Chapter 23 Strange feelings

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Athena and Legolas arrived before nightfall, her parents waited for them at the gates. They dismounted the horse, Athena stretched her sore muscles. Horse riding sure can be exhausting, together they returned the horse to the stable. Athena stroked the horse thanking it for bringing her back home; leaving made her forget him temporarily. Now she was back, as if the pain never went away .She wondered if she ever will forget about Theodred, she noticed that the elf was looking at her. Not wanting to make him worry, she flashed him a smile. Legolas did not smile back; he knew that smile was forced. He looked away, for some reason he cannot look at Athena for more than three seconds before his heart begin beating fast again. He did not know what it means; he should ask Aragorn about it. Athena turned to walk away, she wanted to rest. Before she gets too far, Legolas called out her name.

‘’Yes?’’ she asked and the elf scratched his neck as if he was having difficulty thinking of what to say.

‘’ If you get lonely, I want you come to me. If you want to of course—I’m not forcing you, I want you to but—‘’ he stuttered, he was having difficulty speaking. This is embarrassing the elf thought, he felt blood rushing up to his cheeks.

Athena chuckled at his difficulty but appreciate it nonetheless, she grinned at the blushing elf.  ‘’I will, thank you Legolas’’ she said then walked away, when she was sure she was far away she giggled like a little girl. People started looking at her; she straightened up and put a serious face on.  She went back home to her parents, when she arrived she saw that they had cooked dinner and her stomached rumbled. She forgot she was hungry; she sprinted towards the dining table and sat on her chair.

When she finished eating she went to her room, she couldn’t wait to sleep she was so tired. She noticed that the wedding dress was still in her bed where she left it, she went towards it. She folded it and placed it in a little box, it doesn’t have a use  anymore. She placed the ring along with it, promise me you will move on she remembered her promise to him. Is it time to move on? Will the pain ever fade away? Only time can tell.

She sighed and went to bed, closing her eyes she immediately fell asleep.

Legolas stirred in his bed, for some reason he could not sleep. What’s worse is that his mind kept on wandering to Athena; he groaned surely this cannot be good.

‘’Can’t sleep?’’ Aragorn asked Legolas, he noticed that the elf got something in his mind.

‘’No’’ the elf muttered.

‘’Is there something in your mind?’’ he asked the elf. Legolas was too shy to ask Aragorn about his little ‘problem’.

‘’It’s nothing’’ he mumbled closing his eyes hoping that sleep comes. Aragorn did not want to force the bothered elf; he went to the window and thought about Arwen his beloved. She must be preparing to sail away to be with her people, it’s better this way. He closed his eyes and remembered the tender moment they had shared together, his heart yearn for her. Aragorn stayed by the window until he feels sleepy, Gimli was sleeping soundly and Legolas had managed to fall asleep as well.

Athena walked out of her house holding the box that contained her ring and the wedding dress; she wanted to give it away. Recently she found out that Leo Theodred’s good friend finally proposed to Carmen, Athena thought that it was best to give it to the couple. She found Leo in the armory; she greeted him and asked when was their wedding going to be. Athena handed the box to Leo, but he was reluctant to accept it. He thought it was too extravagant for their simple wedding; Athena however insisted surely Theodred would be delighted that it was given to his friend where ever he is. Leo thanked her holding her hands; he was delighted that his soon to be wife would get to wear something as beautiful as the dress Athena gave to him.

Legolas walked with Gimli and Aragorn talking about the king’s decision, they were arguing about what was best to do. Suddenly, Legolas spotted Athena he wanted to greet her morning when he had noticed she was talking to someone. They were smiling and laughing, Legolas did not know why but it irritated him. The man was holding her hands and it made him frown, he wanted to pry those hands away from Athena. It was the final straw when he saw him hug Athena, his hands clenched in anger. This new feelings was foreign to him, he doesn’t know why he was feeling this way and it was overwhelming.

Aragorn looked at the distressed elf, he was fine before but his mood changed drastically. Aragorn turned to look to where Legolas was looking at and he saw it was Athena with a man. It seems that they were getting along, but it does not make sense why it would make the elf angry. He placed a comforting hand but the elf turned and walked away. Gimli looked at Aragorn confused.

‘’What was that about?’’ the dwarf asked worried and Aragorn shrugged he too has no idea.

Athena turned to see Aragorn and Gimli looking at her, she waved at them. She bid farewell to Leo and walked up to them. Athena wondered why Legolas was not with them, it was odd as he usually stay with them.Aragorn asked who the man was and Athena explained that he was Theodred’s friend and that he was greeting married soon.

‘’Where is Legolas?’’ she asked the two and they shrugged.

‘’No idea, he was here seconds ago and now he’s gone’’ the dwarf muttered.

‘’ He’s busy right now Athena, he cannot be with you today’’ Aragorn said and Athena looked at him disappointed.

‘’Oh, well I’ll be going then’’ Athena said her smile fading; she was looking forward to see the elf she has no idea why.

Aragorn found the elf in the stable stroking horses, the elf sensing his presence turn to him.

‘’Athena was looking for you’’ he said and Legolas’ ears twitched upon hearing Athena’s name.

‘’ Well tell her that I am busy and she should just hang out with him whatever his name is’’ he said irritated, she seemed happy talking to him.

‘’Who Leo? They did not talk for long, they just discussed the wedding preparations’’ Aragorn saw Legolas eyes’ widened; it was all the proof he needed.

‘’She’s getting married? That’s too soon! She sure do move on easily.’’ he mumbled and Aragorn smirked. He was having fun teasing the elf. The elf walked away cursing under his breath, Legolas decided to knock some sense into Athena.

Aragorn smiled, finally the elf found someone.  He would let the elf figured everything by himself.Love sure is unpredictable , you never get to choose who you love.

 He whistled and walked away to talk to the King about the plan for evacuating the villagers to safety.

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