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"NO, NO, NO." A VOICE was heard inside the cell. A strawberry blonde was leaning against the wall, her body straight as she observed the beating they were giving her partner.

Even though her green eyes were supposed to be cold, there was emotion behind them, infinite sadness of the woman who was once Allura, and was begging to break free of the matching HYDRA had turned her into.

The Winter Soldier's face was bloody, his blue eyes on the ground shamefully as he was punished for a mistake he had made.

What was the mistake?

He had approached a young girl, trying to help her cross a bridge during one of their missions. She had blue eyes eyes and brown hair, and seemed to bring something in his mind, a memory perhaps.

"Rebecca." He mumbled, when they finally threw him to the cell where the Alien had been standing. He spat sat down against the bed, still on the floor and looked at the ceiling. "Rebecca. Don't hurt her. Nein!" No. He screamed, standing up and trying to attack Allura.

He threw a punch at her, the woman easily dodging and kicking his knee, pushing him back on the bed and making him hit his head against the wall. That seemed to do the trick.

"Rebecca." He whispered. His blue eyes filling with what seemed to be tears. Allura walked towards him, sitting on the bed numbly.

The two just shared a comfortable silence, before Allura looked up at him and he spoke to her.

"Rebecca Barnes. My sister. She was on the bridge."

And the only thing that occurred the Alien, was to engulf him in a hug.

"She's dead." He whispered. After that, he closed his eyes, allowing the pain of the beating to take over his body.

"It's alright, partner. It's alright."

        ALLURA DUCKED UNDER HIS METAL arm, her green eyes concentrated as she focused on not crossing the flour-made white line. She kicked her leg under him, James almost falling but pushing his body back with his arms before he could. He threw a roundhouse kick that she grabbed and pushed back.

The soldier stumbled, his body crossing the white line on the other side of him and a grunt leaving his lips.

He had lost.


"Good fight." She said, catching her breath and handing him a bottle of water as she took a sip of hydrogen. The man gulped the entire thing, crushing the bottle and putting it in the trash can.

"For you."

Allura stepped out of the white line, not even bothering to clean since they sparred every day. She grabbed a shirt from the table, putting it over her torso that was only covered by a sports bra. She picked her hair up into a bun and sat down, grabbing her notebook and writing.

"Are you writing down the score?"

"Nein. I got a memory from the war in Jupiter." No. James rolled his eyes, sitting in front of her and writing down the score. Allura closed the book after a couple of minutes, looking up at her partner who was looking at the refrigerator. "Want to go buy some food?" She asked, the soldier nodding and grabbing his jacket from the chair.

She put a jacket over the hydrogen cables, blocking the IV a bit so oxygen would go through and her skin would stop glowing. She grabbed the keys to the apartment and headed down in front of James down the stairs.

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