Chapter 11 In sickness and in health

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The breakfast was ready on the table and the couple was waiting for Athena to wake up. Arthur stood up and went to check up on her, he knocked several times but there was no answer. He opened the door to see Athena still sleeping which was odd as she usually wake up at this hour.

‘’Athena’’ he called out and she still did not move, moving closer Arthur saw Athena drenched in sweat. He looked to see that she was pale; he reached out his hands and placed it on her forehead. Arthur gasped to feel that her head was burning, he yelled out to call his wife and Edith came rushing in.

The couple looked at each other; they had just realized that it was the first time Athena got sick. Edith shook Athena in attempt to wake her up , she did not wake up at all instead she mumbled words.

Naneth that’s the word she kept on saying over and over again.

‘’Who’s Naneth?’’ Arthur asked his wife but she shrugged, she had no idea who is Naneth either.

‘’I don’t recall her having a friend call Naneth’’ Edith frowned, surely she have known every friends Athena had.

‘’It does not matter, I’ll buy her medicine’’ Arthur said as he stood up, his wife nodded.

‘’I’ll make soup for her’’ she said, her husband kissed her good bye before he left.

Edith stood and looked at their daughter; perhaps her worst nightmare was coming true. What if her memories are coming back? Will she loath them for lying to her? Will she leave them? For the first time in a long time she felt guilty again, what if Athena’s parents are somewhere looking for her? It was too late to feel guilty now, what is done is done. She looked at her hands which were now filled with wrinkles; she knew she would not be around longer. Should she tell her the truth? She shut down her thoughts now is not the time to think, she has a daughter to take care of.

She looked at Athena's closet and took new fresh clothes so that Athena could change from her wet clothes. She headed out the kitchen to make soup.

‘’Athena’’ she whispered and lightly nudged the sleeping girl. Athena opened her eyes, her head pounding she tried to sit up but couldn’t. Her mother helped her up.

‘’good morning mother’’ she greeted politely. She clutched her head, it was hurting so bad. It was her very time to get sick, her nose was runny and she felt that she was on fire.

‘’Here change out of your clothes, I’ll go get the soup for you’’ her mother said while handing her new clothes. She had difficulty raising her arm, even her muscles felt sore. She was feeling alright last night what happened? She changed out of her night clothes groaning in pain each time, thankfully the ordeal was done. Her clothes were so wet it looked like she had bathe in the rain, thankfully today was not her patrol day so she had a day off. Her mother came in holding a bowl of soup, it smelled so bad and she scrunched up her nose in disgust. What in the world is in that soup?

Her mother handed her the bowl, looking at her expectantly. She took a spoonful of soup and took it in her mouth, well that’s not so bad she thought. It was sour and salty at the same time; she began taking spoonful after spoonful. Her mother was watching her eat.


‘’Yes?’’ she asked, her mother had that face that screams that she was going to ask something private. She had done that before and asked her if Theodred and she did the ‘deed’ already which was odd thing to ask. She was obliged to answer, she said the truth and the truth was they did not to her father’s relief.

‘’Who’s Naneth?’ ’Her mother asked.

‘’ I don’t know, why? She answered; she saw her mother breath in a sign of relief. Edith was overjoyed to found that she still did not recover her memories.

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