Chapter 6 : Restart

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Percy's PoV

"How did you do that ?! " a voice asks me

I turn while failing to fall in my rush
Minho, accompanied by Newt, stood a few meters from me.

"Uh, how did I do what ?" I ask

"Don't be innocent, we've seen it all !" impatient Minho
"So, how did you do that ? "

"Will you believe me if I tell you I really don't know ?" I say

"Nop !" Minho answer

Realizing that nothing could explain what they saw, I decided to tell them the truth.

"Well it is however the case. It happened naturally, like I knew how to do it."

They look at me skeptically.

"Listen guys, I'm telling you the truth, I don't understand anything happening to me right now. But I'm sure if I manage to remember my past life, I would have all the answers to my questions. "

"The problem is that you have no memories !" say Minho

"Yeah thanks I know ! I'm just asking you to trust me this time, I just have to get them back."

"And you know how to do it ?" Demand Minho

"Yeah I have an idea." I answer him.

It's a lie. I actually have no idea how to do it.

"Uh guys what's going on I don't understand anything there. What did Percy do that Minho finds weird ?" Ask Newt.

We must have looked at him strangely because he asked :

"What ? We just saw Percy hitting into the void, it's weird but not to the point of having this reaction, it's Percy !"

"Do I understand that you find me strange ?" I ask

"Yes !" They answer at the same time

Minho then turned to Newt

"Are you serious ? Didn't you see anything that just happened ? Didn't you see Percy... controlling the water ?"

"Percy controlling the wat... wait what ? Minho are you
mad ?"

While they chat an idea comes to me.

"Newt, I need to know something. What did you see before I lost consciousness in front of the doors ?" I ask

"Well, it's pretty blurry, I remember seeing you with a long stick but I don't remember why you had it ..."

I look at Minho

"And you ? What did you see ? "

"I saw you with your sword kill a creature. I don't understand Newt. Why didn't you see the same
thing ?"

"A sword ? Stop bullshtting !"

"Newt. Look at me." I say

He look at me.

I take out my pen, and turn it into my sword.

"What do you see ?" I ask

"I just see you with a stick."

He looks at us as if we are making fun of him

"It is not a stick. It's a sword. Concentrate." I say

"No guys your little game don't take it with me stop your bullshit now bunch of punk !" tells us Newt laughing.

Realizing that he did not believe us, I made a small movement of the hand towards Newt and a few liters of water from the lake flow over him, wetting him from head to toe.

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