My Little Tsun~Tsun

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Kokichi didn't say anything as we both moved to get dressed...I wanted to have him tell me why he was acting this way--but maybe it's because he gets flustered and then acts like he is mad...but because he can be a Tsundere then it means he actually likes it. Well I think that's what it means anyway.

"Kokichi?" I asked slowly moving over to him after we had both gotten dressed. He didn't look at me as he mumbled something with a frown on his face. I slowly moved to wrap my arms around him and hold him close to me. He blushed more at this and quickly said, "What the hell are you doing?!" Before he tried to get out of my grasp.

I gently let him go with a frown. "Did you not like me holding you like that?" I asked feeling self conscious about it all over again. He quickly looked over at me and cupped my cheeks before bringing my face closer to his own. "Of course I liked it..." He whispered looking to the side. I blushed at this and was about to stutter out a reply. "I-I" I said before he moved to kiss me. I felt my whole body flinch from this before I smiled softly against his lips.

I love him so much. I smiled and trailed my hands up to cup his cheeks. He blushed at this and I could tell because of how his cheeks soon became hot against my hands. I let my fingers trace his cheeks. Making sure to gently hold him close to me as we kissed. It was a soft kiss and more sweet. Like a slow day on the beach, sure I don't go outside much and I haven't been to the beach in what seems like forever...but it's like the waves crashing against the sand.

We are coming together as a pair as the waves of our love are passed on to one another in this moment the water is kissing the sand. Our ocean of emotions can be rocky and stormy on some days but there are always the calmer times and this is one of them. This slow and gentle kiss just shows this to me. Showing that love can be slow and calm like the ocean, while it can have its own storms it still has calmer moments like this.

"Shu~ Shu~" Kokichi teased, making me blush more at the action. "Koki..." I whispered, pressing my forehead against his own. I wanted to stay in this moment all day but we had school and the reality was we had to go to school for another day of work.

"Shumai~" he cooed into my ear as he moved his lips to kiss my cheek. "You are so adorable~" when he said this I felt my brain malfunction. He was just being adorable and I almost couldn't handle it! How can he just be so- so-

"Perfect~" Kokichi said, completing my thought, making me blush more. "Kokichi?" I asked, feeling embarrassed he finished my thought.

"I could see you wanted to describe me in one word~ so you can always pick the same one I describe you with~" he said, making my face inflamed again. "W-what?" I asked again looking at him with surprise written all over my face.

"I love you Shuichi~" he said before he moved back from me. "We should be getting to school though~" he moved over to get his bag and I just smiled at this. Kokichi you will always be special to me because you just have a way of speaking that makes me fall for you all over again.

"Right," I said moving over to him after getting my bag as well. Another day was starting and we both needed to be ready!




First period...dear god. I already just want to go home and I know why Kokichi was so angry about our time together getting interrupted all that while ago. Adorable.

I held onto his hand making sure he knew I was there for him. He didn't say anything but I knew he was smiling about this. I looked down at him and saw a small smile on his lips. I dislike how he tries to suppress his blush in public...because it makes me feel as though he doesn't feel comfortable around me even though I know that isn't true.

But I do the same thing so no reason to judge him if I do the same thing.

Oh well, I can always be more loving and affectionate with him later.

I focused on school and took notes in class while Kokichi was doodling or just making gazes at me to make me flustered. I sighed to myself and tried to ignore them. Not because I didn't want to see him look at me or anything...he was just trying to make me flustered and it was irritating me.

I love him more than anything, but I get flustered so easily and he always takes advantage of that. I love when he does...while at the same time I dislike when he does this in front of others. This being because I want to see him be himself while I become embarrassed and flustered around him. When we are alone I am also able to calm myself down and I feel more comfortable if he sees my blush.

At the moment my mind thought of this Kokichi looked back at me and smiled. Making me flustered all over was super embarrassing.

"Okay class! That's the bell!" The teacher snapped me out of my thoughts making me blush at how that took me somewhere other than I couldn't pay attention.

"Kokichi..." I whispered moving over to his side. He looked up at me with innocent eyes and it made my heart burst. "Yes my beloved Shu~?" He tilted his head as he looked up at me. I frowned a bit at this before I moved to pull him into a hug.

"You are always able to make me flustered and I guess it makes me a little shy..." I whispered before I hid my face in his shoulder not wanting him to see I was still a flustered mess. "Aww Shumai~ You can always hug me~" He wrapped his arms around my shoulders before rubbing his left hand up and down. I relaxed a bit at this, despite being in a social situation.

-Sorry for the later update! Thank you all so much for reading!-


The Lies That Cover The Truth [Oumasai/Saiouma]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz