Coffee to go- 3.16

Start from the beginning

Emily who stood silently biting her tongue lifted her head,"..How much?-"

Madam Chong leaned eyeing her hot red nails her devilish smirk displays on her lips Madam Chong was truly worthy of her title 'She devil'
"..I've seen a number of girls come and go you're just a pass time for my son. How much will it take for you to disappear completely from his life?-" she opened her purse pulling out her checkbook.

"..Nick loves me there's no amount of money you could offer for me to leave him," Emily stubbornly declared cocking her brows, "..So it's better you be on your way old hag!-" Devine Essence abruptly stood angrily pointing, "..You! You social climber! How dare you talk to Constance like that?!-"

Madam Chong stands, "..Emily Chao, twenty-one the bastard child bore from a criminal passed off as a twin with the real daughter," Emily's eyes bulged in horror Constance clicks her tongue circling the frozen girl, ".. You see I've done my research on you but it seems you haven't done your research on me," she rested left palm on Emily's shoulder, "..Because if you did you'd know I'm not one to be trifled with little girl with just the click of my fingers you could permanently disappear from this world," Constance squeezed down hard on shoulder almost cracking a bone.

Her palm is grabbed and flung off, "..Mother what are you doing? Why are you hurting Emily?!-" the enraged Nick pulls a whimpering Emily to his side Constance shakes her wrist, "..Simply putting this filth in her place," fishing her handkerchief from her pocket she sanitized her brutally scrubbing.

"..You can't just barge in here and beat my girlfriend-" Emily shuddered behind Nick who stood firm, "...Why not. I own this entire complex I can go and come where I please," she straightened adjusting her coat, "-Besides I wouldn't be here if you hadn't kept dragging our faces in the mud. Lass you're forgetting you have a fiance with equally standing status. Will you not give her face?-"

Nick vigorously shook clutching his fist, "..You know very well how I feel about Nathalie. I don't love her!-" he stomped his feet Madam Chong tilted her head to the side a small chuckle leaves her lips her venomous tongue sharp as an arrow, "..Do you think I married your father because of love how pathetic do you think I am? To love a man who goes around trampling mistresses hearts."

Madam Chong folds her arms, "..You should very well know I married your father not for love not for money but for revenge for what he did to your late aunt he dared played with her then dumped her causing her suicide. So like a leech I made his every day life miserable until the day he rolled over and painfully died," she adds her almond eyes flickered from her gigantic yellow diamond ring to her son, "..You were the only thing good I got marrying that man and I'll not let my only son throw his life away for some tramp you picked up off the streets!-"

"...So you're going to dismiss this tramp and be prepared to marry your 'optimistic' fiance," Madam Chong fixed her slightly ruffled hair, "..I'll not yield to you mother this is my life I make my own choices," Nick stubbornly stood his ground in an  assuring manner he gripped Emily's hand, "..I won't leave Emily-"

Madam Chong bit her lip, "..Is that so? If that's how it's going to be I'm sure you know the consequences of your decision my dear boy," she flips back on her shades, "..Essence let's go my eyes are getting sore," like that the two woman elegantly strode out of the apartment.

The elevator went down,"What are you going to do sister?-" Devine Essence asked curiously Constance devilishly smirked taking off her shades once again she brought the handle to her lips, "..The lengths I'll go is far unmeasurable but since he's behaving so stubborn I'll just have to crush his defiant spirit. Just you wait he'll come crawling  back to me like he always does and that little gold digger I'll deal with her accordingly-"

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