Dancing in the rain

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It was raining. This usually wasn't a problem since Nya could just control the rain but she was too sick to use her powers at the moment.

So that meant that all of the discarded mechs and vehicles had to be brought in to avoid water damage.

As the ninja were carrying the machines inside, Zane caught Pixal in the corner of his eye. She was trying to tie down a tarp to one of the motorbikes. It must have been made tougher by the rain but as Zane watched the strong, determined look on her face as she pulled at the rope, the nindroid suddenly felt an odd desire wash over him.

He put down the toolbox he was carrying and walked over to the other nindroid.

The rain ran down her face and wirey hair in the most beautiful way. The purple makes on her face seemed to glow due to the water and her green eyes had never seemed brighter.

Zane walked to her side and gently placed his hand on hers. This caught the Samurai's attention as she turned to look at the other droid.

"Is everything okay Zane? Have you already taken in your assigned vehicles?" She enquired.

Zane couldn't answer. Her beauty has left him speechless. The droid couldn't think about a response. He only had one goal in mind at the moment.

"Dance with me." He said

"Wait what? Right now?" Pixal asked

"Yes. Right here, right now." Zane turned her around so her body was facing him.

"Zane... where did this come from? We're in the middle of a task." Pixal said

"I don't know. It's the strangest thing. All I did was look at you and this urge came over me. It's completely illogical and yet..." he held up their hands and intertwined their fingers. "I can't find it in me to resist this urge. So please Pixal. Dance with me. In the rain."

Pixal thought for a second. She looked towards the bike that needed taking in, then she looked back at Zane. She stared deep into his bright blue eyes. She saw the slight plea in his expression and felt a strange feeling wash over her circuits.

He wanted to dance with her of all people. She was the one who he came to. The one who he let repair him. The one he gave up half of his heart to save. Zane had done so much for her. Loved her, cared about her, saved her and made her feel safe. This felt like the least she could do in return.

She gave him an embarrassed smile and leant closer to him.

"Okay." She said.

Zane could feel the metaphorical butterflies in his stomach again. The same ones he felt every time Pixal so much as looked at him. He took her hand a guided her to a more open space.

The two nindroids now stood facing eachother again. Zane made the first move, putting her hand in his own and putting the other one around her waist. Pixal smiled and put her spare hand around his neck.

"Shall we?" He asked.

"We shall." She smiled at him.

They two began to move in sync. Their feet gracefully moving along to the sound of the pouring rain. There was no actual music but that didn't matter. The nindroids didn't need anything other than eachother in this moment. It was finally just them. No villains or disasters or distractions.

Just Pixal. Just Zane.

The white ninja spin the samurai around and hen pulled her closer into his arms, making each step filled with more love and meaning than before.

Nothing could break them away from this. Not the raging thunder or harsh rain. Not the other ninja shouting for them to help put the machines away. It was just these two together. And there was nothing that would change that.

Zane leant over Pixal as the dance was brought to an end. A few droplets of rain falling from his face into hers as she looked up into his bright, happy eyes.

"I- Uhm... thank you Pixal. That was really nice."

"Yeah... yeah it was." She blushed

The two stood up and separating from their position, however Zane still held her hands in his own.

"We should... Yknow, do stuff like this more often." He said

"I agree. It has been a while since we've been able to let loose together. Perhaps we should try to set up a system where once a month we get uninterrupted time together? Do you think that would be acceptable?" Pixal asked

"I think that would be most acceptable." Zane smiled, kissing her forehead.

She blushed and smiled at him. "Good."

Zane rested his arms over her shoulders and pulled her protectively into his side. She leaned up and gave him a peck on the lips. The ice ninja blushed and kissed her again, this time longer and with more expressed love than before.

Pixal could feel the warmth radiating from him and leaned into the kiss, enjoying every little sensation he was making her feel.

When he pulled away the two looked at eachother and blushed.

"I love you." Pixal said.

"I love you too Pixal." Zane smiled

"We should probably finish putting that stuff away before it gets rusted." Pixal said

"Of course, we wouldn't want your hard work to be squandered on rusty bikes." Zane said.

"That would be unfortunate yes. Although... I don't necessarily mind your distractions. I would prefer if they were saved for a more convenient time if that's okay with you?"

"I understand. I just wish we got more time together you know? It feels like there's always something separating us and I wish there wasn't."

"We'll make time I promise." Pixal kissed his nose lightly and smiled at him. "I love you so much."

"I love you too beautiful." He lightly kissed her.

The two nindroids returned to their separate duties after that. But the thought of what had happened kept them warm throughout the harsh weather. And when the task was finally done, the two nindroids cuddled up together in Zane's room for the rest of the evening, exchanging kisses and various 'I love you' s until the both eventually fell asleep together.

Both happy in eachother's company as they would be forever.


Hahahahaha WOW HELLO!!!!

Betcha didn't think I'd ever update this again!!!

Anywho hi, sup, how ya doing, hope the marriage is going well, HELLO!!!!

Hope you liked this one shot and I'll see you eventually.

Bye for now though!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2023 ⏰

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