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Zane's POV:

I went to Pixal's house at 8 like I said I would and waited for her to come out. When she did, she was wearing casual clothes like I was. Jay told me I should 'tell her' something but I'm not sure if he means I should tell her my feelings or tell her that this is a date.

Soo.... I'm gonna tell her my feelings.

We walked to the edge of Ninjago near the docks where everything was all lit up beautifully with lanterns hanging from strings.

"Wow. I don't think I've ever been in this part of town before." She said
"O-oh. You haven't?" I asked
"No... it's really pretty though."

If I was Kai I would have said something romantic like 'not as pretty as you' but I'm not a romantic person and I'm not as benevolent as Kai is.

We got some kebabs and sat down on the wooden planking with our feet dangling over the water.

"This is nice. Just us two. Away from everyone else." She said.
"Yeah... it's nice and peaceful isn't it?"

There was quite a long silence. I went up to get a bottle of water and when I came back to sit down I 'accidentally' touched Pixal's hand slightly. She mustn't have noticed because she didn't react at all.

"Quit stalling" I told myself "just tell her!"

"Pixal. I... need to tell you something." I said, breaking the silence.
"Okay what is it?" She asked
"Remember when Camille asked me out and I turned her down?"
"The reason for it wasn't.. because I think she's untrustworthy. I mean, it is, but it isn't the main reason."
"So what's the main reason?" She asked, turning to face me.
"The reason I didn't take back Camille is.... I... have recently developed... feelings for you Pixal." I admitted.
"Wait, what?"
"B-but I was scared to tell you but I know that if I didn't tell you before you got back with Cryptor then I'd never be able to tell you ever."
"Look, Zane, this is really flattering but... I... I'm still trying to get back with Cryptor... you understand right?"
"Of course! I wasn't expecting anything, I just really wanted to tell you." I said.

She then hugged me! Not a fake hug but a genuinely real hug!! I didn't know what else to do so I just hugged her back. A normal person would probably say there was no difference but I could tell it was waaay different.

"Things won't be awkward between us will they?" I asked, pulling away from the hug.
"Of course not. I guess your not going to help me get back with Cryptor?" She asked
"Are you kidding?? Of course I will still help you! We had a deal and I intend to keep my end of it. Still friends?" I asked
"Yeah. Still friends." She said.

She put her hand on mind and I blushed quite a bit.
"Should we.. head back?" She asked
"Yeah... okay." I sighed.

As we started to get up, she quickly gave me a kiss on the cheek causing me to freeze in place.

"Bye." She said
"B-bye...." I managed to say as I watched her walk away.

True I wasn't expecting her to share my feelings but I thought that there might be a slight chance she would feel the same...

I guess I'm just another reject...



Next week, as the two were walking down the hall, they saw a gathering around the board.

"Hey... what's going on?" Pixal asked a student called Gale who was standing nearby.
"There's going to be a school dance this weekend!!" She said excitedly "but it's not like a school disco, it's like the type where you get asked to go!! Oooo it's so cute!!"
"Hey Gale... wanna go with me?" A kid called Dareth asked
"Oh Umm..... maybe? I-I'll have to get back to you on that." She said, walking away hurriedly.

Pixane OTP!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt