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"Ah, so Kaede is it?" The principal looked at the blond girl who was sitting in the chair on the other side of his desk.

"Y...yes Sir. That's me." Her tone was cold, but they both knew that she was trying to hold back her fear. She knew she was caught red-handed for the things she had been doing to her friends and she didn't want to be given the consequences for her actions.

"You know exactly why you are here, correct? Or do I have to remind you...?" He gestured to her file that was filled with papers of all the past "things" she had done to herself and others. "No, I understand, Sir." She said making sure she kept eye contact with him. Showing him she won't break under this pressure.

"Okay then, from what I understand you have been manipulating girls to be your friend and to be popular by making them fit certain criteria of yours?" He asked. This made Kaede's hands clench the armrests of the chair.

The chair was a nice red leather seat with black leather lining the edges and seat. The principal was sitting in a similar chair, but the back was taller and the chair was on wheels so he could move around from task to task better.

"You can...yes that's correct." She cut herself off before a snarky remark could leave her mouth. Because she knew better than any that would not make him in favor of softening her punishment.

He nodded to acknowledge her answer before he continued. "And you have been responsible for causing them to find ways to seem happy, look skinny, and look more appealing to men? So that they can continue to be your friend." Kaede bit her lip.

She always thought being popular is what she wanted. She always thought that this would make her happy...but what has she really been doing to herself all this time...?

Making life a living hell for others so she could convince herself that her own was heaven.

"Yes," she said, feeling her body shake. A sickness was slowly crawling up her skin. Making her hair stand up and her body shiver from the cold. The cold wasn't from the room being cold, it was cold to Kaede because of the bitter cold reality can bring.

"Well, what do you think should be done about this? Do you have anything to say for yourself for causing three of my students to fall victim to this and almost put them into the hospital?" Her face went pale. So white she thought she might faint.

'I don't know what should be done...I made a horrible mistake. What have I been doing to myself? Was this all for Shuichi? Or was this my own selfish needs?' She thought to herself as the ticking of the clock was becoming louder and louder as the silence passed.

'Shuichi has feelings for Kokichi, I have known that since the beginning and I was happy for him...before things changed. I stopped hanging out with Rantaro and the others. I stopped doing the things I enjoy. I started only treating Shuichi like an object and not even a friend. I was horrible...to all of them. I hate myself.'

Her head fell farther into her hands as her knees made dents in her legs. Her world felt as though it was slipping through her grasp and falling to the ground. "Kaede?" She heard the words of the principal through the static of her mind.

"Y...yes?" She asked, putting on her best smile and looking over at him. "Are you alright dear?" He asked moving to her side to put a hand on her shoulder. She looked over at his hand and laughed softly.

"Yes sir, I'm doing great." Her tone sounded like it was about to crack and shatter into a sickening lie Kaede has tried to hold together. Her home life was nothing to be proud of and what she learned from her bitch of a mother never helped her...and in this situation, it was put on display.

The Lies That Cover The Truth [Oumasai/Saiouma]Where stories live. Discover now