Chapter 8 Fun times

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Celeborn and Galadriel witnessed their daughter Ester broke down once again, if she wasn’t crying on her room she would be down the cellar drinking countless number of wines. She was a mess now, even more of a mess compared to before when she had lost her husband Henry. They saw Haldir approaching along with a couple of their men, he bowed and they waited for the latest news about their long lost granddaughter. Ester came outside to listen, she went down the stairs and her parents looked at her with sympathy. Her beauty began to fade due to her grief; she had stopped taking care of her health ever since she lost her daughter.

‘’ Lady Ester’’ Haldir bowed and Ester nodded.

‘’What news do you bear?’’ Ester asked hopeful, they had sent all of their man to look for Ellaria. Rivendell, Mirkwood and Lothlorien all joined forces to look for her, they found no trace of Ellaria in the realms of elves so they had decided to look at the realms of man Gandor and Rohan.

‘’We had visited the last village of man; there was no trace of her. I am sorry’’ he said while he looked at the ground.

‘’ How hard it is to look for a young girl! I do not want to see your face right now! Get out’’ Ester lashed out and Haldir left. Haldir took no offence that Lady Ester had shouted at her , he understood that she was not in her best condition right now.

Galadriel went to comfort her daughter but Ester shook her off. Ester ran to her room once again, they heard noises and they knew Ester is destroying her room once again. Galadriel decided not to intrude, Ester needed her time alone.

‘’ Let us try to look at the mirror once again’’ Celeborn suggested but Galadriel shook her head.

‘’It will show the exact thing it showed us before and you know that’’ she said, when they had tried to look at the mirror it had showed nothing.

‘’Elrond?’’ Celeborn suggested once again.

‘’He could not see her future either, like she disappeared completely’’ Celeborn sighed and embrace his wife, it pained them to see their daughter this way and it was more painful that they had lost Ellaria.

Galadriel walked out to get a breath of fresh air when she noticed the young Legolas in the corner, she had the ability to read minds and she knew he blamed himself for what happened.

It is not your fault she talked to him using her mind and Legolas jumped surprised by her sudden voice.

Legolas looked down and Galadriel raised his chin up and smiled at him.

‘’What if I don’t ever see her again? What if she’s dead?’’ he said tears rolling down his cheeks, Galadriel wiped his tears away.

‘’Do not lose hope young Legolas, we will see her and she is not dead and I am sure of it. If she was I would have seen it’’ she said and Legolas’ eyes lit up.

‘’It is my fault that she was lost, she begged me not to go and I still forced her to’’ Legolas said and Galadriel shook her head.

‘’ It is not your fault, perhaps it’s meant to happen’’she said and Legolas looked at her in confusion.

‘’Things happens for a reason Legolas, in the end it would all make sense like destiny. Now come and rest, you travelled far’’ she said and with that Legolas went to his room to rest.


Arthur began training Athena to fight; Edith looked with wonder at the child. She learned fast for her age.

Athena was holding two sword and Arthur had one sword. She swung at him nonstop; Arthur had difficulty keeping up with the child.

She swung at him left and right with speed, Arthur swung at her and she crouched down hitting him on his leg not actually injuring him. Arthur backed away to fixed his composure, Athena stood closer at him sword in hand, their sword clashed together they held their position trying to prove who was stronger. Athena removes one of her sword and swung at Arthur, Arthur in fear had lost his concentration. Athena noticed and she successfully removed his sword form his hand.

Athena jumped up and down in happiness; she had beaten her father in a sword fight. She did not know why but her senses seem to be sharp. She could see things so clearly compared to others, she could hear noises from far away and not only that she inherited great strength.

Arthur frowned, he just gotten beaten by a girl. Edith came to them and handed them fresh milk from the cow.

‘’Aww papa is upset’’ Athena teased and Edith laughed at her husband’s immaturity.

‘’I cannot believe my daughter has beaten me’’ he said

‘’Well you are getting old papa, it is not really surprising. I bet if hunter fought you, you would have lost’’ she teased, hunter was a dog they had adopted.

‘’what did you say?’’ her papa said while walking towards her, she knew that look and she began running away but he caught her. He began tickling her and she was laughing hard, tears falling on her cheeks.

‘’Mama Help’’ she screamed but mama just laughed at their silliness. Dawn came and her stomach was hurting for laughing too hard, she cannot even eat.

‘’eat’’ mama said but she just couldn’t

‘’Mama, my stomach hurts’’ she said and papa smirked at her.

‘’it’s your fault’’ papa said and Athena glared at him.

‘’It’s your fault’’ she said and her papa stuck his tongue out for her .her eyes widened and she took a piece of bread and threw it at him. They began throwing food back and forth when mama noticed she stopped them.

Mama made them clean the house for punishment. They would secretly taunt each other whilst cleaning but look away when mama can see them.

They all huddled together when they sleep; they decided to move into a small house in the forest. Orcs had been targeting villages so they were safe at least for now. Athena chukled as she heard papa snored loudly, he was tired from cleaning. Her mind wandered about the boy she saw before, the blond eared elf. Athena could not stop herself from thinking about him; she wished that she could meet him again someday.

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