Chapter 13; I'm Tres

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Hello. First time you've heard from me. So. I don't know how to start this. I'll give a brief description? I guess I'm Tres. I was the first non-family Agent. Ever since I was sanitized underground my tentacles have been teal. Life isn't exactly awesome.
I've been a loner.
You know, the usual.
I should probably just get on with the story. Because Opal did some serious foreshadowing. But you're going to have to wait. I have a little story to tell.
I was the new inkling in town. My orange tentacles are hanging down. I had a large smile on my face. I ran to the weapon store and came out with a splattershot.
I ran over to the Deca Tower.
"Woaaaah." I marveled at it.
"She's a beaut ain't she?" A boy asked.
"Yeah!" I said and smiled, "I'm Tres!"
"Nice to meet you. I'm Steven."
"You want to Turf War it up with me?" I asked him.
"Woah, new girl already knows the slang, I better watch out."
"Haha I've only just met you, but I can tell that we're going to be friends!"
We walked into the tower and ran for turf war. Me and Steven were on the same team. Naturally, I was excited. The second the match started I ran out into the field. Started shooting ink everywhere, then immediately got splatted.
I ran out.
I kept on trying. I laughed at myself at the end of the match. Surprisingly, my team won, but no thanks to me. I smiled.
"I'm pretty bad at this." I told Steven.
He laughed, "Well, you're just a beginner."
"I guess I've just got to try harder."
We both smiled.
We went for another round.
I stunk, again. I laughed at myself a little more.
Me and Steven kept doing Turf War for the next couple hours. Finally, it was time to check out my new apartment.
I walked into a dorm with 4 other girls.
"Hi, I'm Tres." I said to them.
"I'm Emily." A girl with long light pink pigtails said.
"I'm Leah." A girl with a grey high ponytail said.
"I'm Lorelei." A girl with a navy low ponytail said.
"I'm Mallory." A girl with black short pigtails said.
They all said their names drenched in sarcasm, I knew that they already didn't like me.
I rolled my eyes at them, so they knew that I was annoyed. They were those people. The ones who make fun of others for being nice. I sat my bag down on the bed by the window.
"Mallory is sleeping there." Lorelei said.
I moved my bag to another bed.
"Leah is sleeping there." Mallory said.
I moved my bag again.
"Emily is sleeping there." Leah said.
I moved my bag again.
"Lorelei is sleeping there." Emily said.
I moved my bag to the last bed.
"Mallory is sleeping there." Lorelei said.
"I thought you said that Mallory was sleeping over there." I pointed to the other bed, "Where can I sleep?"
"Not here." Emily said.
I rolled my eyes. I pushed through them and sat my bags down on the bed by the window.
Lorelei then said, "Emily is sleeping the-"
"I don't care, I'm sorry." I said.
"Jeez, rude much?" Leah said.
"Rude much?" I thought, copying Leah in my head.
They were ruining all my hopes of having a great time in Inkopolis.
They rolled their eyes.
"Note to self:
Never move in with people you don't know." I thought to myself.
I sat down on the bed, and started playing on my new phone. The girls had begun doing their own thing when Mallory said, "So, Tres, what are your stats."
"You know, in Turf War?" Leah finished.
"Not very good-" I then realized that I shouldn't have said that.
"Really? I'm sure they can't be that bad." Emily said, with sarcasm.
I sat in silence while they looked up my stats.
"Wow, still on level 1, huh? That would explain your outfit..." Lorelei said.
"Yeah..." I said meekly.
"How long were you there for?" Emily asked, poking fun at me.
"4 hours..." I said quietly.
"Wow. Even, I'm better than that, and that's saying something." Mallory said.
I stayed quiet and then said, "Well, I've only been here for a day..."
"We've only been here for a day, also, and Lorelei is on level 20 already." Emily said.
"Okay...?" I said.
"You don't believe her? Look here." Lorelei said pointing to her phone.
"Wow, that's ummm- very good." I said.
"Yeah, thanks." Lorelei said, before playing on her phone.
We all fell asleep, and then when I woke up, Lorelei was too.
"Hey guys? Do you want to go do some Turf War?" Lorelei said, waking the others up.
"Yeah, sounds good." Mallory said.
"Sure." Emily said.
"I guess." Leah said,
"I like it!" I said.
"You're not coming." Lorelei said.
"What?! Why-" I asked.
"Because you're not good enough to be on our team." Lorelei said.
"But it's just for fun..." I said.
"No it's not. If you even want a job, they look at your scores." Lorelei said, "we can't afford to have you on our team. You know your scores."
"But please?" I said, "I'll try."
"Oh come on. It doesn't matter how hard you try, you're still not good." Lorelei said.
"I'm not that bad." I said meekly.
"Yeah, yeah you are." Lorelei said.
"But I haven't even-"
"You're not good.." Lorelei said, pausing between the syllables.
"Just please?"
"You're a nobody."
That last word she said broke me, I started to sniffle.
"This is Inkopolis, kid. Life isn't dreams and fun. Get a life."
All of the girls left the room.
I broke out into tears. I curled up in a ball on my bed. I stuck my face in my pillow. They may sound like cheesy mean lines, but they broke me. I had hoped and dreamed that I would have an impact on Inkopolis. People shouting my name.
Tres! Tres! Tres!
It was a cheesy dream. I still had hope though.
I sat up and got a message from Emily.
Lorelei is right. Go do stuff. Don't cry like a kindergartener. That is why you're already a nobody.
Another message from Mallory.
I think you're acting like a baby, and you are one. You're not supposed to be one.
What did I ever do to them. They're just threatened, yeah.
Another message from Leah.
You're amazing and incredible, absolutely the best, if you're in first level, that means first worst. Good job at being the best at being the worst!
Okay what.
A message from Lorelei.
You heard them, scamper on, little one, you don't belong in the big leagues.
I cried again. They were right. I should be at least level 7 at this point, because of how long I was doing Turf War. I was a bad player.
I started to cry even more. I looked out the window, the building that I was in was right on top of Sheldon's Weapon Shop. I looked at the Deca Tower. And then I saw something strange.
I saw an old man peeking out from under a sewer. Scary, but he seemed harmless. I grabbed my backpack and grit, and walked to the sewer.

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