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"What the hell is this?" Kokichi said with a cold stare at Shuichi. Shuichi flinched feeling guilty. "It's just Kaede...she is being difficult..." he whispered, feeling more tears come into his eyes. He hated getting emotional over things like this. But in these moments when he could see Kokichi was angry because of him...he felt horrible and wanted to do anything he could to make Kokichi feel okay again.

"But why is she..." he said, going over the messages. Shuichi hadn't even opened the conversation because of how she was acting...and now he felt proud of himself for not looking at them. They were horrible.

Kaede: hey fag!

Kaede: Fag

Kaede: Answer me!

Kaede: god you are so annoying! But I love you 😘

Kaede: fine if you aren't going to talk I'll make you talk

Kaede: Kokichi has been cheating on you since day one! I mean I can see why you are such a pushover you make everyone be able to take advantage of you so easily!

Kaede: I mean god Shuichi- please come back to me! **** is with Kokichi and they have already-

"I think that's enough," Kokichi said when he saw Shuichi's reaction. Shuichi flinched before he started crying. 'Kaede's right...I'm just a pushover'

"I'm sorry I'm so useless" he cried into his hands making Kokichi slowly move closer to hold him. Shuichi flinched back from him. "You lied to me." He whispered holding his arms around himself.

"Shumai...why would I lie to you?" Kokichi asked, feeling a little hurt. Shuichi started trembling. "You lied to me! How could I not see it before!" His hands moved to pull at his hair and Kokichi moved to gently hold his arms.

"Hey Shumai...look at me" he pleaded, trying to get Shuichi to calm down. Shuichi shook his head before he pushed Kokichi back. Kokichi wasn't expecting this and fell back.

His head hit the bed frame and he flinched a bit as he sat up. His hands were shaking but he focused on Shuichi. "Shuichi, try to calm down," he whispered, feeling a little lightheaded.

"N-no I can't...I-I'm so sorry..." he teared up a bit more before Kokichi rubbed the back of his head before pulling his hand back. His hand had some blood on it, but Kokichi didn't mind it, he was worried about Shuichi.

"Oh my god." Shuichi's breath hitched. "Y-your bleeding..." Shuichi stumbled back as more tears came into his eyes.

Kokichi slowly moved closer to him. "Shuichi I'm okay, but you aren't okay, just talk to me" he said again sounding a little tired. Shuichi felt so guilty that he just turned around and rushed out of the room.

Kokichi tried to yell his name but his voice was all ragged and he was so tired he couldn't think. "Shu..." he whispered before the door slammed open.

"What the hell Kokichi?" He heard a voice but his eyes felt heavy. Shuichi left him and his head was pounding....he couldn't feel anything as his vision blurred. 'Why is everything against me...I want to die' was all that went through his mind as he blacked out.


Shuichi ran down the halls of the apartment building crying his eyes out. He hurt Kokichi and he felt so guilty he didn't even know what to do. He knew he reacted irrationally...but with Kokichi he is so worried about screwing up that he does things that he shouldn't do because of his fear.

He felt his body bump into another person's but he couldn't see who it was. "Shuichi?" He felt the other person ask. He could tell it was a female but he didn't know who it could have been.

"Here I'm going to take you to my room to give you a glass of water..you need one," they said referencing the tears in his eyes. "I know you don't know me very well...but I'm Ryoma's girlfriend and I know you are good friends with him." She said softly.

Shuichi felt a little confused. He has never met Ryoma's girlfriend...but then again Ryoma doesn't really talk about himself much.

"Okay, sorry for being like this...Kokichi-" he started before she just hushed him. "It's okay we don't have to talk about it here," she said with a small smile.

Shuichi hadn't noticed before but there were lots of people staring at them. He blushed a bit before she gently put a hand on his shoulder. "Here let's go,"


-Oh heavens—so much shit is about to go down, sorry I'm a little high on life—finals be coming up and it's going to be a party 🎉 or something 😅-


The Lies That Cover The Truth [Oumasai/Saiouma]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz