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WHEN ALLURA WOKE UP THE next day, she found herself surprised that she was lying against James's chest. His arms were around her delicately, and his shirt had a hint of dry tears that made her cringe a little in embarrassment. Her green eyes scanned her surroundings, not believing that she could at last remember everything.

She stood up carefully, trying not to make any noise that could wake James's unbelievable instincts. Lucky for her, she was quite good too, so she managed to get off the bed and look at the time.

Allura walked down the street, her body covered from the cold by a grey jacket— not that she could feel the temperature, but it would be weird to people if she wasn't cold. Her eyes were concentrated and even more alert than before, as she headed to the small vegetable shop.

She opened the door, the bell ringing above her and a small smile coating her lips when she saw her boss.

He was a nice man. And he had accepted her without a curriculum or any note to work on his shop, because he could tell that she needed it— and he hadn't been disappointed so far.

"Allura! Am nevoie să stai până la opt." I need you to stay until eight. The strawberry blonde chuckled, nodding.

"Ai de gând să-ți vezi fiica?" Are you going to see your daughter? She asked, putting her backpack in her locker and stepping out the door, placing the necklace with the key around her neck.

"Da!" Yes. He was a divorced man, and he could only see his eight year old daughter certain days a week. So, in those days, he'd ask Allura to take over the store; and she'd do it problemlessly.

Because if she had a daughter, she'd like to spend every possible moment with her. And if she had her father, she would like to be with him once more.

She hadn't been able to get her parents off her mind. Not her father who almost disowned her in front of her people, nor her mother who regretted not listening to Allura and resorted to saving her and Ezekyel.

It was still early, but it was Tuesday and she had to get to work— if she didn't want to be fired.

She grabbed a long sleeved white shirt and put on some jeans, grabbing a grey jacket and putting her hair in a bun. She applied chopstick on her lips and her brown ankle boots.

Allura had two backpacks: one for work and the other under the floor with all of her HYDRA documents and memory notebooks. So, she grabbed the one she took to her job; which had hydrogen, her mask, and a gun and went towards the door.

But before she could open it, she saw James sitting on the bed from her peripheral vision.

"Say hello to Ana for me." She told him in English, the man understanding and nodding.

"I will." He told her, winking and closing the door, making the Jupiterian chuckle.

Allura cleaned up the table with alcohol and water, ignoring the stinging on her hands when the liquid fell on them. Her green eyes were concentrated, and as soon as she had cleaned the store, she turned the sign to open and greeted the familiar customers that always came.

Her memories had given her the privilege to truly compare life on earth to back home. She could now appreciate simple things, and understand why things worked the way they did in the lovely planet.

She could see now what a calm life the humans lead, and how they were also willing to fight injustice— though she also noticed, that most governments were too corrupt, and manipulated people to their liking. Something that would never have happened in any of the four governments in Jupiter, (one for the north, south, west and east of the planet) or the main royal house (the one that ruled over the four, and where Allura and her family lived).

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