Chapter 16

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Today we were going to the local clinics. I hated clinics because there is always a lot of work to do and dealing with old people is just the worst.

I promised Nikki I was going to pick her up tomorrow, I didn’t like the idea of her taking a bus or driving long distances. She was coming back because it’s her mother’s birthday weekend.

I ordered a bunch of Lilly flowers and requested a card. I asked the florist receptionist to write ‘Happy Birthday’ and also indicate that they are from me. It was the least I could do.

I got a text from Heather. I instantly had a bad feeling, that girl is just bad news and things were perfect between Nikki and I.

Heather: Hey Will🙂

Me: Heahter.

Heather: Been stalking you.

Me: I noticed. You liked every picture and made a lot of comments.

Heather: Hope your girlfriends won’t get jealous. I’m just a friend.

Me: So what did you want to say?

Heather: I miss you Will. I have been beating myself up for what I did to you and that is because I still love you.

Me: We can’t be together. I have moved on Heather.

Heather: I know Will. We can still be friends though, right? I hate the idea of being out of your life. So I’m okay with just being friends.

Me: I have a lot of those but cool whatever.

Heather: Please don’t shut me out Will. I come in peace I promise.

Me: Cool.

Heather: Thank you.

Heather: Friend 🙃

I just didn’t really care, Heather betrayed me when she cheated on me with some guy in college and made me look like a fool but I moved on.

If she wanted to be friends then I didn’t mind. I knew that we didn’t have anything to talk about so this was the only way to get her off my back. Shaun still had a grudge against Heather but I am over her.

My phone rang. It was Lily.

“Hello Will.” She said enthusiastically.

“Hey Lily.” I said.

“Thank you for the flowers. I love them.” She said.

“You’re welcome it was the least I could do for you today.” I said.

“Come over on the weekend. We will have lunch. Nikki will be coming too.” She said.

“Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to intrude.” I said.

“Of course you should come. You’re family now and I think it’s time you and Nikki get to know each other.” She said.

“I will come Lily. I will be going back to campus tomorrow. I need to get a few of my stuff there.” I said.

“Perfect timing Will. Can you please give Nikki a ride back? I’ll drive her back to campus on Monday.” She said.

“Okay. Please inform her.” I said.

“Okay will do. Thank you.” She said.

“Anytime.” I said and hung up the call.

This lying game was just humorous sometimes. If only Lily knew that Nikki and I had already concluded on that matter but then again what she doesn’t know won’t kill her.

I’m just curious how Nikki and I will try to act unsuspiciously. I know my father is very controlling and smart. He will quickly pick up any awkward vibes.

I quickly texted Nikki to give her a heads up regarding her mother’s call and invitation. I just wanted to keep her in the loop so that we don’t get caught, well just not yet.

I’m having fun and I’m happy with how things are going on between us at the moment. Shaun has been on my case regarding discretion and also the fact that Lily was still going to mark our scripts.
As usual, when we were done at the clinic I went back home, freshened up and studied. I called Nikki and mom. Sometimes I wondered if I didn’t have to study, what would I be getting up to here at home.

Father is barely around, he has been very busy lately and I could see that he was really trying hard to balance his work life and relationship. Maintaining the relationship with Lily must be easier because they are both doctors so she understands the busy schedules, plus she is also an investor in the Medical Centre project.

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