Chapter 3

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Lily P.O.V
"Lily come down to eat dinner!" My mom yells from the upstairs hallway. Natan and his family was going to be coming over too along with Amy, my sister, Jason, her husband and Mary.

A lot of people I know, but it was tradition. Our families once every year eat dinner together. We probably eat dinner together more than once a year, but it's nice to all talk to each other.

I push my white flower dress in the back. I make sure it covers my butt and I put flats on. I didn't want to be rude without any shoes.

I run down the stairs one by one. I see Amy setting up the table and Mary up on her tiptoes putting the silverware on the table along with her mom.

The door rings making me look behind me. I quickly walk to the kitchen putting the some of the food on the table.

Amy gets the door while Jason picks up Mary up. They have a very cute relationship. Jason adored Mary and Amy.

"Hey." I politely say to Natan and his parents. Vice shows up behind Natan shaking his shoulders in the process. Natan just rolls his eyes at his brother.

"Nice to see you guys." My mom says hugging Natan and his parents. She didn't hug Vice since he moved away from them.

"Well dinner is almost ready." My mom announces walking back to the kitchen. I walk over to we're Mary was.

She was watching something on Nickelodeon I didn't mind.

"Let's not flood her brain with tv." My dad says chuckling picking up Mary walking her to the table.

Thanks for talking to me dad. He was always like that. He focused on work and talking to my mom without acknowledging the existence.

I sit in the chair next to Natan. Everyone sat at the table, surprising me Vice sat in front of me. He looked at me for a few seconds then looked away. Was he really going to do this all night.

I flip my long blonde hair out of my face. I twirl the ends slightly but then I stop after a second. No let's not do that. Me and Natan came up with rules don't push it.

Keep calm.

"So Natan how is your senior year going so far?" My mom asks him stuffing her mouth with food making me chuckle a bit.

"It's surprisingly good. I might just be happy it's the last year of high school though?" He tilts his head stuffing his mouth too.

I was the only one not. I wasn't hungry that much ever but I still ate. I didn't have an eating disorder I just wasn't that hungry.

"Any boys caught your interest?" His mom speaks up. Oh fuck..Vice didn't know! Everyone looked at his mom who accidentally said that. She had a worried look.

"Boys?" Vice creases his eyebrows looking shocked.

"Sorry." She mouths to Natan who shakes his head.

"Secrets out I guess." He chuckles shaking his head.

Vice didn't look upset he just looked shocked. I don't think he would be mad. But then he smiled at me in the process. What the fuck?

"Let's skip that question." Natan says loudly picking through is food.

I had the sudden feeling to go to the bathroom. I grab my stomach lightly for the feeling to go away but it didn't.

"Excuse me." I say pushing myself out of my chair and to the upstairs bathroom.

I felt like I had to throw up my guts. I didn't feel good after I ate ever. I guess that's why you can tell since I skinny you could see my some of my bones.

I quickly close the door and vomit into the toilet. The vomit burned coming up. Was it something else. I quickly rise off my mouth and wash my mouth out with mouthwash.

I open the door and slam it shut to be slammed into it. The person covered my mouth and was close to my face.

I noticed as I look into the persons eyes it was Vice. What was he doing?

"What are you doing Vice?" I ask trying to get out of his grip.

"Lily you could have told me my brother was gay...I wouldn't blame you for telling me." He says loosening on his grip on me.

"But I'm fucking glad he doesn't like you like that." He says into my neck. He moves my hair to the other side.

"What are you doing Vice..Stop." I back away from his touch pushing him away from me.

"I can't-I can't ruin my friendship with Natan..I'm sorry." I shutter shaking my head violently.

"Lily really, you think I care what my brother thinks?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

"No but I do." I finally say walking away feeling proud and devastated.

My crush was finally giving in, but I stopped him and I didn't feel good.
Thank you fore reading🙏❤️

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