat. The levels will progress in hardness, so get a little loose when you start out. Oh, and you don't have to take Sheldon's request."
"What is that?" I thought to myself.
"There are 32 missions. The last battle is just a simulation, don't worry."
"Let's go! Do we have to come up with a cheer thing?"
"Beats me."
"I've never trained anyone before, by myself, so if I'm not the best, just tell me."
I noticed that Callie is always messing with her tentacles, always stressed and fidgety, it takes someone with observation skills to know that she's not always like she is on TV. Sure she's still optimistic, but I could tell that she had self-doubt.
I walked onto the platform.
It took me three tries until I completed the first level. I took 4 hours of hard work, when I finally made it to the last level. I had been introduced to new weapons, strategy, all the enemies, and how to stay in it. I was finally here. It was weird being in Isaac's shoes, fighting the same levels that he fought not that long ago. I had definitely improved over the last four hours, sure, maybe I wasn't as good as the other people I was working with, but I was closer to their level now. Callie is a great coach, she really knows what she's talking about. I'm starting to think that isn't as dumb as she puts herself out there for, on the Internet. She is very smart, understands tactics, I felt like I bonded with her, having her talk to me over the radio for a while, always critiquing and improving my work. She actually seemed like a friend.
"Okay 5, amazing job so far! You've just this one job left. Remember, it's just a simulator, not real. Okay?"
"Got it."
"Good luck!"
I walked onto the platform and switched into squid form. The platform was on a flying saucer, and twisted down to the bottom of a pit, and through a large door. When I opened my eyes again, there was a person in front of me. About 10 feet away, stood Callie, wearing hypnoshades. Like she said, this wasn't real, but was it at some point? I'd have to ask 4. A giant spaceship appeared and inside was none other than DJ Octavio. I read up about DJ, I was obsessed with coming to Inkopolis, so I learned about him. Obviously, I hacked a website to get it, but I had no idea that the agents fought him.
I looked at him. I'd seen him in my nightmares before, but knowing my positive attitude, I saw this as a chance to prove myself that I didn't have to be afraid of him.
He started playing DJed music, Callie was apparently on his team. They threw bombs and shot what they had at me, but I defeated him with ease. I finished him off with a Rainmaker. I was still sweaty, as I came back and up with the flying saucer. Callie greeted me, and said, "Wow, you completed all of these levels extremely fast! We might be able to advance your training. For now, take some long deserved rest, you worked hard today!"
"Thanks Callie!"
"Well you should probably get changed."
"See you later Callie!"
A minute later I got a text.
Opal-Hey guys! This is an Agents Chat!
Elliot-Tres seems very excited
Tres-Shush your face 😠
Isaac-Do you guys want to meet up for dinner or something?
Faith- Sure
Tres- Did you just finish, Faith?
Faith- Yeah, Callie sent me through all of Agent 4s training.
Isaac-Wait you did every level?
Faith- Yeah...
Isaac- How long did it take?
Faith- About 4 hours
Isaac- Wow, good job!
Opal- Good job 5!
Elliot- This brag session is now over.
Tres- What did you do for the four hours Faith was training, and the three hours me and Opal were training?
Elliot- Turf War
Steven- Really dude?
Elliot- It's still a workout
Steven- You could have done that for training with Marina, your coach.
Opal- Yeah...
Opal- Okay, What do you guys want to do for a dinner or something
Isaac- We could go to Ink N' Out
Elliot- Sounds cool
Tres- I'm down
Faith- Sounds great!
Steven- What time?
Opal- I don't know, what time do you guys go to bed?
Tres- We just want to make sure you're back in time for your bedtime
Elliot- 11:30, and yours?
Faith- 11:45
Opal- Haha, noobs!
Steven- That sounds like something forced, Opal
Opal- I just want to sound cool...
Isaac- We're flattered you have to seem cool around us
Faith- Haha
Elliot- Haha
Steven- We'll see you there!
Opal- Bye!
Steven signed off
Opal signed off
Tres signed off
Elliot signed off
Isaac signed off
Faith signed off
I walked over to the drain, and slid all the way back to Tres's apartment.
I walked inside and I was greeted by Opal saying, "Great job, Faith!"
"You look like you really worked your butt off." said Tres.
"It was challenging, but by the end it wasn't that hard."
"Well the only way to go from here is up" said Opal
"You're going to keep getting more tired, but you'll keep getting better." said Tres
"By the way do you guys want to go to Turf Wars tomorrow?" said Opal.
"Maybe we can plan some other stuff, you know, just to get to know our roommate better?" said Tres.
"Absolutely!" said Opal, "We should probably plan some all-Agent stuff too, so we can know the boys better also." said Opal
"You're just saying that." I said teasingly.
"What? What does that mean?" Opal suddenly seemed confused.
"Just means that you probably want to hang out with the boys to get closer to them." I said teasingly.
"I figured out that when I was under Octoling control, I was," Opal mumbled in the next part. "datim quiet."
"What?" said Tres
"I said that I was... ," Opal took a breath, "dating Elliot."
"What?!?" I said, "You barely ever talk to him!"
"Well I'm too scared to bring it up..." Opal whispered her face red.
"You've got to tell him tonight, after we've finished and are about to go home." said Tres.
"Why?" Opal said with a red and confused face. Tres was pushing her, mentally.
"You still like him don't you?" said Tres excitedly
"Why would you think that?" Opal said sweetly.
"You were dating, if you found love in a hopeless place, the feelings still may be there" Tres said tauntingly, obviously hoping that someone would occupy Elliot enough to keep him away from her.
"Well I don't know about that..."  Opal said
"DRAMA! Cmon, see if the sparks are still there!" I said bouncing up and down.
"Fine, I'll tell him." Opal said, a little confused.
Tres and I jumped up and screamed, "YAAAAAAAY!"
I changed out of my hero suit and put on a squid clip, a baseball tee, a jean skirt, and punk blacks. Opal put on a black bandana, a grey name brand tee shirt, volleyball shorts, and blue slip ons. Tres put on a pink knitted beanie, a grey hoodie, leggings, and blue pumps.
"You guys look nice," I said.
"Thanks! You do too!" said Opal.
"Ready to impress a boy named Elliot, Opal?" Tres said, still having the same hopes as before.
"Ugh..." Opal walked out the door and crossed her arms.
"Haha!" Tres said.
I've never seen this side of Opal before, even though I had only known her for a day, I knew this wasn't normal.
We must be really annoying.
So much for my cool persona.
We walked right outside Ink N' Out, where we saw Steven, Elliot, and Isaac. Steven has on a white sweatshirt, a green baseball cap, shorts, and yellow basketball shoes. Elliot had on a black hoodie, grey jeans, and bike boots. Isaac had a dark purple shirt, leggings, and black low converse.
"Hey guys!" I said, almost screaming.
"Hey girl!" Elliot screamed.
"Hi, I have a question everyone" Tres said as we were right in front of the boys, "Do you guys want to go to Scaring Herring Fest after dinner? It's open until 3:00 AM."
It was around Octo-ber, so a lot of the haunted Splatoween stuff was open.
"Sounds fun!" Elliot said.
"I want to go!" I said.
"How about you, Steven?" Isaac said.
"I'll go." Steven said pleased.
"I'm down!" Isaac said.
"I guess I'll go..." Opal said timidly.
"Great, let's order some food, and then we can eat on the way there. It's a good 45 minutes away."
"Yay!" I said.
Scaring Herring Fest was at an amusement park so we could also ride the rollercoasters. I was really excited.
We walked in, ordered our barracudaers, and then got in Steven's car. I sat in the back with Opal, Tres sat with Elliot (much to her despite), Isaac sat with Steven while Steven drove.
"I'm kind of scared." Opal said.
"Don't worry, me and Tres are there, and also you're an Agent, you'd kick their butts if they were real."
"Thanks Five"
"Aren't you excited though? And something to make you feel better is that there's other stuff than surviving, like Elliot..."
"Not this again."
"Just, keep in mind that you have other stuff to worry about. It always helps me."
"Okay. That is good advice."
"No problem, everyone has their fears."
"Hey, do you want to hang out one on one, tomorrow, for training and stuff?"
After 30 minutes of petty conversation, we arrived at Krill Island, the amusement park.
"Alright everyone! Out of the car!" Steven said.
"Oh boy..." Opal mumbled under her breath.
Everyone hopped out of the car and walked to the gates. There were floods of people, walking in.
"Let's go!" Elliot said excitedly.
"Yay!" Tres said.
We walked into the Fish Pass line that should last about 5 minutes. I ended up having a conversation with Steven.
"I used to go to these places every year until I became an agent. My family would pay to have Fish Passes. I don't know them, like most people, but they gave me gifts." Steven said.
"That's really cool!"
"Yeah, they even left me a house to stay in when I was here."
"What? That's crazy, what does it look like?"
He showed me a picture on his shellphone.
"Well it's big enough for me, Elliot, and Isaac, but I just am grateful to even have one."
"You have one of those personalities of a wise person, who says smart stuff" I say bluntly.
He laughs and says, "Well I just do my best."
I smiled and talked about what I've done since I've gotten here, he listened intently and made comments, he literally was amazing at having a conversation. I had no idea that that could be a talent.
Later, when we were walking around the park, I could tell Opal was scared to death. I knew what would take that off her mind. And she could tell what I was thinking by my facial expression. Steven, Isaac, and Tres started walking, I pulled Elliot back. Opal said, "So I figured something out..."
"What was it?" Elliot asked.
"That we were-"
"Were what?"
"Together, as in dating. That's why I've been kind of quiet."
"Aww Opal. You really are sweet, I can't believe it though!"
"I know it's crazy."
"Wow, how did you even figure it out? We lost our memories."
"I regained some memories, I wanted to know more."
"Do you still- you know- feel the same way?"
" I'm so sorry that I even found out, I really don't know." Opal said meek.
There were silent periods between each time someone talked, like they were thinking over what to say. Opal began to cry, and Elliot said, "shhh, calm down, don't worry, it's fine." It was obvious he cared about her, but like an older brother. Steven, Isaac, and Tres saw us and walked back to us.
"What's happening?" Steven said sweet and stern.
"It's a private matter, Steven, something that happened before their amnesia." Tres said.
"Oh okay." Steven said, distracted.
We started walking forward again, with awkward tension in the air.
We got off a rollercoaster and walked out of the park, it was 1:00 so we started to head back to our homes. I fell asleep in the car next to Opal. I don't remember anything, but I know that Tres had to carry me back inside and set me in my bed. I was exhausted. Yet I couldn't be more excited for the adventures that awaited. I felt like I already fit in, it had been so quick. But I was iffy. Because I knew that this peacefulness, and normal days wouldn't last for long.

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