Chapter 36 Aragorn's faith

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'' Every hour lost hastens Condor's defeat. We have till dawn. Then we must ride.'' Aragorn said to Theoden

The horses started whining loudly in the distance, Both of them looked at the mountain that looms behind them.

The horses then started rearing in terror as soldiers tried to silence them, Legolas and Gimli move through the camp. Legolas looked at Eomer who was unsaddling his horse.

'' The horses are restless . . . And the men are -quiet ..?'' Legolas said uneasy

''They grow nervous in the shadow of themountain '' Eomer replied to him

Their eyes traveled to a row of ancient standing stones that mark the entrance to a road leading away from the encampment and into the mountain.

''That road there- where does that lead?'' the dwarf asked in curiosity.

'' It is the road to the Dimholt ... The door under the mountain.'' Legolas answered.

''None who venture there ever return. That mountain is evil''Eomer warned the both of them and left after. Both of them shrugged it off and went to look for Aragorn.

Aragorn tossed and turned in hie sleep, there were voices and images in his dreams. Suddenly out of nowhere he had seen Arwen. She laid and looked at the sky above her.

''I choose a mortal life . . . I wish I could have seen him, one last time'' uttered Arwen at the sky above her that was slowly darkening.

As Arwen lies dying, the evenstar falls from her fingers ...At that moment, Aragorn woke up.

He turned to see a guard at the doorway. ''King Theoden awaits you, my Lord'' the guard informed Aragorn.

Aragorn hurried his way to Theoden,fear growing on his heart. He cannot shake away the feeling of something bad happening to Arwen, he sprinted almost running at full speed. He looked around as he sprinted, he did not caught any sight of Gimli. He however, found the elf sitting on the tree branch looking at the distance. He often did that ever since she left him, he wanted to offer him comfort but was unable to as he could not find words to ease the pain of his separation from Ellaria. He averted his eyes from Legolas and made his way to Lord Theoden's cave, when he entered the tent he found Theoden himself but he was not alone. There was two figures with their faces covered by their , Aragorn stared at the figures in curiosity.

''I take my leave'' Theoden uttered as he excused himself, he bowed to the figure and left. The figure pulled his hood back , Aragorn's eyes widen slightly at the sight.

''My Lord, Elrond.'' he whispered not believing what he was seeing.

''I come on behalf of one whom I love'' Elrond muttered with determination. Aragorn watched as pain crossed through the Lord's face , somehow he knew what happened. She chose him.

''...Arwen is dying.'' Lord Elrond continued and Aragorn upon receiving the news felt fear and pain cursing throughout his whole being.

''She stayed?'' Aragorn said more to himself , Elrond nodded grimly.

''She will not long survive the evil that now spreads from Mordor'' Elrond said with a little force behind his words, he did not agree with Arwen's choice but he was left with no choice. Now, all he wanted was to prolong his daughter's now short life.

'' The light of the Evenstar is failing. As Sauron's power grows, her strength wanes.Arwen's life is now tied to the fate of the Ring. The Shadow is upon us, Aragorn, the end has come'' Elrond said as he eyed the even star necklace that Aragorn wore.

''It will not be our end, but his'' Aragorn said with determination, he would do anything to fight for this world and for his love until he breath his last.

''You ride to war, but not to victory.Sauron's armies march on Minas Tirith - this you know - but in secret he sends another force which will attack from theriver . .''Elrond infromed him, he watched as shock crossed through Aragorn's face.

''A fleet of Corsair ships sails from the South. They will be in the city in two days . .You're out-numbered, Aragorn. You need more men.''

''There are none.'' Aragorn said defeated, he did not want to lose hope but he knew it was foolish to believe that there were a chance that they will win.

'' There are those who dwell in the mountain.'' Elrond said with hesitation,he knew Aragorn don't have any more option.

''Murderers, traitors - you would call upon them to fight? They believe in nothing.They answer to no-one.'' Aragorn argued, he knew he couldn’t trust them.

''They will answer to the King of Condor.'' Elrond argued back.

The other hooded figure that stayed at the back walked towards Aragorn, it pulled something out from it's bag. The figure bowed lightly and held the sword out it's fingers, waiting for Aragorn to take it.

''Anduril, flame of the West . forged from the shards of Narsil'' Elrond said as Aragorn touched the blade.

''Sauron will not have forgotten the sword of Elendil ''Aragorn continued as he finally took the blade and held it .

''the blade that was broken shall return to Minas Tirith''

''The man who can wield the power of this sword can summon to him an army more deadlythan any that walks this earth'' Elrond whispered as he too eyed the blade.

''Put aside the Ranger - become who you were born to be - take the Dimhplt Road'' Elrond said as he placed his hand on his shoulder.

As Elrond removed his hand from his shoulder he looked behind him to the hooded figure.

''I will take my leave now, this is your last chance'' Elrond said to the figure, the figure however did not move and Elrond knew she made her decision.

''Very well..'' Elrond muttered as he left the tent.

Aragorn stood there looking at the figure who have not yet revealed itself, it stood forward and removed the hood that was covering it's face.

Ellaria ran to Aragorn and embraced him. '' I miss you so much, Arwen missed you too'' she said as she held Aragorn close to her.

''I thought you took the ship?'' Aragorn asked

''Well.. I am as stubborn as your sweet Arwen am I not. I stayed, I just can't leave while you are all fighting for your lives'' she said with a smile as she pulled away from their embrace.

''Legolas..'' Aragorn started but Ellaria looked away.

''Don't tell him, I am not ready to face him yet'' she said with a sad smile.

''I am quite sure he will find out, you are the only female walking around in here and you stand out'' Aragorn said as he ruffled his hair

''Well I can take care of that, soon you will find it hard to look for me'' she said with a mischievous smile.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Sorry for the late update, college started and...well.. I need time to get used to the schedule.. I planned on updating during the weekend but I caught the flu so I am sorry. Updates would be every tuesday since I don't have any class that day :D.. stay awesome peeps

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