!HIGHSCHOOL¡- Ex~prt 1

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Let's just say that in this story it's okay for humans to date nindroids and serpentine and ghosts and stuff


Zane went to his locker to get his books for his next lesson when he felt someone tap his shoulder. He turned around and was happy to see Camille standing there.

"Hey Camille! You okay?" He asked
"Zane... look, your really sweet but... I think we should break up." She said.

Zane was taken aback by this. He and Camille has been dating for over a year and she never seemed unhappy around him. She always said she loved him and she asked HIM out first.

"I-I don't understand... did I do something wrong?" He asked. He could feel the tears grow in his eyes.
"Of course not! I just think that maybe.... we aren't too good together."

Zane felt as if he had been stabbed a million times in the heart. Hiding the pain was a difficult challenge but he managed it.

"You gonna be okay?" She asked. Zane didn't respond. He couldn't. He gave a small nod and Camille left. Zane collapsed to the ground in a crumpled mess. Heartbreak was something new to him but he never imagined it would ever be this painful.

The bell for his next lesson rang but he didn't get up. He felt paralysed. Eventually he managed to pick himself up as he stumbled to his next lesson.

~~~2 weeks later~~~

Zane's POV:

It's been two weeks since Camille broke up with me and I just can't get over her! I constantly think of her, constantly look at her and constantly worry about what I could have done wrong.

Heartbreak is a terrible thing and I hope to never experience it ever again. I probably won't though since Camille is the only girl in school who is comfortable with dating a droid like myself.

At lunch I sit by myself and just stare at Camille for a while. At least I now know why she broke up with me. She just wanted to date Cryptor who is way more popular than me. Now that I think about it, doesn't Cryptor have a girlfriend?

I asked my friend Kai about it but he told me that they had broken up so he could date Camille. Apparently it was a big thing in the school and I somehow didn't hear about it. Then again, I don't really talk to anyone.

Nya told me that her name is Pixal and that she is a droid like me. She is probably feeling as upset as I am so I will talk to her at lunchtime.


I walked into the lunchroom and after while, I found Pixal, sitting alone, in the far corner of the room. She really did look as upset as me. I took a deep breath and walked over to her.

"Hey." I said. She looked up unmoved.
"Hey." She responded
"Are you Cryptor's ex?" I asked
"Yes. But I would not consider it my identity." She said frustrated. "My actual name is Pixal."
"I'm Zane." I said. The sparked her attention.
"Wait. Zane as in... Zane Julien? The guy that Camille just broke up with?" She asked.
"Yep. That's me..." I said.

There was quite a long silence. In the end, it just resulted in the two of us staring at Camille and Cryptor.

"She's too good for him." Pixal finally said.
"Yeah... she's too good for me too."
"I'm sorry you two broke up."
"Thanks. Sorry about you and Cryptor too."
"I'd give anything to have him back."
"Yeah... me too."

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