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"H-hello," I said, feeling my palms beginning to sweat. Why is she already here? I don't want to see her before I talk to Rantaro--but I guess there isn't anything I can do at this moment now.

"Hello, Shuichi! I wanted to ask you a serious question," Kaede said moving over to me making the nauseous feeling grow in my stomach. "What's the question Kaede?" She smiled softly before moving her hand to hold my arm.

"Would you like to be my boyfriend? I know you like Kokichi--and you rejected me--but I promise you that I will love you more than anyone and-" I cut her off feeling my irritation grow. I can't believe she would come here tonight wearing a more revealing dress and high heels to make her look more desperate....I should have seen it before when I first saw her.

She was wearing a pink dress that was tight and only went down to her mid-thigh, I could tell she was wearing stockings and honestly, it made me feel sick. Who does she think I am? I know she enjoys the idea of touching in more of a sexual sense--she made that more clear as I became closer friends with her and while she tried to get me to have the same feelings for her that she had for me. But this is going too far.

"Kaede," I said sternly, making her smile fade a bit. I could tell Rantaro was thinking of interfering...and I don't blame him. I could smell the alcohol on Kaede and I knew that she was already drunk. I'm sure she did this to try to cope with the fact that I will never be with her under any circumstances. "I am dating Kokichi, he and I love each other and I would never be with you as anything more than a friend." I kept my tone calm even though I felt like I wanted to scream, but we all know that would end up making things worse than they already are.

"But Shuichi!" She whined as she moved her body closer to mine making me even more uncomfortable...I know she is drunk but there are some lines you don't cross, regardless of if you are drunk, irritated, have mind fog--or others. "You should love me! You love me right? Kokichi is just someone you can use so you can make me jealous right?!" She said getting more frantic as the moment went on. I moved my arms to hold her shoulders making it possible for me to hold her away from me.

"No! Of course not...I love Kokichi, and I liked you as a friend at one point, but I'm not even sure if I want to be that with you anymore after the ways you have been acting." I said letting the words leave my mouth. I looked over at Rantaro who was standing up to pull Kaede away from me. "Kaede...leave Shuichi alone." He said before she moved out of his grasp and...

Kissed me.

The entire time she held my face harshly smashing her lips against mine I was trying to push her away from me, and after a few moments, Rantaro pulled her away smacking the back of her head. "What the hell Kaede?! Shuichi told you that he wasn't interested!" Rantaro said over the noise of the music before Kaede got angry.

"But he loves me! No one else!!" She started screaming, making me feel so guilty about everything. Every word she said was in anger...and she was angry with me. I felt so gross in my body I honestly just wanted to leave. I looked over at Rantaro to see if I could just go to find Kokichi and then leave. "He doesn't love you--see made him cry." Rantaro said before I realized that there were tears running down my cheeks. Why am I crying?

"You know what Kaede, usually I would be tolerant of these things because you are a friend... was a friend, but this is too far, see you later," Rantaro said leaving Kaede to have a tantrum on the floor. Some of her other friends came into the room to comfort her as Rantaro walked over to me pulling me out of the room.

"I am so sorry about that...I was going to talk to you before Kaede came, but then when you came into the room--Kaede was also there..." He whispered this into my ear rubbing my back as I cried. I felt so gross like I had been violated by someone I thought I could trust. I felt like I didn't deserve to be with Kokichi anymore...I messed up, bad.

The Lies That Cover The Truth [Oumasai/Saiouma]Where stories live. Discover now