Chapitre 9 : Errors of the Past

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                                          Percy's PoV

"I am one of the creators of the labyrinth." He say

"What ? "

"I helped create the maze. "

I look at him, hoping to find some clue that it is a joke, but it seems could not be more serious.

"Thomas, do you feel good ?"

I hoped he would tell me laughing that it was just a bad joke, but his answer was not really that :

"Percy, you gotta believe me. I really helped build this place, I am one of the people who sent all these unfortunates here !" He answer.

I do not answer, too struck to think. Even though I haven't known him for a long time, Thomas doesn't seem like a bad guy to me. In addition we are all in the same galley, even him.

"Percy, it is my fault that the gladers have no more memories, if they are nothing more than pawns that risk their lives in this maze !"

"Who are they pawns for and why ?"

"I don't remember very well, all I know is that they have something different from the others, and W.I.C.K.E.D wants to recover this thing.
I helped these monsters, people died through my fault, I killed people !"

I look him dead in the eyes.

"Listen to me well thomas. I also remembered many things. Some which I would have prefered never to remember.
I knew someone who did atrocious things. Death, destruction, and terror.
But I especially remember that this person was manipulated throughout his life.
And of this person I remember one thing Thomas. He was a hero. When the choice was given to him, when finally he was no longer manipulated, he decided to sacrifice himself to save all his friends.
At that time, I saw in the eyes of this guy a deep pain but especially regrets.
Regret for actions carried out against his will, being only the pawn of another.
The regret that he cannot redeem himself.

You were manipulated thomas. But unlike this hero, you have the opportunity to redeem yourself and help put an end to this madness that has lasted too long.

I too have done atrocious things. I had an enemy, and during our fight, I made him lose his memory.
I told him his name was Bob, and I took him to an horrible place and never cared about him again, who had become gentle and friendly.
Our paths crossed again, and he saved my life countless times, without expecting anything in return, he considered me a friend.
At one point his memory returned, but rather than letting me die, he saved me again, and again, and again.
He lost his life to save mine, I who have not been honest and kind to him.
What I want you to understand Thomas is that we all made mistakes. Certainly under the influence of another will.
But in any case, you must not despair, you must go ahead and do everything to make things right."

"Do you think I can still fix my mistakes ?" He ask

"Yeah. I don't care about your past actions, you ended up in the same boat as us, and you really want to help others. It's all that matters. Now let's go see what's going on outside." I say.

"Thanks Percy. Thank you for believing in me."

I nod to him and start walking towards the exit door, when he calls me.

"Hu, Percy ?"

"Yeah ?"

"Can I ask you something ?"


"Who are you really ?"

I turn in his direction to answer him, but a terrifying cry was heard. Without consulting each other, Thomas and I found ourselves running side by side towards the source of the cry.

Percy Jackson : The Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now