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I have already done a full story similar to this on my OTP challenge but this time it's just Pixane. No Jaya (well very little) or Kailor in the way. Just Pixane.

Jay's POV:

I walked out to the front of the monastery looking for Nya. I saw her training outside with Pixal so I went up to them.

"Hey Nya!" I said
"Hey Jay! What's up?" She said
"I just can to asked if you would be my valentine?" I said giving her a rose.
"Oh Jay! You don't have to do things like this anymore. I will be your valentine no matter what." She said still taking the rose
"I know. I just still like to do special things for you my love." I said as she kissed me on the cheek.
"Tonight at that new cafe that opened up?" She asked
"Sounds good. See you then." I said and I walked away.

Nya's POV:

Jay walked away and me and Pix got back to training. I was still holding the rose in my hand.

"What was that?" Pixal asked
"What was what?" I asked a little confused
"That. What just happened? With Jay?"
"Ohhhh!!! That. Today is Valentine's Day. Jay just was asking me to be his valentine."
"What's Valentine's Day?" She asked
"Don't you know? I thought it was all programmed into you?"
"Apparently not. Please do tell me." She said as we carried on training.
"Valentine's Day is just where couples go on dates and people who aren't couples can still ask the person they like to be their valentine." I explained.

Pixal's face went into a quizzical look.
"So what does someone who doesn't have a valentine do?" She asked
"They could just ignore the day, go on a girls night out or they could just watch films or something. I don't really notice the day when I didn't have a valentine." I said

I saw Pixal's face drop.
"What wrong?" I asked
"What if you like someone.... but they didn't like you back?"
"Well then you need to take a chance and ask them. Putting it off won't make it any easier." I said.
"And could the girl ask the boy to be her valentine?"
"It rarely happens. Usually the boy asks the girl to be his valentine. But if the two aren't dating then the girls practically never asked the boy to be her valentine."
"Oh.." Pixal's face fell again
"We're you thinking of asking someone?" I asked smirking

Pixal blushed a light shade of purple
"Wha- n-no I don't want ask anyone..... and even if I did I don't think he would accept......"
"You thinking about Zane?" I asked sweetly

She blushed deep purple. "Can we discus this in my room?" She asked. And we went to her room.


Jay's POV:

I walked back to the bounty where the others were.

"I got a valentine date." I said
"Good for you. We all have" Kai said
"Well all except Zane." Cole said
"How come you haven't asked Pixal yet?" I asked
"I'm.... not sure I should..." he said
"Why not?" Cole asked going to get some cake
"I..guess I don't really know how to ask her.." he said blushing slightly
"It's simple! All you have to do is walk up to her and ask her to be your valentine!" I said
"Like it's that easy!" Zane said sarcastically.
"Well you could leave her some notes?" Kai suggested
"Or a poem!" Chirped in Cole from the kitchen with his mouth full of cake
"Or a song?" I suggested
"I don't wana do any of that! I just want to ask her to be my valentine normally!" Zane complained
"And do tell how you will do that." I said
"I-Uhh.... I.... I don't know. I'll figure it out."
"Well you better hurry. Only 12 more hours left. And I have a date soon so I gotta go do my hair." Kai said gesturing the clock and then his hair.
"We could help you figure out how to ask her since our dates aren't for 5 more hours." I said with Cole
"Master Wu is still in the first realm trying to help the tribes squabble so we would have the whole monastery to ourselves since the girls are going out." Cole said
"But what if she says no? I would just embarrass myself." He said panicking
"We'll sort that out later." I said"now follow us" I said as we took Zane's arm and dragged him to the control room.

Pixane OTP!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang