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Shuichi's POV

I have had a crush on Kokichi for about a year now the only problem is..... He lies. I don't mean he lies occasionally to be kind to people. He just does it for the sheer fun of it. At least that's what I presume by being a guy who is kinda obsessed with him. It's not like I'm so obsessed I know almost everything about him. It's different than that, it's something more than that. It's well it hard to explain exactly what we have. This is because I can never tell when he lies about me if he means it or not. I feel like he always tries to toy with my heart. It's annoying! But he is to hard to not be around we are in the same school and have almost all the same classes together. We also just happen to be roommates and share a room with bunk beds. Kokichi was the bottom and I am the top bunk. I liked this arrangement first because I love having the top bunk right next to the window. Second cause Kokichi can be fun to be around. He is not a total mess like everyone believes.

"Saihara-chan it's time to get up sleeping beauty~," Kokichi said in a flirtatious tone already starting the day playing with my emotions.  He was already dressed and was standing below me on the floor.

"M-morning Kokichi."

"You're going to be late for breakfast my beloved~," He said in the same tone again why was he like this to me? Maybe he might like me. No that's probably a lie cause he is a- 

"Saihara-chan come on~" He paused for a second and yelled. "Don't make me late too!"

"Right!" I said getting out of my daze thinking about Kokichi. I need to stop getting into these mind rants about him. I'm already thinking about him all the time. 

I got off my bed being cautious of the ladder (because I have fallen before) and started to get dressed. Kokichi looked the other way (of course) while I changed. 


"You took long enough." He said grabbing my arm and dragging me to the cafeteria to get to breakfast right on time so we could get in line. We were standing in the line waiting to eat.

"I'm so hungry" Kokichi exclaimed. 

"Same I hope they have good food this time around."

"Yeah and some Panta for me grape preferably." I laughed at this comment he is obsessed with grape Panta.

"Oh, so you find my obsession funny Saihara-Chan." He said getting closer to me. So close our lips almost touched. My face got hot and I knew I was bright red. This is what I was talking about him messing with my emotions it just makes me want to grab his shirt and kiss him for real. I'm so done with him teasing me so much. 

"See," He said before pausing "It's so cute and funny when you turn bright red with embarrassment."


"Yeah I called you cute get over it it was a lie anyway." He said turning around with a blush coming across his face. Maybe he does like me after all?

We got breakfast and surprisingly Kokichi was able to get a grape Panta from the lunch lady. My meal was composed of rice, fish, and vegetables. Kokichi, on the other hand, had rice and Panta for his meal. I have never seen him eat vegetables before now that I think of it. The rest of the group was over at someplace to learn the history of their talents or something like that. Since me and Kokichi, both take other classes more focused on law and leading arguments. It's debate and law though. Kokichi just took these classes to find loopholes and become better at arguing (classic Kokichi).  Anyway we talked about the new VR game coming out it is a visual novel, but it should be just as fun as any other one. It's called Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc. It's supposed to be a horror game so, I'm super excited to play it! Maybe even Kokichi would be willing to play with me cause there is a co-op function.

The Lies That Cover The Truth [Oumasai/Saiouma]Where stories live. Discover now