Chapter 5

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Nikki POV

It was already 6 pm we needed to head back home, I promised Izzy I’ll call her and my phone’s battery was really low.

We arrived back home, then I went straight to my bedroom upstairs to charge my phone then call Izzy. She texted me earlier asking me if she could call but since I was with Will, I told her I'll call her later. I knew that she wanted to tell me about her feelings for Nate. Even though we both knew this way back on campus, we never really had a chance to talk about it. Maybe Izzy wasn't ready to talk about her crush on Nate.

So I called her, and as expected we spoke about her feelings for Nate and if it was the right thing to do and all that girly jazz. After the long call with Izzy, I went downstairs to join Will. He was on the couch, it looked like he passed out, which wasn't a shock to me. He had a long day. When we were talking earlier he mentioned that the flight was long. He boarded the plane yesterday and only arrived today.

He had his one hand on his chest and the other was supporting his head . The TV was still on.

I went back to my room. My mind was puzzled, since he was sleeping I got to take a look at all his features. He had a buff chest, eight pack abs and his physique was tempting and hot. I was tired too and decided to sleep.

I changed into my clothes, putting on a vest only and just my undies. I liked walking around the house half naked, but since Paul started coming often I had to change that habit.
It was around 9pm that I completely dozed off. 

“Wake up honey, I have something for you.” Mom said, sitting next to me on my bed.

“Hey mommy, how was work?” I could barely keep my eyes open.
“Let’s go downstairs Nikki, I’m so excited.” she said with her hand holding my wrist pulling up from the bed. I grabbed my gown then followed her.

“Mom! What is it, did Paul propose?” I asked.
“Oh silly no, open your gift.” She said, handing me a small present box wrapped with a red ribbon.

It was car keys and a little note that had my name written in italics on the outside. I turned to look at my mom, but she was too excited. So I took the note from the box and opened it.

‘Nikki my daughter I know my job is a risk
it was a matter of time. I saved enough money for you to go to University and also  for you to buy a car. It took time for me to convince your mom but she agreed eventually.

This was meant to be your gift when you turn 19.
Watching you grow has been the greatest blessings a father could ever ask for.

I'll be leaving for Syria soon and I don't know what will happen there, but I need the world to see the damage and consequences of war and I was planning on doing it the only way I could.

I'm sorry for choosing this over you but when you're old enough, you will understand.

Take care of your mother.

I was already tearing up before I could even finish reading the letter. He knew he was going to die, and this is why he made sure of making every minute with mom and I count. If it was up to me, he would've chosen another profession but I guess we cannot challenge fate.
He was good at what he did.

Folding the letter back to it's original form, I walked slowly towards the drive way while mom was walking right next to me.

There was a brand new car with a big red ribbon on top of the cowl panel.

I was having mixed emotions. A part of me was sad that dad couldn't be here with us and witness this for himself.

“Mom for how long were you planning on doing this?” I asked.
“It has been a while, you were your daddy’s little girl. He loved you more than anything in this world baby. I should've bought the car when you graduated high school but I was still contemplating whether to give you the money and let you decide what to do with it but your daddy wanted to buy you your first car. So I honored his wish " She said, while cupping my cheeks.

"Now go check out your car." She said.
It was a yellow MiniCooper, it suited me perfectly since I have a tiny body and short.

Mom and I had dinner and she bid farewell, then went to bed.
This explains why we couldn't get a hold of her and Paul. They were busy at the dealership.
Wait! Where’s Will?

I jogged upstairs to mom's room, she was changing.
“Mom was there someone here when you arrived?” I asked.
“No baby, there was no one, why?” she asked concerned.
“No, thing is Will was here waiting Paul to come. We hanged out, went for lunch.” I said.
“Oh yes, he’s back, he must've been gone already when I arrived.” she said.
“Alright.” I said. I was a bit disappointed that he left without saying anything.
“SO? What do you think?” she asked raising her eyebrows with a suspicious look on her face.
“What do you mean?” I asked with a straight face.
“Come on Nikki, the fella is really hot. Didn’t you notice? I mean you guys spent the whole day together.” She asked.
“It wasn’t the whole day mom, but yes he is okay.”
“Honey, are you a lesbian, if you don’t mind me asking?” she asked with a concerned look.
“What? No, no and no! I’m not a lesbian and I’m very straight. Thank you.” I exclaimed.
“But you’ve never talked about having a crush or boyfriend, you tell me everything but just not about your love life.” She commented.
“Don’t worry one of these days I’ll bring a guy, a very handsome guy.” I said.

I bid farewell then exited her room.
Can’t believe my mother just asked me if I’m lesbian. Guess I’m just that bad at this whole relationship thing.

I couldn’t wait to tell my friends about my car. Nate has had a car since high school and so did T.
During my high school days, they would take turns with picking me up and dropping me off at home. Mom was busy most of the time and I didn't like the school bus.

Good thing I had best friends that both owned cars.

Mom and I stayed up till late. It was already 1 am, I don't even think I was going to be able to sleep today.

Unplugging my phone from the charger, I checked for any notifications. I had missed calls and text messages.
2 Missed calls were from Nate and 2 text messages were from an unsaved number, but I reckoned that the number was the one that Will called me with.

Will: Hey Nikki, thank you for today. Hope to see you soon.

Will: Sorry I didn’t saying goodbye when I left, I was in a hurry. Nyt.

Couldn't help but smile. He didn't forget about me after all. I was still typing but a notification came through making my vibrate.


Will: I see you're still awake :).

Me:  Yes, I was about to text you but you beat me to it.

Will: My bad. I hope you're not thinking that I'm a creep.

Me: Haha. Not my handwriting. Can't sleep?

Will: Yep. Shouldn't have passed out, now I can't sleep.

Me: You had a long trip. Makes sense.

Will: And you? Can't sleep either?

Me: Not quite. Mom just surprised me with a car. I doubt I'll be able to sleep.

Will: Father mentioned that he was at the car dealership. I thought he was intending on buying himself a new car. Congratulations Nikki.

Me: Thank you.

Will: Thank you for today. I had a great time. Sorry your friend couldn't come.

Me: It's fine and thank you for today too. It was nice meeting you Will.
Will: Same here Nikki. Good night.
Me: Night night.

Today was just an interesting day. I met Will and got a car.

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