Chapter 14 The story of Ellaria

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Athena woke up as soon as the sun had risen; they had slept on the ground which was so uncomfortable to her. She stood up and stretched, her muscles were sore; she turned to the group to find them all still sleeping. Gimli was snoring so loud she was surprised that the others are still sleeping.

They’re still sleeping! Maybe she could escape, but they have food she thought to herself. If she stayed with them she would not be able to go home on time, her plan was to smuggle her parents out of Rohan so Grima couldn’t harm them then beat the hell out of Grima. What was his plan to begin with? It must be really important that he had to get rid of her. She made her way to Sam; he was the one who carried the food for the group Athena thought that they wouldn’t mind if she stole some food. However she suddenly felt guilty, maybe she should just hunt stealing is said to be the worst sin according to her parents.

‘’There is only one sin, only one. And that is theft. Every other sin is a variation of theft... When you kill a man, you steal a life. You steal his wife's right to a husband; rob his children of a father. When you tell a lie, you steal someone's right to the truth. When you cheat, you steal the right to fairness.’’ (Quote from kite runner)

She sighed, she guess she had to work hard to hunt now. It doesn’t even help that her senses was not as accurate as it was before, ever since the day she and Theodred got engaged her body started changing not for the better. It was the first time she got sick and she never got sick before, she just shrugged maybe it was because she was an adult now and she doesn’t eat the proper food.  As they were sleeping Athena slowly walked backwards and when she was out of the area she ran, this was easier than she thought. She silently praised herself for her skills; she was running until she bumped into something.

She swore there was nothing there before; she slowly looked up to see it was the elf. He looked at her with disapproval.

‘’I thought you were sleeping?’’ she asked and the elf raised his eye brows.

‘’I was awake the whole time’’ he said while grabbing her arm dragging her back to the group.

When they came back the whole group was awake already, Sam was cooking breakfast. Pippin ran to her smiling, why is he so happy?

‘’Where did you go Ellaria?’’ he asked her excitedly and Merry hit him slightly on the head.

‘’Pippin her name is Athena not Ellaria’’ he said and Athena smiled at Merry, thank goodness somebody finally called her by her real name. All of them kept calling her Ellaria which she didn’t mind at first but now she did.

‘’Oh Legolas and I just walked around a little’’ she said while ruffling both of their hair, it was weird but Athena really was fond of the hobbits. They are so lively that it was contagious; Sam had finished cooking and gave them their plate full of sausages and eggs. She saw that there was a plate left untouched, which was odd as Sam cooked for each of them she wondered which one was missing. She noticed that Boromir was missing, where is he?

‘’Where’s Boromir ‘’ she asked the group

‘’He’s on watch today’’ Aragorn said and Athena nodded, even though he’s on watch he should eat something. She stood up and took the untouched plate, she earned a few glances.

‘’I’m just going to give Boromir his food, he needs to eat’’ she said and the group nodded and Legolas looked at her as if he was thinking it was her another ‘escape’ plan. She took off her cloak and left her dagger so that no one questions her motive.

She walked over to Boromir who was looking troubled as he walked around, she tapped him on the shoulder and he jumped in alarm pointing his sword at her. She raised her arms in surrender, when he realizes that she was not a threat he dropped his sword.

‘’You should not sneak up on me I could’ve killed you’’ he said grumpily.

‘’I just came to give you your food’’ Athena said while handing him his food

‘’I am not hungry’’ he said and Athena rolled her eyes at him

‘’Well you should eat young mister! , how are you going to fight if your stomach is empty? ‘’ she scolded and he chuckled.

‘’Fine, old lady’’ he said and Athena playfully punched him on the shoulder. He was eating as Athena watched him.



‘’Gandor would be fine, it still has great defense against Mordor’’ she said and Boromir looked up at her, his face serious.

‘’I hope so’’ he mumbled while looking at his plate, Athena placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

‘’Everything would be alright, now finish your food’’ she said and Boromir nodded, she walked away after she made sure he was alright.

She was walking back and she saw Legolas leaning on the tree waiting for her, he did not say anything to her he just walked back to the group. After they ate they packed their bags and walked. She asked them where they are headed and no one told her, no one until Pippin slipped and reveal the truth.

‘’We are going to Mordor ! To destroy the ring!’’ he said and everyone glared at the hobbit, Pippin realizing what he said covered his mouth in shame.

It stayed quiet after that, they walked and walked only stopping for lunch. They had set up another camp at night fall, they finished eating dinner.

‘’What happened to Ellaria?’’ she asked curiously, she might as well know who she was.

Aragorn talked about her, how she talked and how she acted. They told her that she was a shy girl and very polite, the opposite of her Athena thought. Apparently she was the daughter of one of the most powerful and wise elf in middle earth called Ester, and her father was a mortal. Legolas talked while he had a smile on his face, Ellaria must mean a lot to him, and he said that Ellaria was the only true friend that he had.

‘’-then she fell’’ Legolas said his smile fading. He said it was his fault, while looking at Athena. Athena averted her eyes away; she looked at the ground that was such a depressing story.

‘’ why would you think it was me? I do not have pointy ears’’ she said looking back at Legolas.

‘’The thing is, Ellaria did not have pointy ears’’ Aragorn said.

‘’ it’s the bracelet that you wore that I knew it was you’’ Legolas said while looking at her wrist, Athena looked at the bracelet she wore. Her mother said it was a gift, it was a simple bracelet.

Legolas removed his sleeves and there it is the exact replica of her bracelet.

Athena did not know why but somehow she wants to believe them, Athena spent the whole night thinking about it. Is she Ellaria? Is that the reason why she was different from the others? 

Destiny ( love again new version, Legolas fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें