The Past

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Since we were kids I remember seeing him. While me and Natan were on the swing sets he would be playing with his friends.

Yeah he was older than me by three years. He would occasionally talk to me. I was much closer to Natan. We met when we were in school.

These two girls picked on me and he helped me. I was crying and he made me feel better. He made me laugh and smile. I felt my best self.

When his brother came around I thought of him in a different way. I didn't think anything at first, but as we got older and closer to our teenage years I realized I had a crush on him.

His brown eyes shocked me and left me with a flutter feeling. His brown eyes were captivating. His personality made me fall even harder. I wouldn't think I would be in love at the age of 14, but I was in love with him.

He never noticed me though. He started to grow apart from Natan and went off to do "cool things". Me and Natan never grew apart.

When my sister left for college he was there to make me feel complete. We watched movies, we did everything together.

When we were sixteen we came up with rules. The number one rule was not to date each other siblings. Not that he would date my sister since she had a boyfriend she knew they were end game.

Two months later he broke the news to me.

"Hey Lily I have to tell you something important," Natan says, sitting down at the table putting his arms on the hardwood.

"What is it?" I ask him leaning in the chair creasing my eyebrows.

"This isn't easy to say. I want you to know I'm the same person I was when we first met, I won't change just because of this," He shakes his head grabbing ahold of my hand.

"Natan nothing can change our friendship....nothing," I say leaning towards him curious on what he's going to say.

"I'm-I'," He says, silently putting his head down.

I start to laugh. Not a mean laugh but an "are you kidding me laugh". It wasn't meant to sound mean though.

"Natan if you think I won't be with you every step of the way with this your wrong, your the same doesn't matter your gay..I love you." I say getting up and hugging him.

"Thank you Lily." He whispers into my hair.


Even in that moment I was going to be with him. His family took it well. They accepted him. But his brother wasn't there. He was off at college.

But you think I cared? Ok I'll answer that for you. Yes, I did care. If you ever met him you would.

I remember the first day I met him.
"You must be Nathan's best friend?" The lady I'm assuming his his mom says opening the door for me.

"Yes, my mommy dropped me off, he said I could sleepover." I say, happily.

"Of course, he's in his room sweetie." She kindly says, letting me walk into the house.

She lead me through the house. I held my book bag on my back and my stuff animals in my hands.

"Natan your friend is here!" His mom says knocking on his bedroom door.

She opens it and Natan was fighting over the remote control. He pushed the other boy back.

"Natan and Vice stop it!" His mom yells taking the remote from them.

Natan rolls his eyes. He smiles and runs to hug me. I laugh and put my stuff down. I was shy, but with Natan I could be myself.

"Lily this is my brother Vice." Natan says, pointing to the other boy. He looked older. Older kids always made me nervous.

"Yeah..I'm going to hang out with friends my own age." Vice says, rolling his eyes walking out the room.
He wasn't the nicest then. But when Natan and I grew up he was a little nicer. Him and Natan got in fights still. Vice still had his smart comments, and I still was shy around him.

That was was 13 years ago. Now I'm eighteen and responsible. Vice was still in college. I haven't seen him in four years.
My friendship is the most important thing to me, I just didn't know I would risk it all for Vice Bryant.
Thank you for reading🙏❤️
Can't wait to write this book for you guys!

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