Chapter 1

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Lucy's POV
I watch as the dragons fly up and disappear before our eyes. As I look over to where Natsu is kneeling in front of Igneel's charred body, I can't help but worry about him. He spent most of his life looking for Igneel, only to have him killed shortly after their reunion. I hear Natsu yelling as Igneel's body begins to disappear like the other dragons. As all traces of Igneel are being blown into the sky I hear his voice inside my head. "Stay by his side and take care of him." He says, his voice fading with his body. "I will."

One week later
I'm sitting in the park with Wendy, her hair back to normal thanks to Cancer. As I'm chatting with her Charla walks over, her face masked with worry. "Lucy you need to go to your apartment right now." She says, trying to pull me to my feet. "Why?" I ask as I stand up. "No time to explain." She says, picking me up and flying to my apartment. As we get there I see Natsu and Happy flying over. Charla flies us over to them, grabbing their attention. "Natsu Dragneel how dare you even think of doing that!" Charla yells, surprising us all.

We all look at Charla, surprised by her actions. "What are you talking about Charla?" I ask, trying to figure it out. Without replying Charla glares at the two boys floating beside us. After a few seconds Natsu sighs, pulling out an envelope. "She's talking about this." He says, handing it to me and avoiding my gaze. I open it and pull out a letter. Unfolding it I start to read, my eyes widening as I finish. Without thinking I slap Natsu, tears gathering in my eyes. "You were going to leave me for a whole year without even saying goodbye!" I yell, my voice cracking.

Natsu's POV
The exceeds fly down and let go of us. Lucy refuses to look at me, her eyes focused on the ground instead. I feel bad about what I did and I know I should apologize. I'm about to say something when she pulls me into a hug. I freeze, shocked by her sudden actions. "I can't lose another friend, so please don't leave me." She says, her tears soaking into my shirt. Lose another friend? What is she talking about? I think to myself as I hug her back.

After a few seconds Lucy pulls away, grabbing my hand and leading me into her apartment. As we enter the room she walks over to her desk and grabs something. She comes back over to me and opens her hand, showing me what she grabbed. It's a key, at least what's left of one. Looking closer I realize it's the key to summon Aquarius. "What happened to it?" I ask, taking a seat on her sofa. "I had to break it to save everyone." She says, sobbing as she recalls what took place. "It was after Mard Geer used the Alegria curse." She says, starting her story.

Lucy's POV
I tell Natsu what happened after we were separated. How I wasn't trapped and how all the demons were chasing me. I told him how Jackal was about to kill me when Aquarius saved me. I tell him what she told me and how I summoned the Spirit King. I explain that the Spirit King was the one that took down the cube and removed the Alegria curse, saving everyone. I finish by telling him how Aquarius lent me her magic power so I could defeat Jackal, right before he showed up and fought Tempester.

As Lummy's headless corpse hit the ground Jackal laughed like a maniac. "How could you do that to your comrade?" I say, horrified. "If that's how I treat my 'friends' then think about whats in store for you! This is gonna be fun!" He says, laughing again. As he reaches for me a flood of water slams him back. I look up at Aquarius as she creates a shield to keep out Jackal. "Listen up. I can't beat them, I can only slow them down. The same goes for the rest of the zodiac."

"These demons are too strong, but there's still one way you can win this." Aquarius says, setting me in the water. "There is?" I ask, a sliver of hope returning. "We barely have time for me to say this once so pay attention. Your strong Lucy, strong enough to keep three gates open. And strong enough to summon him, the Celestial Spirit King!" She says, focusing on keeping Jackal away. "Is that possible?" I ask without thinking. "Why else would I say it? This won't be easy but it's our only chance." She replies, her face set in determination.

"His strike from the stars can obliterate any foe, even this one." Aquarius says, refusing to look at me. "Call him? But how? I don't have his gate key." I say, my hope fading. "The Celestial Spirit King has no key Lucy, there's another way to open his gate. With a zodiac key." She says as Jackal struggles to get closer. "The price is a hefty one though, you can open the gate of the King only once, and only by breaking a golden key. Forever!" She says, a sad look in her eyes. "But that would mean, losing one of my spirits!"

"You can't just break any golden key either. The Kings gate will only open if the level of trust between wizard and spirit is especially strong." Aquarius says, still not looking at me. "There has to be another way, I won't do that! I mean it, it's like your asking me to pick a best friend to betray!" I say, my voice raised above the roaring water. "It's not a betrayal if I let you." She says, her voice softening slightly. "The only thing I've ever trusted you to do is act like a fool but, we do go way back. So I think it'll work."

"Are you saying I should-" "Do what it takes to save your friends? Yes." Aquarius interrupts me before I finish. "But you're one of them! I'm not about to sacrifice one friend to save another! It's wrong!" I yell, my emotions taking over. "There's another way there has to be! All we need to do is figure it out!" I say, trying to talk her out of it. "Do you think I would suggest this if there were still another option? This is the only chance you have." She says, pushing Jackal back more.

"No! That's not true!" I yell, tears beginning to fall from my eyes. From the other side of the water barrier Jackal yells, pushing through the current. "You hear that? He'll rip through soon. You have to be strong! Please!" She says, trying to convince me to do it. "I can't!" I say through my sobs. "It's not like you breaking my key will kill me ok. I'll be fine. It'll be like I moved, somewhere very far away." She says, using her powers to push Jackal back even more. "It'll still be too sad." I say, still crying. "Maybe for you but I'll be relieved!"

"I had to put up with you because you were Layla's daughter. I loathed you, despised you, for such a very long time." Aquarius says, still trying to convince me. "I don't care if you hate me! You were still my first friend and I love you. There's nothing you can say that will change that, so stop trying!" I yell, covering my face. "Quit acting like a damn child! You can lose every friend you have or you can just lose me!" She yells over my sobs.

"What matters most in life? Keys? Memories? Your guilty conscience? Or is it this? The strength to make sacrifices. To protect the ones you love, even when it hurts you. If that's it then break my key right now! Natsu isn't coming! It's all on you!" Aquarius says as Jackal gets closer. "I love you Aquarius, I love you so much." I say, finally giving in. "Yeah I know! NOW DO IT!" She yells, as I start to scream. "OPEN, GATE OF THE KING!" I yell as a bright light glows from the key.

As the light from the key grows brighter the water starts to disappear. With tears in her eyes Aquarius smiles down at me before disappearing as well. The golden key that was used to summon Aquarius shatters, summoning the Celestial Spirit King.

Natsu's POV
I'm horrified by what Lucy just told me. I had been so wrapped up in my own grief that I never noticed she was also grieving. She had saved us all by sacrificing the person she cared about. I can't believe I was going to just leave without saying anything. That would've crushed her. I think, mentally slapping myself. Before I can say anything I hear Charla gasp, grabbing Happy's paw and dragging him to the door. "We should leave them alone." She says, stopping at the door. "And Natsu, you should tell her." She says, exiting.

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