Go to bed Angry

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I hated to say that I let Kokichi go to bed angry. I mean it should be okay because one, I am here with him two, it can help him to process what he is feeling in his dreams and three, if he wakes up from a nightmare I am here to hold him. I did notice that his grip was tighter around me than it would usually be...I assumed this was because of what happened at the party as well as why he is angry...so best to just try to calm him down.

"Kokichi," I cooed, moving my lips to gently kiss his ear. "I love you baby," I smiled, kissing his forehead before I moved my head to rest against the pillow. It was calming to me to hold him like that and be able to feel like I was able to protect him...even if I was unable to protect myself earlier with Kaede.

I am so infuriated that Kaede ended up doing that, especially after I told her that me and Kokichi were together. She was so clingy and possessive in that moment that it made me realize...that this is the way she usually acts, so why wasn't I able to notice this sooner? Well, we were friends...best friends at that as well. In elementary school we would always be together hanging out. I think it was because she and Kaito took me in because I was so shy and always away from the others. So, in a way we are friends because she and Kaito pitied me. It's sad I know...

Regardless I think now that I am realizing this...Maki, Rantaro, Kirumi, and some others in our grade as well as some in the year above us, are my real friends. They always treat me with respect and actually have become friends with me because I'm me. It's refreshing now that I remember that.

And then there is Kokichi. He is my everything.


We met when I came to Hope's Peak two years ago. It was an odd day when I got the letter saying I could enroll. My uncle came to get me and was super excited about something, but I was just confused and didn't understand what was going on. So when he told me I was happy, happy that I would be able to go to an elite school and be able to learn more!

I got into the car feeling excited after the day came for me to pack my bags to move into my dorm. But when I got there—they didn't know where to put me...and that's when I found out that Kaito and Kaede went there as well as me.

Kaede and I have known each other ever since elementary school while I met Kaito a little later in junior high. They both were my best friends before they moved after getting accepted into a new school...although neither of them told me they were going to Hope's Peak. But I was still as excited to see them there.

Kaito's roommate wasn't there for a few days so I stayed in his room during the time they found me a roommate...and that's when I met Kokichi.

Kaito was in an argument with someone outside his dorm room. Kokichi was outside arguing with him. I would have let it slide because Kaito was always getting into arguments with others...but I heard my name called and that's when I made eye contact with him. I felt my heart stop in my chest as my head was spinning. I was confused why I had this reaction before he said my name. I shook my head a few times before telling him that was my name.

After that he told me that I was going to be his roommate and that's why Kaito got so agitated—I sighed before packing up my things and leaving with Kokichi to his dorm room.

I felt so excited to finally have my own dorm as well as my own roommate. It was exciting as well as terrifying...I already felt nervous and flustered around him so who knows how this was going to work.

But after some time we got along very well and soon became friends. And I will forever remember that day as the best day of my life.


I looked back down at Kokichi before gently running my fingers through his hair. "I love you, I'm right here," I smiled before snuggling a bit closer as I could feel his body was still tense. I sighed a bit before I moved my hands to gently massage his hair. He smiled in his sleep before he relaxed against me mumbling an, "I love you," before going silent again.

"I love you too Koki," I whispered before letting myself fall asleep next to him.

I'm so lucky to have him in my life. It's honestly something that I would never go and change...even if I end up losing my two old friends because of being with the man I love...it will be worth it because I'm making new and better friends as I go on with my life.

I'm excited to see what comes next. Because with Kokichi by my side I can accomplish anything.

-sorry this is taking so long—editing has been taking a lot of time sadly...but thank you for reading!-


The Lies That Cover The Truth [Oumasai/Saiouma]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें