Chapter 21 Suspicions

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‘’Thank you for your help’’ Athena thanked the woman that took them in; they had given them food in case they get hungry while traveling. Legolas was already by the horse waiting for her, they had to share the horse since she lost hers. She walked to Legolas who were looking around the village, she looked at his bandage if it needs changing again but thankfully the wound did not bleed again. She walked to him.

‘’Are you sure you’re feeling good now?’’’ she asked and he nodded. He looked like he did not receive a wound at all, he told her that elves had better resistance than men and could recover from the most fatal wound that could kill a man and survive.

‘’Let’s go’’ she said and mounted the horse; she sat in front of him in the horse. They made their way out of the village, it was silent once again. Athena looked at each tree they passed by.

‘’Legolas?’’ she said lowly, it was getting boring and she wanted to talk about something. She doesn’t know much about elves so she decided to question Legolas about it.

 ‘’yes?’’ he responded, urging Athena to go on.

‘’You’re immortal right?’’ she asked curiously.

‘’Yes’’ he answered. Elves sure are lucky then Athena thought, never aging and not dying? That is heaven for a human like herself.

‘’It does not mean we cannot die’’ he said and Athena turned to him frowning, how can someone be immortal and die?

‘’ Elves are not subject to disease or physical aging, though they could be killed by violence or by wasting away and losing the will to live. (LOTR Wiki)’’ he explained.

‘’That make sense then, it must be great to be an elf’’ she said, who doesn’t want to be immortal and be beautiful forever?

‘’Not really, we do envy human sometimes’’ he said.

‘’Why?’’ she asked

‘’Sometimes we wished death; living forever is not as great as you think. We witnessed wars, grief and the world change but remained the same. We wished for relief, relief that only death can bring’’

‘’When we die we are still bound to this world, our soul departs to the hall in Mandos in the west. We were then reincarnated with our memories intact, so there’s no relief for us’’ he continued.

Athena looked down; it’s not that great after all. They were riding silently when the cloud got dark all of a sudden, looks like there’s a storm coming.

‘’Legolas. We have to find shelter. It’s going to rain soon’’ she said and Legolas pulled on the reign harder so they could find shelter faster. The rain started pouring down; it was light but was getting stronger.

They looked left and right, Athena spotted a small cave. They ran in taking the horse inside, the cave was huge. Athena took two stones and proceeded to make fire, her hair and clothes wet from the rain. She sneezed and shivered from the cold while the elf on the other hand looked like he wasn’t cold at all.

‘’Let me guess you’re not feeling cold at all?’’ she asked and the elf nodded.

She sneezed again; the rain was getting stronger by the minute cold air entering the cave. She has to get out of these wet clothes or else she would get sick but she cannot as she’s with a man. Yes, she considers Legolas as a man if it were Eomer she would not mind at all.

‘’You should get out of your wet clothes, otherwise you’ll get sick’’ Legolas suggested.

‘’There’s no way I am doing that’’ she said her eyes wide, that is not proper to reveal yourself to a man not your husband.

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