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Dreams are when your mind finally lets you go to the world on the other side. In a way, it's like leaving the world for a moment. A moment where you can finally rest. Moments like these are always what reminded me of the good things in life.

Seeing family, reliving old memories, talking with past friends...it was like having another way to communicate with them. The unsaid being able to be said. Contentions during the day all fade away.

Comfort was all I could feel. Taking in deep breaths preparing for the day to come. Worry clouding my thoughts, but for a moment when my eyes slowly opened, I saw an angel in my arms.

Kokichi Ouma, my beloved boyfriend. It was almost unreal.

It started as just two people doing a dare to get the truth. Then after talking honestly our real feelings came through. We were finally able to say the things we always wanted to say. I mean, hopefully, he feels the same way.

I will never be able to understand Kokichi. He is always wearing so many masks throughout the day. When he is asleep in my arms it's like he is finally at peace after being the person he presents himself as.

I feel calm when I can just look at him when he is peaceful. I ran my thumb over his slightly parted lips. They were smooth and relaxed just like the rest of his body. His eyes gently closed. His hair tumbling around his face in every direction. It framed his porcelain face perfectly.

He is the most perfect thing I have ever seen. When I wake up in the morning it's always coffee and my hair is a mess...my eyes always have bags no matter how much I sleep. Kokichi on the other hand looked absolutely beautiful.

"Ngh..." He groaned as his face slightly contorted in discomfort. Shuffling around for a moment before he placed his head back on the pillow closing his eyes once more. I smiled at the boy.

The sun was slowly coming up meaning it was time to get up and ready for the day...I didn't want to break his peace but knew it was better to get him up now instead of making him worry about being late...not that he would anyway.

"Shuichi?" He asked keeping his eyes closed. Moving his hands over his eyes trying to rub the sleepiness away. I felt a small blush come to my cheeks.

The energy in the room changed when he woke up. I could feel the pain of knowing that school was something we had to do again...it was every day after all...but still a huge pain in the ass.

"We should just call in sick today~," He groggily moved his hand to cup my cheek with half-lidded eyes. His expression was more serious than it is throughout the day.

"We can't do that...we aren't sick," He moved closer and pinned me to the bed. He huffed and wrapped his arms around me pushing me down onto the bed by falling on top of me. I sighed knowing it was going to take a while to get him to do anything regarding getting ready for school.

I noticed that he cuddled close to me. I let out a small gasp just because of the sudden touch. My sensitive skin was always something that made me nervous letting people touch me. Even though he always seems to be such a tease, I know he would never do something to intentionally make me feel unsafe.

I admire how protective Kokichi is of his friends. Always making sure he is able to be there to take care of them. Always being able to guide them when they are lost. Like a true leader. It makes sense why he has his talent. He is incredibly talented in leading others...but this also comes with a downside...

When you feel all those people looking up to you...you tend to put more on yourself. Stress and pain from others and yourself begins to pile up making you have a harder time doing anything. Telling anyone that follows you that you are overwhelmed is out of the question because that is a sign of weakness in a leader.

Kokichi never cries...I mean I haven't seen him ever cry in front of other people.

.   .   .

"Hey, sometimes you need to let things out ok?" The woman said to the young Shuichi. Shuichi gave a quick nod wanting to show the woman that he understood. She laughed at how eager he was.

"I know you are going to do great things someday," She ruffles his hair making a small giggle come from Shuichi. He smiled up at her with a proud look on his face.

"Yeah, I promise! I'm going to make you proud!" He beamed. She clapped her hands together before he joined her.

"But remember that letting some painful emotions out is the strongest thing you can do ok?" Shuichi looked up at her again and grabbed her hand in his own. His hands were small so she helped him by moving her hand to him.

"Ok!" He laughed while she took his hands in her own. She placed a kiss on his forehead with a smile.

"Always remember,"

.    .    .

Memories of my past always give me guidance. From being able to learn from past mistakes and being able to remember the happy moments...even the past traumas...

"Alright..." Kokichi groaned against my neck. It made me laugh knowing that he was so persistent in not going to school today. I know more than anything he likes to learn but learning at such a slow pace with as many students go to our school...I can see why he gets annoyed.

I picked him up in my arms and carefully maneuvered us out of the lower bunk of the bunk bed. When we got out he was in my arms with one of my arms under his back and the other one going under his legs.

"How romantic Shu~," He pokes my cheek making me flustered again. I didn't let it bother me too much knowing we had to go to school today.

"We need to get ready," I kissed his cheek briefly making sure not to make it too long just a gentle peck. He turned his head the other way as I placed him on the floor.

"Alright my love~!" He paused before turning towards me. "But only because you asked so nicely~! Nishishi~" My cheeks heated up again because of how adorable he was. He smirked at this fact before turning around and going to get changed into his uniform.

-Trying to improve my writing! Let me know what you think!! Thank you all so much for reading!-


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