Chapter 45 Eowyn's and Arwen's little shenanigans

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Ellaria waited patiently outside, she did not mind waiting for a long time at all. Watching the trees and its swaying leaves had left her mind and heart in peace. It seemed that everything is finally falling into place, the kingdoms that were destroyed during the war has been rebuilt and became stronger than ever before. She heard that Eomer was getting married soon and it placed a soft smile on her face, time truly heals all wounds. She looked up at the sky and thought of Theodred, was he proud of her? Was he looking out for her from above? Her heart felt warm thinking that someday she will see him again and hopefully her father too.

She frowned as she realized that Eowyn and Arwen haven't arrived yet and it has been an hour. Not that she minds waiting at all but she was a little bit worried.

''They're not here yet?'' Legolas said his brow furrowed

Ellaria stood up and looked behind her where the elf stood, the elf though look calm, Ellaria could see through his eyes that he was a little bit upset.

'' I was thinking that maybe it is better to just meet them on the road?'' Ellaria gathered her things which contains of clothes, food and of course weapons.

'' Just wait for them here, it's dangerous for a human like you'' he said with a little irritation in his voice.

Somehow, Legolas seemed to be having a hard time parting with her. Ever since the day that they reconciled, he's been following her like a dog. It was sweet and romantic at first, but she needs some space and time alone. Besides, Legolas would be succeeding the throne soon and probably they would not have so much together so this is the perfect time to practice not being together. She just brushed off Legolas' little tantrum and placed a saddle on her horse.

''Why aren't you talking to me? '' Legolas said irritated as he ran to keep up to her. Ellaria just shrugged, she knew that if she carried on with his conversation that it would end up in an argument. Lord Thranduil even said before that even though Legolas and I were just lovers we tend to act like a married couple.

He continued rambling on and on and she ignored him. After she finished preparing everything she jumped and placed herself on the horse.

''Is that Ellaria and Legolas? '' Arwen said softly

''Yes, by the looks of it.'' Eowyn said as she made the horses go in a slower speed.

Both women frowned as they saw Legolas looking a little bit angry and Ellaria seemed to be ignoring him. '' Definitely them'' Arwen said and they both chuckled at the sight that was unfolding before them.

As soon as she caught sight of Arwen and Eowyn, Ellaria pulled on the reigns of her horse and left Legolas behind. She could still hear faint mumblings of Legolas but she ignored him. She really needs some time alone; he's been getting on her nerves lately.

''Come back! young lady I am not finished talking to you yet!'' Legolas screamed out

'' Farewell Father!'' Ellaria answered back mocking Legolas.

''Shall we go ?'' Ellaria said to Eowyn and Arwen who looked like they were struggling hard not to laugh.

Ellaria looked back once and saw Legolas blushing; probably he realized that he was acting like a fool in front of Arwen and Eowyn. Ellaria smiled secretly to herself, she knew that her life with Legolas would never become boring.

Feeling a little bit of guilt, she screamed '' Goodbye my Love!''

Arwen and Eowyn failed to contain their laughters after seeing the elf blushed looking like a ripe tomato.

''So does it hurt?'' Ellaria asked innocently, her eyes were wide with curiosity. Arwen blushed at her bold question.

''woah , so you both haven't had s-'' Eowyn said shocked not even finishing her sentence.

''NO!! Why would you think that?'' Ellaria yelled in defense.

Eowyn placed her hands in front of her in defense '' It's just that you both were so close and even shares the same bed now''

'' Well, someday....'' Eowyn said as she dragged on her words down teasing Ellaria further.

''Haha, I am sure we don't have to do it right?'' Ellaria said while laughing nervously. '' Legolas is not even interested on that kind of things anyways''

Arwen moved closer to her and held her hand '' Oh dear sweet innocent child, Legolas is sweet and good but he is still a man. If he is not interested now, he will be in the future that is if he is not interested now'' she said softly to her.

''Legolas and I ...doing that thing?'' Ellaria said in discomfort, she loves Legolas but she never once has thought of being intimate with him. Thinking about all these things made her hot and uncomfortable; she excused herself and went outside to get some fresh air.

She placed her hands on her cheeks that she was sure was red; she was almost wed to Theodred and wondered to herself why she hasn't desired him. They were together for so long but they weren't that intimate, that explains her lack of experience.

She walked while thinking to herself, has Legolas ever desired her like that? Sure she noticed that he does seem to like holding her and kissing her but he never made advanced to her like that. It's just a matter of time before they wed each other; Legolas expressed so many times to her his wish to get married. Naturally, she will have to provide an heir for him. Legolas, after all would become the Lord of Mirkwood.

She sighed to herself; all these thinking made her brain ache. She was lost in thoughts while walking back.

''Where have you been? Hurry up we have a surprise for you!'' Eowyn said excited as she dragged her back into the room.

''Arwen and I thought of a plan'' Eowyn said while crossing her arms.

''Actually, It was her plan not mine'' Arwen said shyly, Oh no Ellaria thought. She was scared to think of what they come up with. Eowyn held up a little dress which looked like it's not enough cover on parts that has to be covered. Eowyn smiled widely and it scared Ellaria

''It's called operation seducing Legolas!" Eowyn said proudly while Arwen was hiding herself behind Eowyn.


Destiny ( love again new version, Legolas fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora