Pixane mini-theory things

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Okay, so remember back in season 3 the techno blades? And how they changed the appearance of a vehicle?

Okay, so remember back in season 3 the techno blades? And how they changed the appearance of a vehicle?

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And then went to:

Well, Zane used the Technoblade to hack into Pixal and turn her to the good side, so WHY didn't she change appearance too?

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Well, Zane used the Technoblade to hack into Pixal and turn her to the good side, so WHY didn't she change appearance too?

Well, Zane used the Technoblade to hack into Pixal and turn her to the good side, so WHY didn't she change appearance too?

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I think this is because she is literally perfect for Zane. Say if Kai used his Technoblade on her, she'd probably turn red or something, but if she didn't change at all when Zane hacked into her, that's would probably be because she was already made for him. She was always built exactly how Zane needed her to be. In other words, she was always perfect in Zane's eyes.

But this of course raises a few questions. Does the Technoblade always change it to how the ninja wish it to be? If Jay wanted to hack an arcade machine but didn't want it to change, would it change?

Also, I've wondered for a while, what if Cyrus built Pixal because he knew that Zane would fall in love with her? He would most likely have built other droids but maybe he only built Pixal so he would have a direct link with the ninja? But then when she didn't show the feelings back, he felt worried that his plan wouldn't work but thankfully Zane gave her the ability to feel the same things he did.

Now I don't think Borg is a bad person. I'm not sure why he would want to build a girlfriend for the ice ninja. He doesn't need fame, or money, or power. So maybe he just wanted to say thank you to one of the ninja for saving the city?

Also, (Ik I put this in my headcannon book but..) what if the reason Zane was so dismissive of Pixal in season 4-7 was because he did t want her to find out about his feelings towards her?

But in season 6, Pixal says "nobody touches MY nindroid!" Which is like, the most flirty thing either of them had said to eachother!!! Implying that maybe they started dating in the gap between season 5 and 6? I must admit, Zane was a lot nicer to her in season 7 compared to 4. Well... he wasn't too nice. He never said please or thank you which was kinda mean of him.

Also, Also, ALSO, Pixane is confirmed that they are dating! I'm kinda bummed that we didn't get a date when they got together like Jaya but I guess it's nice to know.

(Source: Ninjago wiki)

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(Source: Ninjago wiki)

(Source: tweet from Tommy in Ronin's POV)

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(Source: tweet from Tommy in Ronin's POV)

But isn't kinda unfair that every cannon ship has kissed except for Pixane? We've had Jaya, an almost kiss for Kailor, lots of almost kisses and one actual kiss for Llorumi, EVEN A LLOYKITA KISS!! And all of these kisses happened the season they met them, so why is it different for Pixane?

I swear to the FSM, Zane and Pixal had better kiss in season 13 and it had better be in anime version cus we have been waiting TOO LONG!!!

That's about all I got for now. See you soon!! BYYYYEEEE!!!!!

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