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"What is happening?" Juna said after she woke up in the nurse's office disoriented.  Ibuki looked over at her with a saddened expression. Everyone knew why...because Ibuki ended up telling them all the whole story about Mikai before she became friends with Kaede.


"So seemed to know quite a lot about this girl," Sonia said, putting her hand to her chin. They all sat in chairs outside the nurses office waiting for Juna to get up from passing out earlier. Ibuki looked shaken, she felt like the world she knew before was all destined to never be the same again. It hurt her on the inside to see someone she considers a close friend to go down this road and completely change herself because of popularity.

"Yes Ibuki knows Juna from the time she was a part of Ibuki's band. Juna was always so confident in herself and never took any shit she got from anyone. She always wore the most outrageous clothes to just show the world that she wasn't just one of the bunch, she always told the world that she was here and she was always going to be loud to show the world she was." Ibuki let herself laugh at this even though the others could tell she was blaming herself for not stepping in and talking to Juna before she ended up passing out on the floor.

"I think I remember that," Sonia said before Kokichi gasped a bit. "Wait, is this the Juna that would always wear the most emo clothes and just was super outgoing? I remember her but when she just stopped being around the school I assumed hat maybe she dropped out or something...but I wish I knew that Juna--Kaede's friend was the same person." He sighed to himself before Sonia continued.

"You guys were so spectacular to watch on stage! But I do remember when you stopped performing when Juna became Kaede's friend..." She moved to sit next to Ibuki to wrap an arm around her shoulder. Ibuki soon broke at this small action.

"Ibuki misses her best friend. But she didn't know that her best friend was causing so much danger to herself," she said, letting the waterfalls behind her eyes finally release. It was hard for her to cry around the others as it wasn't something she did very often. She was the one people could come to when they needed to cry or needed someone to listen and help them feel better. Not the person who would be in need of comfort.

"I just can't believe that this is all because of Kaede's influence on them..." Rantaro whispered to himself before Shuichi chimed in. "It's probably not just because of that...I'm sure there are other aspects to this problem." His hand moved to grab Kokichi's. Kokichi seemed more serious at this moment. Shuichi was a little concerned by this mood change but he didn't blame him as this was definitely something terrible happening. And the worst part is it doesn't just happen happens in schools all over the world.

"Hey Ibuki look here," Akane said, moving to pat her back. "What?" She asked, looking up to where Akane was. Akane had walked out of the nurses office and she had a smile on her face which then made Ibuki feel like everything was going to be okay.

"She is going to be okay! She just needs a little rest and to start taking better care of herself, but I'm sure with all of our help she will recover well," Her kind voice and the feeling of relief from the news made all of them feel light. Not light in the sense of being lightheaded and nervous...but more lighthearted and calm. Like they would be able to change some things at this school to end up helping girls like Juna in the future.

"Thank god," Sonia said, folding her hands in her lap. It was a moment they would all remember because of how well they worked together and were able to come together to help someone in need. "Maki you're back." Rantaro said, looking at her, making Shuichi and Kokichi do the same.

"Yes I am, I need you three to meet me in the hallway, I have another task for you" The three of them moved without a question and went out into the hallway. It was kind of unnerving to have to go out into the hallway for another "task" after they were able to get Juna out of that situation.

"What do we need to do-" Kokichi started before Maki moved in front of all of us holding up her hand. This indicated she wanted them all to be silent and listen to what she has to say.

"I took all of you out there so this didn't cause the others to be more on edge." She paused for a moment. "The other groups need more help and I am going to take the role of a monitor. Kokichi you will be the leader of these two and you are going to have to help Rose's group." They all nodded, staying silent. Kokichi had a determined look on his face. Shuichi gave him a side glance and could tell he was ready to take the role for whatever task he was given...this was definitely something he admired about him. Even if he never said it to his face.

"Okay, I got word from Rose and Chiaki that Kuno is going to be more difficult than we first thought..." Maki said changing the mood of the room. They all knew that Kuno was definitely going to be more challenging to convince that Kaede was hurting her...but knowing Rose and Chiaki found it even more difficult than that. It was unnerving.

"I see. So what do they need us to do," Kokichi asked, smiling at Shuichi before he gently kissed his hand. He could tell this was making Shuichi nervous, but he also took note of how this kiss calmed him down.

Kokichi knew how easily Shuichi got nervous about things and sometimes they became too much for him and he just had to let out what he was feeling. He was honored that Shuichi trusted him enough to be able to let out what he was feeling around him, even if it was only when they had moments alone.

"Well Rose wants you guys to go and be there to distract Kaede so they can talk to Kuno. But she can give you more information. I will be close by if something gets too dangerous" Maki sounded very stern so they could tell it was serious. Kokichi smiled to himself because this reminded him of some of the times he got into the zone because of how real the task he needed to help with became.

They all gave her a nod before standing up and looking over at Kokichi. Maki took her leave and so it was just the three of them out in the hallway. "Okay Rose said to meet her in front of the biology room." Kokichi said before he took the lead and led them to the biology room on the second floor.

The anxiety that seemed to be above all of their shoulders made it hard to breathe or even want to take a breath. They were all facing Kaede and the whole popular stereotype...some days are more difficult than others.

"Kokichi." Rose said through clenched teeth. Kokichi could tell she was tense and he kept his expression calm. "What the hell?" There was another voice behind her which made Kokichi flinch.

"Saki?" He said before there was a man standing beside Rose. "Yes hello, nice to finally see you again Kokichi." He said with a tight smile. His face came more into view and Kokichi's face paled.


The Lies That Cover The Truth [Oumasai/Saiouma]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora