- Min-Ho

May 6th 2002

Shin Hye and I had our first fight. She told me that we were rushing things but I told her since we are the first royal family we have an obligation for our people. She asked me what about us. How can I not think about what was best for us. I don't understand what she means. I love her, getting married is the best thing for us. And the people. It's the best of both world.

May 15th 2002

Shin Hye went somewhere for the day. And she came back more distant than ever. She said she is sorry for making feel uneasy lately and she just been stress. But she said that she wants this. So we made love for the first time and if I ever had doubt. It was gone the moment we became one.

- Min-Ho

May 22nd 2002

I never been angry. I never thought that the girl I know and love would never betray me. But she did. She is a liar and two timer.

The other man she love was a guard. Out everyone, she fell for a guard.

A fucking guard.

A low piece of shit guard.

When I become king, I will make their lives miserable.


June 17 2002

We broke off our engagement. We thought we could work it. Actually I thought we could work it but she didn't want to. She didn't want this. She wanted him.  I took off the ring I gave her but she fought me with it. But when I did, it hit the staircase hard that it broke. The middle out of the ring. She walk to grab one part of the ring. She said she still wanted it, because she still love me but she also leave him.


June 28th 2002

I can't believe what the world is coming to. Shin-Hye announce her engagement with the guard. And is fighting for the throne with me. The women is crazy. I will not let her win.

July 7th 2002

My parents told me that her family is going to support her fight for the throne. They are equally as powerful and rich as us. So now it's time for the people to vote who they want to rule. My father told me to get allies and make sure people are on our side.


July 17th 2002

I haven't stop working and getting people to stand by me. For all the people I spoke to they said they would. But my parents told me to not to trust everyone's word. To keep getting people on our side.


July 24th 2002

I met a women. She is beautiful, and kind hearted. She told me she believe what I can do and will be by my side. People said I was crazy for moving too fast but never once said anything about Shin Hye and her sudden engagement.


August 3rd 2002

The fight between our family is too deep. Our parents have said too much to hurt one another and Shin Hye and I can't stand to even look each other anymore. Her fiancé is by her side at all time. And my new fiancé is by side and I feel good with he next to me. It makes the pain bearable.

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