Chapter 32

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Nikki POV

It was finally the day we have been waiting for, the NYU End Year Painting Auction. Will arrived at the hotel earlier than expected. Mom and Izzy were still helping me get dressed. I felt bad for him because he waited for almost an hour.

I looked beautiful, from the hair, the makeup, the dress and the heels. Mom got a dress specially designed for me, it was a white dress with a touch of gold. The shoes were recommended by the designer and they were perfect for the dress. After leaving the room I wore the ring.

I left Izzy and mom back at the hotel room. They were going to follow.

The actual event was starting at 7 pm but Kane told us to be at the venue by 6pm so that we could revise the programme and also meet the auctioneer and the executive management. 

During the exams we were given contracts pertaining the payments of our portraits. The agreement was that the university was going to get twenty percent from each one of the candidates. This was described as compensation for the decoration expenses, use of the university’s equipment, payment for catering services and other boring beauracratic expenditures.

“Are you okay?” Will asked while driving.

“Yes, I’m just really nervous babe.” I said.

“It’s understandable you’ve been working hard. It’ll all pay off today.” He said.

“I really did work hard babe. I hope this really brings salvation towards my career. I want to study painting, I want to become better than I am now.” I said.

“Don’t worry baby. Your portraits will sell and you will be exposed to a variety of stakeholdersandinvestors.” He said.

“Thank you.” I said.

We reached the venue, it was already getting dark outside. There were cars parked outside the hall. Will and I walked in, I showed them my tag and we were allowed to enter. The place looked really beautiful.

The theme for the deco was the ‘Enchanted Forest’. The deco guys did a really good job, it looked realistic and well designed.

The tables were all set in a chronological order. Each table had a list of names, and pamphlets that equipped the auction participants and the guests with the knowledge they needed regarding the purpose and programme of the event.

Will and I were going to be sitting in the front row tables which were for the management, the personnel responsible for the preparation of the event and for us painters and our dates.

Katherine and Sadam were already present, the only person missing was Quinton. They both came with their dates as well. I introduced Will to my colleagues and they did the same with their dates. We all settled in our designated seats and waited for Kane.

“Good most of you are here.” He said walking towards us, there was a man walking behind him.

“Okay I see that Quinton is not here yet, so I’ll just start with the quick briefing and you will inform him. Anyway right here, is Mr Davidson. He is our auctioneer. So Mr Davidson came up with a very smart idea regarding the calling out of your portraits. Mr Davidson please tell them.” Kane said while stepping aside to give Mr Davidson the platform.

“Good evening ladies and gentlemen. So the idea regarding the calling out of your portraits was pitched to me but I wasn’t quite sold. So I thought of something feasible and that will prevent confusion. I will call out each painter’s portraits consecutively. This is one after the other, and then do the same for the next painter and so forth. Also the selling of your portraits is not dependant on me but it’s all about the buyers. If they are willing to spend their money on your portraits or if they see them worth having. All that I’m here to do is make sure that everyone leaves this place satisfied. Both you and the buyers. Are we clear?” he said while attentively observing us.

We all said yes in a unison.
“Great, now who is Sadam Baccus?” Mr Davidson asked.

Sadam raised his hand “I will be calling out your portraits first.” He said sternly.

He looked really serious, I mean even if you had a complaint this guy just made it impossible to ask.

“Quinton Evans?” he said.

“Here I am!” Quinton yelled from a distance. He was really late and he had no date with him.

Mr Davidson remained silent, he watched Quinton that was rushing towards where we were all seated.

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