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       "YOU KNOW, I'VE ONLY MET one person with red hair." Bucky teased, Allura throwing her head back and laughing as they hid in the empty ballet classroom. It was past midnight, and Madame B had taken every single living soul to HYDRA to try out the serum that would change their lives. It was just the two of them, the two brainwashed soldiers who had 40% of their memories.

        "Oh yeah, and who was that?"

         "She was an old flame of mine." He told her, the strawberry blonde looking at him with amused green eyes. "She was called Dolores, but Dot did just fine. She was insane though-"

        "I love you. But I do not need to hear that."

        "Just saying. Because her red hair was just like yours. But you're way more beautiful and smart." He winked, Allura snorting and shaking her head at him.

        He was getting a lot of memories, but this one just seemed to be the one he wanted to tease her with that night.

        "You say that on purpose." Allura said, doing eight pirouettes in a row as Bucky hit the punching bag. "You know it's strawberry blonde." James laughed, grabbing her by the waist and placing her against the wall. She shook her head in amusement, grabbing the back of his head and kissing him.

       The feeling of his lips was unlike anything she md ever felt. They were soft, and warm. They made her feel like there was nothing to worry about, like their problems and their problematic lifestyle were smaller than an atom.

        He made her feel at home.

        "You know I do, doll." He whispered once they separated, his breathing slightly shaky from the kiss he had stolen from her.

        "I am aware."

        THE ASSETS WERE ONE THE kitchen table, the blueprints open in front of them and their eyes concentrated and memorizing every single detail of them. They needed to know it by heart, and they had been only observing it for the past two hours, memories of every single part of the base hitting them and interrupting their careful observation.

         "Next to the first training room to the left?" Allura asked, James closing his eyes and replying instantly.

        "Cell room H." He said. "Next to the torture room, where chains are used to the right?"

        "Torture room A. Water." She shivered at the memory, having been there too many times.

        "In front of the exit?"

        "Cell room B." James replied. "Next to the torture room C?"

        "Chair room. Torture room M, after memories."

        They both stopped to look at each other, knowing for a fact that they both had the entire base memorized. Through experience and the blueprints.

         "Alright. How do we go in?"

        "There are gonna be options. There's a huge possibility that the base will be empty. But there's also the possibility that it won't." James nodded in agreement. Ever since the Winter Soldiers, the Siberian base had been unused. But they didn't know for sure, and that wasn't something they could take lightly.

        The two planned the perfect entrance, constantly disagreeing with the other as they discussed.

        "We can't just kick the door and walk in."

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