Chapter 15 the fall of Boromir

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‘’I think you should bring her back to Lothlorien Legolas, our path is way too dangerous for her’’ Aragorn said while looking at the back of Legolas, the elf was carrying her on his back as she was too exhausted to walk and fell asleep soon after. She volunteered to watch last night despite legolas’ objection; she said she wanted to help them. Legolas volunteered as well , he wanted to make sure she doesn’t escape.

‘’I wish I could but I swore an oath to protect Frodo’’ he said torn, destroying the ring is the priority and Legolas knew the fellowship needs him.

‘’She’s been gone for too long Legolas, she needs to go back to Lady Ester’’ Aragorn said remembering the state Ellaria’s mother was in when they went to Lothlorien.

‘’ I don’t want to abandon the fellowship, I am needed’’ he said but Aragorn shook his head.

‘’ It is not safe for her to linger with us melon (friend)’’ Aragorn said trying to persuade Legolas.

‘’What if she’s not Ellaria and it she just happened to look like her?’’ Boromir chimed in.

‘’She’s Ellaria’’ Legolas said with a little force behind his words.

‘’What is your proof? I’ve seen girls who looked like her and the bracelet hardly counts for anything, it is actually common in Gandor’’ Boromir argued, he thinks it was unfair for them to take her for captive because they believed she was Ellaria. Athena already said so many times that she’s not and she had a family back home, he felt bad for her and had almost set her free. He had grown close to her while they were together, she was a nice girl.

‘’I know it’s her’’ Legolas glared at Boromir, he knew that he almost set her free.

‘’She has a family in Rohan and I’m pretty sure if she was Ellaria she would at least remember you. You basically force her against her will, and now you’re going to bring her to a place she doesn’t even know. She’s not Ellaria Legolas, let her go’’ Boromir argued back.

‘’No’’Legolas said stubbornly, after all these years he finally found her. He refused to let her go. Boromir sighed, there’s no use arguing.

‘’Give her to me Legolas, you must be tired of carrying her’’ Aragon offered, they have been travelling for a long time and he was sure Legolas was tired.

‘’I can carry her we are going to stop soon anyways, it’s almost night time’’ he said and Aragon nodded, they had walked far and was just looking for a place to settle it at night.

Thankfully they found a place to settle in; Athena was still sleeping when they had set their camp.  Legolas didn’t want to wake her up, they had let her sleep in and reserved a plate of food for her in case she woke up. Legolas was thinking to himself, what if she wasn’t Ellarria? What if what Boromir had said was true that the bracelet was common and Athena just happened to look like her? He didn’t even want to think about it , he felt guilty now that he held her captive. However, there was something in his heart that said it was her. Athena stirred in her sleep; Legolas could see she was having a nightmare judging the faces she was making.

Theodred, mama, papa she whispered over and over while sobbing, Aragon and Legolas looked at each other both feeling guilty. There was a possibility that it wasn’t her. Legolas reached over to wake her up; he gently shook her shoulder in attempt to wake her up. She opened her eyes but she did not stop crying.Legolas attempted to comfort her but she turned away from him, Legolas felt   a pang in his heart when she did.

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