Chess game

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All of these story's will be set at different times. Most before they had started dating... this one is before they started dating! (If they ever do start dating)
K enjoy!!

Zane's POV:

Me and Pixal were sitting at the table playing mini droid chess. After I beat Jay for the 203rd time he suggested that me and Pixal go against eachother so we restarted the game and started playing.

The only other droid I had ever played chess with was Coffee bot and in the end she ended up cheating to win. No one had ever beaten me at chess but this time I intended for Pixal to win. The only thing was that she was making it difficult for me to loose by doing the worst possible moves!

Pixal's POV:

I was excited to finally play a game of chess against Zane since no one had ever beaten him I thought it would be interesting to see if I could beat Zane but when we started playing I noticed that Zane wasn't taking the smartest moves...

I was starting to get confused by what he was doing then it hit me. "He's trying to loose? Why would he do that? Well if he's trying to loose then I'm not going to let him let me win!" I thought.

So I started going for the worst moves I could calculate so I could loose the game and Zane would not loose his title.


The chess game lasted all day. Zane and Pixal were constantly trying to loose and the others were really confused about what they were doing.

"Why is it the one game I don't play against Zane he's trying his best to loose?" Jay whispered to Kai
"Because Zane is only trying to loose because he wants to let Pixal win."
"Well no duh!!"
"Who do you think is gonna win?" Cole asked
"I think Pixal will win." Nya said
"And by win you mean..." Kai said
"Pixal and Zane are both trying to loose and I think Pixal will win by loosing."
"Whhaaaa?" Jay asked
"Pixal is going to loose the game because that's what they are trying to do." Lloyd explained
"Didn't make much more sense the second time but I'll take it." Jay said

And so Zane and Pixal carries on playing. They played into the night. In the morning the others went to the deck and they were still both trying to loose.

It was near the end of the day where Zane had only one choice left. He had to win the game. With a heavy heart he accepted his defeat and won.

"Checkmate." Zane sighed
"FINALLY!" The others said
"It was a close game." Pixal said
"How about a re match?" Zane suggested
"On one condition." Pixal said
"And what would that be?"
"Don't try to loose. I was looking forward to a fair game against you." She said

Okay I know this was a really bad Pixane story but I promise to have more Pixane in the next one! ❤️

Pixane OTP!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora