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Shuichi's POV

He accepted. I'm really surprised he went along with something like this. He lies all the time... There must be a reason and maybe this will help me be able to find out the truth behind this liar.

Time Skip

"Shuichi!" Kaito called from behind me. He and Maki must already be done with their classes.

"Hey, Kaito," I said while turning around to see him running over with Maki slowly trailing behind him. When he got over to me he started to tell me about his day. I'm good friends with Kaito, but sometimes he can be oblivious and can't read the mood, but this is fine...

"Yeah so I saw Kokichi earlier and asked him something and when he went to respond he closed his mouth and turned around and didn't listen to me. I mean what the hell happened?" After he said this Maki and I shared a look.

"What are you guys looking at each other for? Eh, it probably doesn't involve me so whatever. Anyway, guys let's go get some lunch before me and Maki study! You wanna join us, sidekick?" He asked turning his gaze back to me.

"Sorry I told Kokichi I would study with him for the quiz we have tomorrow..." I said. I mean I did tell Kokichi I was going to hang out with him today, so I didn't completely tell him a lie... Maybe Kokichi is starting to rub off on me... Not that I'm complaining, but I don't think Maki or Kaito would like that...

"Oh, well be careful Shuichi... You know Kokichi can be dangerous..." Kaito said under his breath with a glare.

"Yeah just don't listen to that asshole," Maki said with a death glare clenching her fist making me flinch. Do they hate him that much? I know he doesn't get along with a lot of people, but this seems like overkill...

"I'll be ok Kaito. See you later..." I said before slowly walking away. Is he all that bad? Maybe it's just because he and Kaito aren't the best of friends... I walked over to our dorms room, where Kokichi and I were supposed to meet, finding he wasn't anywhere to be found. I sighed and took a seat on the chair in front of my desk and pulled out my phone.

My screen lit up and it was showing at least 3 messages in the group chat between Maki, Kaito, and I. 

Kaito-SIdekick if anything happens with Kokichi let me know

Maki-I will kill him if he hurts you.

Kaito-Why are you so grim all the time Maki Roll.

Maki-I told you not to call me that!

Kaito-Sidekick! Just know you have the luminary of the stars on your side! So if you need help just ask me and Maki Roll.


I laughed at how they always bickered like a couple before I opened my messages and was typing in my response.

"Saihara-Chan~," Kokichi said barging into the room making me jump and close my phone casting it into the desk drawer.

"Ah! Kokichi!" I said still frightened by the abruptness of his actions moments before.

"Oh is my beloved scared of me now?" He said inching closer making my face darken in color.

"Why do you always call me your beloved?" I asked putting my hand over my face to conceal the blush across my face.

"Oh, you don't know?" He said putting his hand over his mouth cutely making me blush more if it was even possible...

"Because I love to see the troubled face you make when I mess with you!" He yelled making the lie detector on his wrist buzz making him flinch.

"So what you said just now is a lie?" I asked taking my hand off my face and looking into his eyes seeing the fear of being caught in his lie spread across them. I felt a little guilty that I was kind of responsible for making him afraid, but pushed that aside. I need to know what he meant by what he said earlier. If it was a lie... Then why did he call me beloved all the time?

"Um well, I..." He said looking genuinely nervous making my eyes go wide. HE has never looked like this before... He is always so composed... Is this affecting him this badly? I looked at his face seeing his worried expression before it changed into a smirk. I jumped slightly worried about what I could have caused...

"You know, who cares about why I do it! All that matters is that I get to hang out with my beloved Saihara-Chan~," He said regaining his composure and using his hand to mess with the bracelet. He was uncomfortable with having it on all the time. Maybe that's why Kaito was acting weird about him today because he wasn't talking to anyone. He had the lie detector on this must-have caused him to keep his mouth shut so he couldn't get caught in his lies.

"I care though..." I said under my breath looking to the ground. 

"Well, Saihara-Chan what would you like to do today?" He asked tilting his head cutely. 

"I want to talk to you Kokichi... So why don't we play confession session?" I asked regaining my composure and asking it with more confidence than I had before.

"O-oh?" He said trying to cover up the way he stuttered.

"Yup one of us can ask any question and we both have to answer it," I said looking at his face go from worried to confident. He must have been trying to hide the fact he doesn't want to be honest with me. I shrugged this thought off and looked back at him.

"Alright id that is what my beloved wants to do then let's do it!" He said with his normal confident and teasing tone.

"Ok, you can start because you are the one who has the lie detector on," I said motioning to the bracelet on his wrist making him grimace for a moment.

"Saihara-Chan! It's not fair that I have to wear one and you don't!" He said puffing his cheeks at me.

"Well, we both know that you can read all of the lies I tell Kokichi, so knowing that it seems unnecessary for me to wear one," I said folding my hands together on my lap.

"Ok then..." He said rolling his eyes before his gaze shot back to me.

"Well, who do you have a crush on Shuichi! Cause I know you have one on someone! You are always wearing that hat and blushing all the time. I mean you are a silent pervert!" He exclaimed making me blush.


-I have been so bad at updating this book... I am sorry for leaving you all on a cliffhanger for forever... Thanks for reading!-


The Lies That Cover The Truth [Oumasai/Saiouma]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin