Chapter 8

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Lily P.O.V

"Lily wake up!" My mom yells from downstairs. I groan and stretch my arms and legs. I walk over to the mirror to see my red eyes and dark circles under my eyes. I sigh and put on sweats. I didn't car what I wore over to Natan's right now.

I walk down the stairs slowly and see my sister making me my plate.

"Good morning." She smiles handing me my plate. I sigh and walk to the kitchen island to sit where my parents did. They all look at each other and then me.

"Lily what's wrong?" My mother asks me putting her hand in mine. I pick through my food as they still look at me.

"Are you pregnant because if your stressing-." I cut her off.

"No I'm not pregnant mom." I sigh putting ketchup on my eggs.

"Have you ever been cheated on?" I ask looking up at my sister and parents. I put my fork down after eating my eggs.

"Where is this coming from Lily?" My dad asks me looking over at my mom with a worried look.

"You know what? I don't even know why I asked that question? I just..I can't tell you." I sigh grabbing my bag. I walk out the door and walk down the block to Natan's house.

I knock on the door then come in unlocking the door with my key. I take my shoes off at the door and look over at the kitchen.

"Lily! How are you feeling?" Mrs. Bryant asks me smiling at me from the kitchen.

"Vice where are your manners?" His mom hits his shoulder. He looks like he didn't sleep up all night. He looks up at his mom and then grabs his cereal bowl.

"I'm going to my room. No one talk to me." He adds looking at me rolling his eyes. I sigh and wipe the tear that fell from my eye. I watch him go up the stairs and I walk to the living room, sitting on the couch.

"Oh I forgot to tell you Natan actually went out with Corey for the day!" Mrs. Bryant announces walking over to me.

"Maybe I missed his text?" I say to myself and open up my phone. Nothing. He didn't tell me or warn me.

"Sorry. I didn't know." I sigh grabbing my bag and putting it on my back.

"Before you go, you might want to talk to Vice. He seems pretty upset." She adds raising an eyebrow. I look up the stairs and nod my head.

I walk up the stairs and stop at his door. I know he doesn't like anyone to just walk in his room so I knocked.

"What the fuck did I say about-?" He gets cut off but seeing me standing there. He looks down at me and sighs.

"I'm sorry. I know she kissed you, but I thought you saw it coming and I was mad you let her do that." I say tugging on the bag on my back. I look up at him and look back down.

"I just wanted to say it's fine if you don't feel the same way. I'm a handful Vice and I know I hurt you, but you hurt me too. I love you, but I get it. You don't feel the same way." I end my long speech and walk down the hall.

I walk out the door and wait for him to chase after me, but he doesn't. I sigh and walk down to my house. I open my car door and sit there.

"Why am I a fucking idiot?!" I yell banging on my sheering wheel. I cry putting my head down. I turn my car on and put it in reverse. I didn't know where I was going to go but I knew I needed to get away for a few hours.


"Lily you can't just run off like that!" My sister yells hugging me. I shrug my shoulders and sit down on the couch.

"I just needed to get away for a few hours. I'm sorry I worried you guys." I say turning on the tv. I turn the channel when I hear my mom speak up.

"Is it ok if we have Natan's family over again?" My mom announces making me stop and turn around. The doorbell rings and I know it's to late. Oh fuck.

"Hello!" I hear Mrs. Bryant announce as she hugs my mom. I don't see Natan of Vice? Why not Natan? He's my best friend.

"Sorry Vice is going through some girl troubles and Natan his out with his boyfriend." She chuckles looking over at me. I feel a ping of hurt that Natan would choose his boyfriend over me.

"Vice having girl troubles?" My mother asks raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah you know I thought that too until I realized who the girl is. He told me all about what happened and he feels horrible about." She says patting my moms shoulder.

"I hope the lucky girl realizes he didn't mean to hurt a fly." My mom chuckles walking into the kitchen.

I sigh and sit down leaning into the couch. I hear the doorbell ring again. I look as my sister opens the door. She smiles and lets the person in. It was Vice.

"Sorry I'm late." He says looking over at me and then walking over to his dad. Fuck my life.

"Lily come sit down for dinner." My mom demands setting my chair next to her. I cross my arms and sit down. I look at Vice then look down.

"I'm sorry I just- I'm not that hungry." I add looking over at my mom. She sighs and looks at me.

"What's been up with you Lily? You haven't eaten or have said a word to your family since that dance, when you came home crying." She adds the last part looking over at me. I look up at Vice who stopped eating and started looking at me.

"I just-I need a minute." I sigh running up the stairs. I slide down the wall in the hallway next to the bathroom. I put my head in my hands and try to figure out why my life got so complicated or why my best friend decides to spend the day we were suppose to all be together, but instead he goes with his boyfriend.

"Hey." I hear a voice say making my head go up in the other direction. Vice slides down the wall opposite of me, but is still in front of me.

"I love you." He announces making me look back at him. I shake my head and close my eyes. He sighs and puts his hand on my leg.

"I truly love you Lily. I didn't just want to you know. I never want you to feel that way about me." He adds making me look up at him and I take a deep breath.

"I love you too." I say pouting and leaning my chin on my hands. I smile at him and roll my eyes.

"Just promise me you won't let another girl kiss you." I say moving towards him.

"Does that includes you Flower?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

"Shut up and kiss me." I whisper feeling his lips go to mine.

Thank you for reading🙏❤️

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