Chapter 21

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Will POV

I have been driving for the past hour, it's almost 1 am. I'm going to pick up Nikki from campus but I'm sure she's already sleeping. The last time we spoke was at 9 pm and she was already feeling sleepy.

I didn't tell her I was coming, so at the moment she doesn't know I'm on my way. I couldn't help but think about the things I'm going to do to her.

I arrived on campus but the security guard was not letting me in, so I had to call Nikki. She was not answering her phone. I had to bribe the guy in order to go in, but he said I must leave my car and walk and this was because I showed him my student ID.

The residence blocks weren't so far from the main gate. I walked to her block. Good thing I always kept my leather jacket in the car.

I knocked on the main door but no one was answering. I stood there for 20 minutes until a tall Japanese guy came. He looked familiar, as he walked closer, I noticed that he was drunk, well I was better than he was. I wasn't sober either.

"Hey, how long have you been standing here?" he asked.

"Almost 20 minutes. My girl is not answering her phone." I said.

"My girl is going to be mad pissed at me. I called her about 100 times before she picked up." He said.

"I'm so not sleeping alone tonight." I said and we both chuckled.

The door opened, and a pretty blonde girl was standing by the door. She looked really annoyed. She had her arms folded and looked straight into our eyes. "What's so funny at 2 am?" she said rolling her eyes.

"Hey baby." The guy said while walking in and hugging her.

"Aren't you coming in Will?" she asked raising an eyebrow.

The Japanese guy turned and looked at me when he heard her mentioning my name.

"You're Will?" he asked.

"Umm yeah. How did you know?" I asked the girl. "Oh wait you're Izzy?" I asked. I could tell by the Australian accent.

"Wow, talk about strange coincidences. I'm Nate, Nikki's best friend." He said while reaching out his hand for me to shake.

"Nice to meet you Nate." I said.

"Okay let's go. You guys look ridiculous and drunk." She said while leading the way.

I closed the door behind me and followed them.

"Is Nikki sleeping?" I asked Izzy.

"Yes. She's been waiting for you." She said.

"She's probably snoring." Nate said while winking at me.

"Stop it Nate. You're embarrassing her in front of her boyfriend." She said while pinching him.

"It's okay Izzy. I know for sure that she snores." I said laughing.

We reached the room and as predicted, my little Nikki was fast asleep and snoring. I didn't mind at all. I loved her with her imperfections.

I walked over to her bed and sat beside her. She looked so peaceful in her sleep. I tucked the hair that was blocking her face behind her ear.

"Good luck with waking her up." Izzy said.

I smiled at her remark and tried to wake Nikki. She resisted at first but woke up after I kissed her on her forehead.

Izzy and Nate were having their own conversation. They were playfully arguing about something.

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