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        THE BOAT CAME TO A stop at last. The deck was wet, because of the previous storm that there had been. The suitcases that people had brought were either half full, because others had stolen things, or had fallen to the ocean. Wet people came out, their void eyes staring straight ahead as they tried to avoid gazes and comments, keeping their things hugged to their chests.

       Among them, strawberry blonde hair and brown hair stood out. They walked together, their backpacks full because they had fought anyone who had tried to steal from them. Their eyes weren't void, not like they had been when the helicarriers fell. They weren't sad, like they had been when they came back from the mission and were put in the cells.

      For the first time in a long while, both blue and green held hope in them. They were hopeful in the chance of a new life, a chance of new experiences and memories that would lead them to their files and eventually, their old lives.

       They were filled with nervousness. They were filled with eagerness...

       The assets wanted to do things the right way. They wanted to get a job,get money and use it to buy food for Bucky, to rent their apartment, to buy furniture, since the place they had found was empty and to have the closest thing to a normal routine.

      The two arrived to the apartment, greeting the nice man who was willing to accept them. The bearded grey eyed man told them that he'd give them the small place, and when they had a job, they could pay what they had to, but until then, he allowed them to stay there without a problem.

      Allura and Bucky were truly grateful, and the man was proud of his actions because he knew what it was like to have no job and no place to stay.

      The former assets walked up the stairs, the empty apartments next to theirs quiet. They put the key and walked in, only an empty freezer, cabinets, a washing machine, the sink and a coffee machine welcoming them. There was one empty room and a bathroom with a shower, toilet, basin and mirror.

      In the room, there was a small window near the kitchen. It's divided in four parts, and it's slightly rusty. The girl's eyes widened, instant paranoia taking over her as she closed the broken curtain.

      "We gotta get something for that." She told the asset, the man nodding. The two stood in front of the crystal, eyes trained on it.

      "Toilet paper?" He proposed.

      "No." Allura said bluntly. "Fabric?"

      "No." James said this time. "Plastic?" Allura turned to him with a raised eyebrow. "Newspaper?" The two stared at each other, nodding.

      "Newspaper it is."

       EVERYONE HAS A LIFE. EVERYONE has a a story and precious memories to tell when they talk about it. Some things about it can be sad, some others happy, others funny, others might be bittersweet, but in the end, they are always there. They're always there for you to reach out to, whenever you want to remember your life experiences.

       But for James and Allura, they're not.

       Every once in a while, they'd remember a thing or two. They'd get a small glance at an entire paradise, they'd get to read a page of an entire book. It's not much, and their head hurt like hell whenever they did. So, after a year of those painful moments, they realized that it was better not to have any memories at all, and all the pain that was similar to the one HYDRA put them through.

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