Chapter 30: Helm's deep part 2

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Ellaria tried to stand up but her leg was in too much pain, the ork were approaching her fast but she could not move. The creature smirked at her knowing that she could not defend herself, the sword she held before disappeared when she fell down. It raised its spears preparing to attack her, Ellaria closed her eyes fearing the pain that will soon come but nothing happened. She opened her eyes to see Haldir stabbing the ork on its head, she breathe in a sigh of relief , if weren't for Haldir she would be dead right now.

 Haldir immediately came to her aid after killing the ork.

''Are you alright my lady?'' he asked

 '' I am fine,Diola lle (thank you)'' she said while attempting to stand up but quickly falling down after. She clutched her legs where the pain was, it was drenched with fresh blood.

 ''I don't think you're fine my lady'' Haldir said as he inspected her wound, he suddenly swoop her up and carried her with his arms.

 ''Thank you'' she said softly once again and Haldir smiled brightly at her.

 ''You do not have to thank me, It is my duty'' he said proudly

 Their attention was caught by a commotion , they saw men running back to the castle.

 '' Pull everybody back! Pull them back!''

''Fall back! Fall back!''

Haldir began running faster to the castle with her still in his arms, they saw Aragorn trying to get as many elves as he can back to the castle. It was a mess now and the orks are trying to destroy the main wall of the castle. If they were successful they will be able to get to the woman and children. They were reaching the gates when suddenly Haldir stopped moving, Ellaria moved her gazed to the elf. Her eyes widened as she saw what happened, there was an ork that had stabbed Haldir and it had peirced into his armor.

''No! No!'' she yelled, Haldir's body gave up and they end up falling with Haldir on top of her.

''Move Haldir!'' she yelled but the elf was too stubborn to move. The ork that stabbed him approached them once again, Ellaria was panicking.

''If I move, the ork will hurt you'' Haldir said, the ork raised his spear and once again stabbed Haldir but this time more deeply.He groaned in pain.

''Haldir'' she muttered sobbing, not again she cannot lose someone dear to her.

''You promised we will go home together'' she said

''Forgive me'' Haldir said , his body finally gave up and he remained motionless. The ork moved on to the next soldier, tears were pooling on her cheeks and she felt Haldir's blood drenching her. Ellaria laid still , she cannot accept it the elf that she knew ever since she was a child was now dead. She felt the weight was taken off, Aragorn had moved Haldir's body away.

''Ellaria we must go'' he said while holding her by her shoulder.

''We cannot leave him like this, not like this'' she said removing Aragorn's hold , she crouched down.

''you leave me with no choice Ellaria'' and with that Aragorn forcefully carried her. Ellaria tearfully bid Haldir goodbye, they met Legolas inside the castle. The orks were trying to break down the main hall and the soldiers were trying their hardest to resist the intruder by barricading the door.

When Legolas first saw her he immediately ran to her and Aragorn handed her to the elf. She sobbed into his shoulder and the elf comforted her.

''Legolas, Haldir is gone'' she said and Legolas nodded, he could not find any words of comfort. He just held her close to him, he shared her pain , seeing her this way was too painful for him if he could take away the pain and take it for himself he would. He stroked her hair and kissed her forehead, he carried her back to the cave where the children and women stayed. He carefully placed her on the floor, she stayed silent. She looked into the distance unmoving. Legolas kissed her on the forehead and stood up to leave when he felt a slight tug he looked back to see Ellaria staring at him.

''Don't leave me Legolas'' she muttered silently, she was so afraid. There is a chance he will not make it back and she could not handle the thought, she would die if he dies too.

''please'' she pleaded and she could see the elf was torn. Legolas remover her hands

'' This is for your own good Ellaria , I have to go back'' and with that he left. He didn't want to say goodbye , he knew that he will come back. He didn't spare her a second glance , it will only make it harder for him to leave. As he walked away, she tried to stand up and follow Legolas but she ended up falling. Eowyn saw her and quickly came to her aid, she helped her sit once again.

''He will come back'' Eowyn said trying to comfort her , Ellaria looked down she hated how vulnerable she felt. She hated feeling hopeless and useless, Eowyn left her as she took the hint that she was not in the mood for talking. The presence beside her disappeared but quickly replaced by two forms. She didn't have to look up , she knew who they were. She was pulled into a hug and she welcomed it. Hours and hours they waited in the cave silently praying for the safe return of their loved ones, they heard footsteps coming toward the cave and they all looked in fear and in hope. They did not know if those footstep belong to the soldiers or the orks.

The king came in and removed his helmet ''It's over we have won!'' he announced and everyone cheered, the woman and child hugged one another. The soldiers came in and was reunited with their family, Ellaria was waiting for Legolas but he did not come. She waited , she wanted to stand up to look for him herself but she cannot even stand. Aragorn came in and walked towards her.

''Legolas?'' ''He is fine but he is wounded'' Aragorn explained and she breathe in a sigh of relief. Aragorn carried her on his back, he carried her to where Legolas was. Ellaria frowned when she saw an elven woman tending to his wound, she would not usually mind but now she did. Legolas had removed his armor and clothing , the wound he sustained was in his chest and the elven woman was touching it muttering some elven enchantment.

Ellaria coughed earning Legolas and the elven woman's attention. She pulled away blushing , Ellaria frowned. She asked Aragron to placed her beside Legolas , she turned to the elven woman.

''You can go now, I can handle this'' she said and Legolas chuckled sensing her jealousy.

''My lady , My name is Tauriel'' she said and Ellaria nodded.

'' You may go now''

''But I'm not fini-''

''You can go now, I can handle this. '' Ellaria said stubbornly and the she elf left embarrassed.

Legolas looked at her amused, '' That was not very nice'' Ellaria pursed her lips

'' I did not do anything wrong, now let me see that wound'' She carefully fixed his wound silently, she was biting her lips and silently cursed to herself. Tauriel went to close to Legolas, way too close for comfort. Legolas looked at her as she worked on him.

''You're jealous aren't you?'' he teased

''I'm not''

''Yes you are''

''I am not''

''Admit it''

''Oh look my leg is broken, I guess I need someone to take care of it then'' Legolas frowned, he didn't like the idea of someone touching her legs.

''I'll do it myself'' he said frowning

''Now you know how it feels'' Ellaria teased and the elf rolled his eyes. She sure know how to play with his feelings. There was a crowd forming at the main door and they were both curious. They wanted to go but they were both wounded. The crowd separated into two forming a pathway. The first thing Ellaria saw was the golden hair and she knew who it was immediately, her mother walked with grace and confidence. The people were struck with her mother's beauty, it was rare for them to see an elf especially one that is this beautiful.

''Ellaria'' her mother uttered as she saw her, her eyes held emotion so much emotion.

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