Chapter 26 Recollecting memories

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When morning came Athena tried her best to avoid Legolas, the kiss was an accident and should have not happened though she did enjoy it. She scolded herself for allowing it to happen, they cannot be together. Sure, Legolas said that he might fall for a mortal but Athena was no fool they don’t age and mortals like her do and that’s a recipe for a disaster. She wasn’t even sure of her feelings; it felt so disrespecting to kiss someone too soon after her fiancé died. She groaned, she’s feeling all of these complicated feelings and she doesn’t want it. She’s feeling confused with all of these feelings and she knew that this surely would complicate things. How does friendship turn into something more so quickly? It took her by surprise that’s for sure. She touched her lips slightly; it felt though as if she could still feel his lips. She smiled involuntary and when she realized she turned her smile into a frown.

‘’Athena’’ she heard someone uttered; she turned to see the elf looking for her. She’s not ready to talk to him yet; she started sprinting in the other direction. This is the day she regrets wearing a dress, she does not even wear them but now she did. To be fair she wanted to look pretty today for- , wait what? She never tried changing herself for Theodred but for the elf she did! Whoa she’s really in deep trouble now isn’t she?

Athena could see that Legolas was getting closer to where she was hiding at, curse his elvish instincts. A couple looked at her like she had grown a second head, sure it was weird to see someone hiding behind a horse’s ass but she got no choice. She smiled at them creeping them much more; they pushed their son away and warned him not to come near me. Is she that weird? She snapped out of her thoughts when she smelled something, her eyes widened when she realized that the horse she was hiding against was ready to take a huge—oh no. She slowly step away from the horse, not looking at where she was going Athena ended up tripping. Great! Just great!

Can this day get any worse? Apparently it can. She looked up to see the elf looking at her amused; she felt blood rushing up her cheeks. She just embarrassed herself, great just great.

He reached out his hands for her to take, he frowned however when Athena stood up all by her own.

‘’Well, I got to go now. I have things to do’’ she said while cleaning up her dress from the dirt she earned when she fell down.

‘’Are we not going to talk about last night?’’ he asked feeling sad as Athena act though it never happened and not to mention he noticed she was avoiding him.

‘’What for? It’s nothing really, it’s just an accident’’ she said in a joking manner, her tone died down when she saw a hint of hurt in the elf’s eyes. It’s better this way.

‘’It’s not an accident for me Athena, what I feel for you is real. I know now that I fell in lo—‘’ he started but Athena stopped him.

‘’Legolas, I’m just not ready. I’m sorry’’ she said apologetically not denying that she might have feelings for the elf.

‘’ Then I’ll wait, even if it takes years for you to be ready I am willing. I just want you to know that I do love you’’ he said sincerely while reaching out to hold her hands.

‘’Legolas , we’re different. You’re an elf’’ she said while looking at his eyes.

‘’ I don’t care; our hearts beats the same we are not different. You act though I am a dragon’’ he joked and Athena laughed softly.

She hit him in the chest playfully and Legolas took her hands and placed it on his chest.

‘’ It beats faster because of you’’ he said and Athena blushed, he sure is direct isn’t he?

 ‘’Athena! Legolas! It’s time’’ they heard Aragorn yelled. They both groaned as Aragorn destroyed their 'romantic' moment.

Athena decided to walk today as helms deep was not too far ,two riders went ahead to lead. Not too long after they heard screams coming from the front.

Destiny ( love again new version, Legolas fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt