Chapter 43 Feast

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‘’I will miss you so much ‘’Ellaria said while embracing her grandmother. Today was the day that Lord Elrond, Lord Celebron and Lady Galadriel will depart from middle-earth forever. It saddens Ellaria, the thought of not seeing them ever again felt so depressing. However, she cannot complain as she knew that Arwen must be feeling worst. Choosing Aragorn meant that she will never be united with her family once again, Ellaria will never see her mother again when she dies. That was the main reason that her mother will not leave middle-earth

Lord Elrond stood in front of her and her mother and smiled, they both noticed that there was something hidden beneath his smile.

‘’Fear not my dear Ellaria, no matter what the future holds for you, I can see that you will be happy until the end’’ he said while looking at her. ‘’ Remember, one must give up life to give life. That is all I can say’’ he said.

‘’No matter what your decision is, we will always love you’’ Lady Galadriel said while she was embracing her mother, Lord Celebron looked at both of them with admiration. Ellaria looked confused as why they were saying farewell to her mother more than her, her mother will sail too so surely they will meet again. She shrugged it all off, elves sure are full of mysteries.

‘’Until we see each other again my dear Ellaria’’ Lord Celebron said as he gave her his last embrace. See each other again? What does that mean? Seeing her confused face Celebron placed a kiss on her forehead and told her not to think too much of it and to not worry.

She heard sobbing at her back and she turned to see Pippin, Merry and Sam crying, she went to them and comforted them. They were so hurt when they found out that Frodo would be leaving middle-earth.

‘’ Don’t be sad, you will reunite once again with Frodo. He needs to recover from the trauma that the ring brought him, I hope you understand that’’ she explained and all the hobbit nodded but continued to cry even more.

Ellaria wanted to stay a bit longer to see them sail away but she had to go. She bid everyone farewell as she sprinted away from them. She’s late; he must be waiting for her now. She silently cursed herself as she tried to find her horse. The dress wasn’t helping her either, now that most of the elves left middle-earth her mother and Ellaria acted as the Lady of Rivendell and Lothlorien so she had to wear formal clothes every day.  She was happy now though, she spent six months ruling and now she will travel back to the land of men to defend her new king Eomer. Riding to the gates she saw a familiar long blond hair and she smiled. Always early, she made the horse go faster.

 ‘’My lord’’ she mutters and he turned around. ‘’I told you before; there’s no need for formalities ‘’ he said as he pulled the reigns and started riding out as well.

‘’Fine, Eomer. Now there’s no time for talking, we are already late for the feast’’ she said and Eomer turned to her and smiled. ‘’Let’s have a race?’’ he said but before he finished Ellaria was already ahead of him. He chuckled and called her out for cheating.


Legolas gathered all of his belongings thinking of what he will bring or what he will leave behind. He saw the little bow he had when he was young and it brought him so many memories of childhood. He smiled as he remembered how he remembered how he taught Ellaria how to use a bow; his moment was interrupted by her mother who barged in his room.

‘’Thinking about her still?’’ she asked while she sat on his bed. ‘’ You haven’t packed yet?’’ he asked curiously avoiding the question, they were leaving at dawn and she does not seem prepared.

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